3D interiors in Blender

@Jedman67: Not exactly, the set was built using parts of the Excelsior bridge from ST:VI for DS9's pilot. It was then kept on the DS9 filming stage and used through the early seasons as several different ships. Then for Generations they needed most of the Excelsior pieces back to build the Enterprise-B bridge, so the DS9 set was heavily modified to be left standing while removing said pieces, and eventually became the Defiant's mess hall set when the ship was incorporated into the show. I go through all this in more detail on the Ex Astris Scientia article I wrote about the USS Odyssey bridge.
ok cool! Good job reconstructing it.
Looking at the set, I'm pretty sure parts of it were used as the TNG Battle Bridge, although if it's the same set with modifications or kitbashed pieces of it I have no idea. :)
@137th Gebirg: Totally, that purple works great! It was my client's request and I love it.

@camerlengo biggles: Yeah, definitely not something I'd usually do, but here I thought it'd fit.

Thanks for the comments @Gibraltar, @batboy853 and @Santaman!

@Santaman: Yes, me too; they're a nice change of pace from the usual squeaky clean Starfleet interiors.

@Jedman67: Not really lol. The TNG battle bridge was a redress of the TMP bridge, with a brand new front end. By season 2 of TNG, all the TMP elements were replaced by brand new segments in order to return the TMP assets to the production of ST:V. And as stated before, the DS9 bridge-of-the-week set was built out of elements from the Enterprise-A bridge after filming ended on ST:VI, and no elements from the original TMP bridge were taken by the DS9 production. So while both TNG and DS9 used elements taken from the movies for their bridge-of-the-week, they share no elements with each other.

@DEWLine: It has no registry number, which is why the final images show no registry. As ever with these things, 99% of the time I don't decide the names and numbers, my clients do; it's their ships and stories after all.

Here's another commission that started a while back but ended up taking longer than expected: the bridge of the Galaxy-Class USS Endurance NCC-1914-A. My client wanted it to feature an extended viewscreen that goes into the ceiling, and after several different tests we ended up replacing the ceiling lights entirely with a gigantic viewport, while keeping the structural "ribs" to make it look a bit more interesting (and to provide some illumination). Other than the ceiling, there's an added star chart on the starboard wall next to the side consoles, and the dedication plaque was moved to the port side wall opposite this star chart.

Given the "fishbowl" effect this bridge has going, I've made three different sets of renders with different exteriors: a simple starfield, a blue nebula, and an orange star. You can see all three over on my portfolio (that way I don't post all 13 images here in one go). Here are just a few:





Those are gorgeous, as ever, Rekkert. I've always loved the "Galaxy-class" bridge with the extra side consoles like that.

Is a trick of the angle or lens you're using, or are there fewer stations on the rear wall than there were on the TNG set? (onbiously I can see you've divvied it up differently, but the run length looks shorter to me, too).

Is a trick of the angle or lens you're using, or are there fewer stations on the rear wall than there were on the TNG set? (onbiously I can see you've divvied it up differently, but the run length looks shorter to me, too).


I think it's the Sovereign-style back wall, with the MSD. You can see the floor lighting and there aren't any of the pull-out seats.

Looks fantastic! Really sells a Galaxy-class ship launched in the mid-2370s.
^Because of the different width of the stations, you can only fit four (plus those dividers) along the back wall vs. five of the TNG-style stations. Even if Rekkert took out the dividers, I don't think he could fit five of the Sovereign-style stations, though.
That's why you've got the side stations, presumably. It could be Science I and II to port, Mission Ops and Environmental starboard, and a giant engineering monitor at the rear.
Reminds me of the bridge that was in one of the Star trek museum tours. I think it's cool that the client wanted the stars rather than the overhead lighting. However I feel bad for the bridge crew when they travel near a sun!
Thanks for all the kind comments about the Endurance bridge! The ceiling was really a nice challenge to do (I had to add some thickness to the panels and make a bit of the exterior).

@danellis: the length at the back there is slightly shorter indeed because in order to fit the Sovereign style consoles in there I had to add two little columns (one at each side, highlighted here in red) so that there wouldn't be any empty space left given their different size. And as others pointed out, the number of consoles is different simply due to the size these have in comparison to the usual TNG aft consoles.

As if I didn't already had enough work with 7 commissions going on, a couple nights ago I had this idea for a bridge in the middle of the night and I couldn't keep it for later, so I went to work on it, and ended up staying up 36 hours because of it lol. After that frenzy (and a bit more work today) here's what I've got so far. It's essentially a larger bridge in same style as the Defiant's, with the usual "pit" most Starfleet bridges have at the center reverted into a raised area and connected to the doors, just like on the original "The Search" version of the Defiant bridge. I really liked this detail and I think it's a shame it was modified for the bridge's next appearance.

The chairs are super temporary, I have to redo them from scratch. I made this version 3 years ago for the Defiant bridge on Stage 9, which we never even got to finish anyway due to the C&D. They were the only element of the bridge of my doing, the rest was being worked on by MartianDays, who was our lead artist at the time.

As you can see most elements are here already, except for the Captain's area and the helm. I'll probably make a large, two person console for the helm, inspired on the Defiant's. Of course everything still super early and unfinished.

I'll probably make it the bridge of an Akira-Class ship; most likely the USS Thunderchild, as it's the only ship from the "First Contact fleet" of which I didn't design my own version of its bridge. I did do a commission of it, but as with all commissions the design was down to my client. Plus that was meant to be a refit of the Thunderchild 15 years after First Contact, so it isn't the movie's era version anyway.

