10 comic books that should be TV series

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Temis the Vorta, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. Buck Rogers

    Buck Rogers Captain Captain

    Jun 20, 2005
    How about THOR as a Live action TV series that could work,but not the way they did for Incredible Hulk Returns.
    Also a good Live action IRON MAN TV series could work IMO,but not an origin story jut continuing the way Marvel is portraying him in the movies with some of the movie cast included along with new characters being added like what WH13 is doing currently.
    AVENGERS Live action series to continue events after the movie.

    Those are my picks for live action series.


    Buck Rogers
  2. Nick Ryder

    Nick Ryder Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 14, 2008
    Milwaukee, WI Da Brew City
    I don't think Iron Man can work without RDJ honestly. He IS Tony Stark. And I think his schedule is way too busy to take on a TV show.

    Now a War Machine series MIGHT work out. Especially if the two of them have a falling out after IM2 - which COULD happen given that Rhodey seems to be dealing with Hammer.

    Although I wouldn't mind seeing a WELL DONE adult Tony Iron Man animated series, like that Anime project showcased at SDCC. And if they can get RDJ to voice it, AWESOME-SAUCE-UM.

    But I would really really really like to see a well done Byrne-esque She-Hulk movie or TV show. I always laugh when i read my old back issues. And if they can cast a fun, vibrant, vivacious woman who can not only physically pull off the role, but also inhabit the character, you could have gold. And really... find a wrestler with some additude.
  3. Deckard

    Deckard Captain Captain

    Aug 9, 2005
    Maybe it's just a matter of personal opinion, but Constantine just strikes me as a very real character, very grounded in his universe. I suppose well-developed may be a bit too strong a phrase (particularly for a character who has an ongoing series that does not have a finite ending planned). I'd say he's no less well-developed any other character who has an ongoing title

    To be honest with you a lot of my post is actually just based on Jamie Delano's run on the comic (specifically the Original Sins and Devil You Know TPBs). Quite a lot happens to the character in those two graphic novels to shape his psyche and outlook.

    The reason I think he would be a great character for a tv series is that there is a great deal of potential for the growth of the character and there are so many stories that could be told with him. There are countless demons for him to defeat either by magic or simply by conning them, friendships to be formed (a recurring theme is that many people close to Constantine end up dying because of their association with him, which is something that would take its toll on most people), the cancer storyline could be incorporated (though it was already covered in the movie), the Newcastle backstory would help give depth to the character (as would his time spent in a psychiatric ward and a punk rock band)

    Maybe you're right, maybe he is just a one note character, but I can see dozens of possibilities for cool stories or episodes for a character who is fashioned out of some very interesting raw materials.

    I guess I just enjoy the stories and the character's mindset and sense of (gallows) humour at most of his situations

    I haven't read the Denise Mina run yet (I haven't got that far) but I would recommend giving Delano's first TPB ("Original Sins") a read if you ever get the chance. Delano was the series' first writer and did quite a good job of getting the ball rolling on the Hellblazer universe.
  4. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Other comics which could work as TV series:

    Young Liars
    The Plain Janes
    Wet Moon
    American Virgin
  5. Ptrope

    Ptrope Agitator Admiral

    Aug 10, 2001
    I'd like to see a couple of Howard Chaykin's series on TV, although they'd need some sanitizing:

    American Flagg - this show is a satire of television and both its effect on the public and its insidious commercialization of everything it touches, including the government. Rueben Flagg, tromplography, pirate television studios and Brazilian gangsters - what's not to like?

    City of Tomorrow - when an experimental Utopia based on android labor gets a virus that turns the androids from happy, smiling workers into the seediest reflection of humanity, it's up to the son of their creator to become the law - sometimes at gunpoint - while also dealing with the fact that his girlfriend is also one of the androids.
  6. Shazam!

    Shazam! Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 22, 2006
    A Daredevil TV show is an absolute no brainer. Karen Page, Ben Urich, Wilson Fisk, Foggy Nelson, Bullseye, Elektra.... it's full of completely rad characters and story ideas. Throw in the occasional guest character like The Punisher, Black Widow, Ghost Rider etc and you have an absolute hit that only idiots (and FOX) could mess up.
  7. CaptainCanada

    CaptainCanada Admiral Admiral

    Mar 4, 2004
    Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
    Neither of those could be done very well with current special effects budgets on TV, I don't think.
  8. stj

    stj Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2006
    the real world
    Perhaps that would give me a different perspective on Constantine. Alas, only the Mina version is available as of now. But I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the tip.
  9. Ben Sisko3

    Ben Sisko3 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 20, 2001
    In no order, each with three key cast members attached...

    1.) Y: The Last Man (HBO), with Jared Padalecki as Yorick Brown, Rutina Wesley as Agent 355 and Claudia Black as Alter Tse'elon.

    2.) Ex Machina (HBO), with Tim DeKay as Mitchell Hundred, John Carroll Lynch as Rick Bradbury and James Cromwell as Kremlin.

    3.) Fables (HBO), with Ian McKellen as Gepetto, Will Arnett as Jack Horner and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Bigby Wolf.

    4.) The Walking Dead (actually happening on AMC), with Ben Browder as Rick Grimes, Robert Knepper as The Governor and Kim Dickens as Lori Grimes.

    5.) Bone (Cartoon Network), with Judi Dench as Rose Harvestar, Kris Kristofferson as Lucius Down and Linda Hunt as Briar Harvestar.

    6.) Transmetropolitan (HBO), with Denis Leary as Spider Jerusalem, Nathan Fillion as Fred Christ and Clea DuVall as Yelena Rossini.

    7.) The Sandman (HBO), with Chris Egan as Dream, Jena Malone as Death and Lee Tergesen as Lucifer.

    8.) Planetary (FX), with Mark Sheppard as Eljiah Snow, Salli Richardson-Whitfield as Jakita Wagner and Seth Green as The Drummer.

    9.) Mice Templar (Cartoon Network), with Kevin Conroy as Cassius, Jamie Bamber as Karic and Ian McShane as Pilot.

    10.) Powers (may be happening on FX), with Katee Sackhoff as Deena Pilgrim, Patrick Wilson as Christian Walker and Skeet Ulrich as Kutter.
  10. Ryan

    Ryan Commodore Commodore

    Sep 4, 2001
    Lincoln, NE
    Egad. We're talking about Robert Kirkman here? The guy puts more melodrama than zombies in his comic.
  11. Mistral

    Mistral Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 5, 2007
    Between the candle and the flame
    I'd like to see:

    Martha Washington



    I'd love to see any Kirby 4th World comic made into a tv show/ movie.