Cartoons from the 80s

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Gingerbread Demon, May 14, 2024.

  1. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms

    I found that whole series on DVD as a set, haven't yet watched any of it and not sure what the picture quality is like. The set was put out by Shout Factory.

    I always thought the misfits were kinda hot the show started here just as I had got out of high school in late 1985.

    BTW what about the show Rupert The Bear? He even had a flying car.
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
  2. Char Kais

    Char Kais Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 4, 2020
    The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers

    Galaxy Rangers (intro) 1986

    GALAXY RANGERS - No Guts No Glory

    Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs

    Captain Future

    (released in Germany in 1980, so it counts)

    Once upon a time... Space - Opening Theme
    Skipper likes this.
  3. Char Kais

    Char Kais Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 4, 2020
    The New Adventures of Flash Gordon

    Defenders of the Earth (Flash Gordon / Mandrake the Magician / The Phantom)

    Starcom: The U.S. Space Force
    C.E. Evans and Skipper like this.
  4. Savage Dragon

    Savage Dragon Not really all that savage Moderator

    Apr 27, 2001
    Ottawa, ON
    Man, I barely recognize any of these. Granted we only got a few channels growing up.

    SithHappens, BK613 and Praetor like this.
  5. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    I'm so glad someone else remembers The Galaxy Rangers. It's the one cartoon I had thought might make a good live movie
    Char Kais likes this.
  6. TREK_GOD_1

    TREK_GOD_1 Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2006
    Escaped from Delta Vega
    Please do not give the studios that idea. I cannot imagine it would turn out as good as the TV series.

    Okay adaptation/translation, but nothing beats the original Space Battleship Yamato from the 70s.

    Flash Gordon--one of the best American animated TV series of the 20th century. I would have loved to see additional seasons of that great series.

    The syndicated Spider-Man (1981) was a far superior series than Amazing Friends. One, there was a healthy amount of guest heroes and villains, but Spider-Man operated alone most of the time (as one would expect with the character), and with the use of Doctor Doom, and frequent use of the Daily Bugle staff made this series feel like a lighter adaptation of the daily comic strip running at the time, and a bit like The Amazing Spider-Man TV series (CBS, 1977-79).

    That said, Macross (or that season under the Robotech umbrella title) was a masterclass in serialized sci-fi drama, always re-watchable.
  7. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    One never knows how it might turn out.
  8. Jedi Marso

    Jedi Marso Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 15, 2001
    It's almost impossible to imagine Thundarr as live action. The dialogue and violence was so OTT and cartoonish that it just wouldn't translate well. It was for young kids, through and through.

    Now, a gamma-world style movie could be really good, if done properly by people who understand the genre.
  9. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    I loved this show at one point. But when I look up the episode writeups on wikipedia, nothing from season 2 or season 3 rings a bell at all. I can remember specifics from some season 1 episodes, mostly the Hall of Bones one.
    I was also a huge fan of Thundarr.
  10. B.J.

    B.J. Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 14, 2004
    Huntsville, AL
    Turtletrekker and Skipper like this.
  11. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    The scene where the ship comes up out of the ground was one of the most awesome things back in the day. The live action version wasn't as good but they tried. The equivalent scene in Star Wars IX was a complete waste of time.
  12. DarrenTR1970

    DarrenTR1970 Commodore Commodore

    Aug 1, 2015
    Bothell, WA
    Given the subject matter of the series, it was a very "adult" cartoon to be shown in the United States in syndication in the late 70s/early 80s. For many of us who grew up in that era, seeing an ongoing storyline where characters matured and even died throughout the course of the three series was very different from your typical Looney Tunes/Hanna Barbara. Even the Japanese have acknowledged that some of the edits made to accomodate the US market actually improved the story and incorporated them into the remake 2199/2202.
    Noname Given likes this.
  13. Skipper

    Skipper Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 28, 2016
    Fun fact: in the 70s and 80s Italy was the biggest western importer of anime, so I spent my teen years watching almost exclusively Japanese cartoons. American's ones seemed to me very childish and tame in comparison. Usually in anime the writing was more mature and they actually acknowledged that if you shoot at someone, they usually die. Even as a kid I thought that G.I. Joe was incredibly stupid. Two armies shooting each other and no one gets hurt.

    Yes, the final goal of American cartoons and anime was selling toys, but at least the latter tried to tell interesting stories
  14. Owain Taggart

    Owain Taggart Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 30, 2009
    Northern Ontario, Canada
    While not a cartoon, Captain Power was an interesting example of this. Although it could easily be said they were created in synergy; You needed the show for the toys to work and give the toys a sense of purpose, and you needed the toys for the concept of the show to work. So, very much a model created to sell toys.
  15. Mage

    Mage Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 17, 2007
    So many great memories in this topic.
    Some of my absolute favorites from the 80's.....

    It's very difficult to find the English intro with animation on YouTube, but Bionic Six was also one a really loved as a kid!!
    The Nth Doctor likes this.
  16. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    Also liked The Bionic Six for its theme tune
  17. C.E. Evans

    C.E. Evans Admiral Admiral

    Nov 22, 2001
    Ferguson, Missouri, USA
    Same here. Loved Bionic Six. That's one series I wish I had on home video. Yeah, there really aren't very good videos of it on YouTube.

    Another of my favs:

    As a kid in Saint Louis, I felt a kind of kinship with Voltron as I knew the U.S. company behind it (World Events Productions) was based there.

    A more obscure one:
    Spiral Zone

    A post-apocalyptic series about a devastating global pandemic that turned people zombie-like. It was kind of dark for a kid's cartoon if one thought too deeply into it.

    Battle of the Planets

    This was required watching every afternoon when I was in elementary school.


    This truly introduced me into the larger world of anime.
    The Nth Doctor and Mage like this.
  18. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    The introduction to Voltron voiced by Optimus Prime himself Peter Cullen, and that guy got shittons of voice acting work and voice over credits to his name.

    You might like these, a little behind the scenes history and they have done other shows as well.

    Speaking of old shows who remembers "That's incredible" and "Ripley's believe it or not?"
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    The Nth Doctor likes this.
  19. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    This is one show that it will never be released on home media

    It would just way to hard to get all the necessary rights because the whole show is filled with clips from other movies and thing like that.
  20. Mage

    Mage Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 17, 2007
    Oh man, yeah. The OG Voltron cartoon is the best!
    The Nth Doctor and C.E. Evans like this.