2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

I'm not sure which I find more pathetic - Robben's quite blatant dive, or his claim afterward that he dived during the match, except for that one time. Whatever. :rolleyes:

The Suarez "apology" strikes me as window dressing to ensure a potential move to Spain isn't derailed, but perhaps that's just my inner cynic speaking up.

Too bad for Nigeria and Algeria, who did particularly well against their respective heavyweight opponents but lacked that bit of class that would have given them the edge. Germany's comedy free kick was fun, though. :lol:
About time Suarez

Admits it

Rumour has it that coming clean was a condition of signing for Barcelona...Could be BS, guess we'll see.

Saw the Holland/Mexico game, have to give the Dutch props for coming back from a goal down in that heat. I think it was a penalty, but Robben did almost fuck it up by over egging his fall!That's the trouble with being known as a diver, cry wolf and all that. His work rate in that heat was phenomenal however.

Saw the penalty shootout Sunday night, glad to see Costa Rica through, though I have a soft spot for the Greeks too.

Other than that saw the second half of France Nigeria, I still think France look good, and France V Germany could be a good game.
I'm not sure which I find more pathetic - Robben's quite blatant dive, or his claim afterward that he dived during the match, except for that one time. Whatever. :rolleyes:

The Suarez "apology" strikes me as window dressing to ensure a potential move to Spain isn't derailed, but perhaps that's just my inner cynic speaking up.

Too bad for Nigeria and Algeria, who did particularly well against their respective heavyweight opponents but lacked that bit of class that would have given them the edge. Germany's comedy free kick was fun, though. :lol:

The Germany freekick reminded of this - but the Germans really messed it up...

FIFA statement: "His latest behaviour has brought more shame on the World Cup and football in general. But enough about Sepp Blatter".
Too bad the final eight won't be:

Costa Rica

No former World Cup winners in the final would've been more exciting...
altough there have been plenty of suprises this year already...
I'm conflicted about switzerland vs argentina. On the one hand switzerland is shit, on the other hand i want european teams to do well against opponents i don't like and messi is overrated. Difficult who to root for.
Well Argentina is shit too in my opinion.

I will wait for the end of the match and tell that I was expecting this result :lol:
True, but watching football is always more interesting when you want one team to win than if you don't care imo. ;-)
I've made up my mind now: go argentina.

while i can appreciate a good defensive effort, that's pretty pathetic by switzerland. I'm not sure they've even got the ball on argentina's side yet in the second half. Fuck them.

Yes, the Dutch will most likely be on the Belgium side, our Southern cousins...
Switzerland all the way. As someone who did most of her growing up in Brazil, I cannot root for Argentina. ;)

Seriously though, at this point, neither of them deserves to win more than the other. This is soooooo boring!