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2023/2024 comic releases

I've never understood why people assume interstellar beaming was something Scotty had to invent, when we saw that it already existed in the Trek universe in TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion," "Assignment: Earth," and "That Which Survives," TNG: "Bloodlines," and VGR: "Displaced," as well as being experimented with unsuccessfully as far back as the 22nd century in ENT: "Daedalus." (Also probably in "Arena," since Spock said the Metrons teleported Kirk "somewhere in a thousand cubic parsecs of space," which would be a sphere 20 light-years in radius. Also possibly "Allegiance," since the Enterprise-D traveled at warp 7 for about half an hour between the time the alien experimenters beamed Picard off the ship and the time they returned him.)
This is acknowledged in the comic. Scotty says he
"reverse engineered [it] from Iconian gateways -- a doodad used by a cad named Gary Seven -- and the long-range network of a bunch of zombie robots".
This is acknowledged in the comic. Scotty says he

The point is, Scotty didn't need to "reverse engineer" anything, because the technology for interstellar beaming was already known to the Federation well before the time of TNG: "Birthright." They already understood how to do it, but they didn't use it because it was too impractical and dangerous.

And again, it's misreading the text of ST '09 to think that it was interstellar beaming that Scotty theorized:

"What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct? That it is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that is travelling at warp speed?"
"Except... you're still talking about beaming aboard the Enterprise while she's traveling faster-than-light, without a proper receiving pattern... The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse."

It's not about distance, it's about the extreme difficulty of locking onto the moving target of an FTL ship and beaming onto it safely. (Although this is confused by Scott's earlier discussion about beaming between planets, and it's ignored by STID, which mistakenly uses the term "transwarp beaming" to refer to interstellar beaming from planet to planet.)

Also, the point of the conversation in ST '09 was that Kelvin Scott already had the theory in 2258, years before his Prime counterpart encountered Gary Seven or the Kalandans, let alone the Iconians. Although he didn't have the exact math to know how to put his theory into practice until Spock Prime gave it to him, so I guess it's possible that encountering advanced forms of teleportation gave him the insights he needed to complete the theory (although it's misunderstanding the difference between physicists and engineers to have a member of the latter category devise the theories rather than applying existing ones to practical uses).
Star Trek: Defiant #21

Cover A by: Angel Unzueta
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902111
Diamond Code: SEP241284

Cover B by: Angela Wu
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902121
Diamond Code: SEP241285

Cover C by: Declan Shalvey
UPC: $82771403137902131
Diamond Code: SEP241286

Written by Christopher Cantwell.

Spock and Sela are trapped in the belly of the Romulan warbird Taredrix and General Revo’s coup. The three of them are the only living souls who know of the impending Romulan supernova. With Revo offering Sela the choice between death or a seat at the head of the empire itself, Spock will learn the answer to the question of what drives the universe ever forward: sheer willpower or blood?Meanwhile, it’s up to Worf, B’Elanna, and Ro to save the pastoral planet Antara from the hostile Romulans seeking to take it as their own.

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.
That's nice, the end of issue #25 of the on going Star Trek they put some suggested reading/playing for the Undine and Fluidic space, mentioning Star Trek Online (including screenshots from it) 'The Needs of the Many' Tie in novel, and 'Places of Exile'

Issue 26
I enjoyed the montage of the different crew interacting.

That Kelvin Universe fleet has a couple ships that don't make sense, there's an Intrepid and a 32nd Century Friendship class. Also a fan design by Bill Krause.

The Salcombe from Beyond was there though, that's neat
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Star Trek #27

Cover A by: Ramon Rosanas
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403084602711
Diamond Code: OCT241179

Cover B by: Mike Feehan
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403084602721
Diamond Code: OCT241180

Cover C by: Jake Bartok
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403084602731
Diamond Code: OCT241181

Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing.

Lore’s destruction has consumed everything in the universe except the U.S.S. Theseus and the Celestial Temple. In one last maneuver, the crew uses every ounce of power left in their main systems to shoot their ship across the galaxy to the temple. While their ship flies, the crew has a Louisiana-style supper and heal wounds between them before they must say their final goodbyes, for Benjamin Sisko is of Bajor, and he must return home if Lore is to be stopped.

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.
Star Trek: Lower Decks #2

Cover B by: Philip Murphy
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403368700221
Diamond Code: OCT241186

Cover A by: Derek Charm
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403368700211
Diamond Code: OCT241185

Written by Ryan North.

Mariner, T’Lyn, Rutherford, and Tendi have beamed off the mysterious U.S.S. Bonaventure and onto an equally mysterious surface of an unknown world, significantly raising the statistical likelihood of death and injury! Finally, the crew is up to their necks in adventure. There’s the senior staff’s safety to confirm, a weird planet to escape, and an alien race that wishes to learn more about mentorship…through a battle royale! Enter Jadzia Dax, Montgomery Scott, Kathyrn Janeway, T’Pol, and Jean-Luc Picard as the mentors and the Lower Deckers as the mentees. May the best student live.

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.
Star Trek is finally back on the menu!

Star Trek: Defiant #22

Cover A by: Angel Unzueta
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902211
Diamond Code: OCT241182

Cover B by: Jorge Corona
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902221
Diamond Code: OCT241183

Cover C by: Takashi Okazaki
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902231
Diamond Code: OCT241184

B’Elanna Torres is in the captain’s chair of the Defiant, and she has a choice to make: return home and report for duty as the mother Miral needs or continue saving the universe with her crew. With her disavowed status from Starfleet command and all that she’s been through—from bounty hunting to parasite infestations—B’Elanna isn’t sure she’s strong enough for either task. Luckily, O’Brien proposes a detour adventure to dismantle minefields in the Alpha Quadrant, and B’Elanna jumps at the chance to forestall a final decision…for now.

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.
Star Trek is finally back on the menu!

Star Trek: Defiant #22

Cover A by: Angel Unzueta
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902211
Diamond Code: OCT241182

Cover B by: Jorge Corona
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902221
Diamond Code: OCT241183

Cover C by: Takashi Okazaki
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403137902231
Diamond Code: OCT241184

B’Elanna Torres is in the captain’s chair of the Defiant, and she has a choice to make: return home and report for duty as the mother Miral needs or continue saving the universe with her crew. With her disavowed status from Starfleet command and all that she’s been through—from bounty hunting to parasite infestations—B’Elanna isn’t sure she’s strong enough for either task. Luckily, O’Brien proposes a detour adventure to dismantle minefields in the Alpha Quadrant, and B’Elanna jumps at the chance to forestall a final decision…for now.

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.

Wow, Toq returns from TNG 6.17 "Birthright, Part II"! But K'Ehleyr's sister D'Yestra is new to the Trek brand.

But, are these writers butchering Trek by half-remembering episodes yet again? DS9 never said anything about Starfleet installing self-replicating mines in the Gamma Quadrant, only around the Alpha Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran Wormhole. And not around the Karemma system, no less!

Interestingly, that "classified Section 31 frigate" Marabou is a somewhat different design from the flagship from the DIS season 2 finale (dubbed by Eaglemoss as the Nimrod class, with Star Trek Online classifying it as a command heavy battlecruiser). I am quite surprised they did not just copy a DIS design and call it a day.

And did the artist draw a Galor(?) flying backwards to approach the Defiant?
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Wow, Toq returns from TNG 6.17 "Birthright, Part II"! But K'Ehleyr's sister D'Yestra is new to the Trek brand.

But, are these writers butchering Trek by half-remembering episodes yet again? DS9 never said anything about Starfleet installing self-replicating mines in the Gamma Quadrant, only around the Alpha Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran Wormhole. And not around the Karemma system, no less!

This isn't really a spoiler thread, and your first couple paragraphs seemed spoiler-y, and not covered in the marketing blurbs, so I have spoiler-coded them.
I dare say this is the first IDW floppy comic in years that only has a single cover.

Star Trek: Lower Decks #3

Cover A by: Jack Lawrence
MSRP: $4.99 USD
UPC: $82771403368700311
Diamond Code: NOV241112

Written by Ryan North.

The crew of the USS Cerritos have just received their personality guidance reports from the counselors of the planet Clarew, and Rutherford feels guilty he’s not engineering at a higher capacity with his implants. He should be operating above 134 percent nominal at least. The Cerritos’ next mission is a supply run to Tavela Minor, but they first need to stop by the Alecto system to get some supplies to, uh, supply them with. However, just before they warp, they see the Alecto system isn’t only missing; it doesn’t exist. Like at all. Now they have a space mystery at hand: What could cause a whole star system to disappear?

Images are hosted on www.startrekbookclub.com a site I operate myself and hotlinking is permitted.
The latest issue of Lower Decks has the Cerritos crew dealing with
endangering the universe, which is an actual theory in quantum physics that I never expected to see in a soft sci-fi setting like Star Trek, let alone a Lower Decks comic.
The latest issue of Lower Decks has the Cerritos crew dealing with
endangering the universe, which is an actual theory in quantum physics that I never expected to see in a soft sci-fi setting like Star Trek, let alone a Lower Decks comic.

But not at all surprising in a Ryan North comic.

And Trek hasn't always been soft SF. TNG was doing stories about wormholes and nanotechnology before anyone else in mass media, just a few years after those concepts started to get serious exploration in scientific circles. (Well, there had been depictions of "space warps" and "portals" before, but not under the name "wormhole." The closest you'd get was a black hole that came out somewhere on the other end.) The portrayal of a periodic nova in "Evolution" was so solid you could use it in a physics class.

The current run of shows have gotten somewhat better with science since Dr. Erin Macdonald became the technical advisor -- though, like Roddenberry, the creators still don't hesitate to take major liberties with the science when it's convenient to the story.
Oh, I didn't realize we were talking about these here, I posted about it over in the 2025 thread.
The latest issue of Lower Decks has the Cerritos crew dealing with
endangering the universe, which is an actual theory in quantum physics that I never expected to see in a soft sci-fi setting like Star Trek, let alone a Lower Decks comic.
I have to admit, I found the explanation for what that is rather confusing.
I love his little extra jokes at the bottom of each page. I'd seen that looking at some of Ryan North's other comics, but I didn't expect him to continue it in his Star Trek stuff.
The latest issue of Lower Decks has the Cerritos crew dealing with
endangering the universe, which is an actual theory in quantum physics that I never expected to see in a soft sci-fi setting like Star Trek, let alone a Lower Decks comic.
Ryan North reblogged someone clipping the expository scene from the comic on his Tumblr.

I'd say there's a fifty-fifty chance of me doing a version of the Starfleet Corps of Rhetoric Engineers insignia suitable for avatars and other such uses by the writers in the forum (and anyone else who wants it).
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