The Animals That Aren't Dogs or Cats Thread

Looks like a marmoset or tamarin- the hair is off enough that it's hard to tell between either types of monkeys.

I'd love to do an alternate history where one of the new world monkeys gave rise to ape-like creatures and eventually hominid-like creatures long before Humanity evolved.
This has to be one of the biggest hooves I have ever seen.
I can't post it here since it was on her story, but Talia posted a video of one of the volunteers putting him back in his pen, and Frederick is just unbelievably huge.
If I'm doing the math right, then 20hh would make him about 6'6'' at the withers (which for anyone not familiar with horses, is basically their shoulder).
A weaver bird building its nest.
I have been wanting to start an aquarium for a long time but always put it off. I have not had one in decades. I have started a small 10 gallon aquarium with an old-fashioned undergravel filter as that is what I am familiar with. I added some plants last week, then started cycling to get the bacteria healthy. Added a few gold White Cloud Mountain minnows. The man at the fish shop said not to add more yet until the bio cycle gets established, so with luck the rest of the school of minnows next week. Right now i am more worried about the plants as I have never tried that before.

Long term I intend to add celestial pearl danios and some sort of shrimp for the bottom.
I have been wanting to start an aquarium for a long time but always put it off. I have not had one in decades. I have started a small 10 gallon aquarium with an old-fashioned undergravel filter as that is what I am familiar with. I added some plants last week, then started cycling to get the bacteria healthy. Added a few gold White Cloud Mountain minnows. The man at the fish shop said not to add more yet until the bio cycle gets established, so with luck the rest of the school of minnows next week. Right now i am more worried about the plants as I have never tried that before.

Long term I intend to add celestial pearl danios and some sort of shrimp for the bottom.

Every time I added plants to my aquaria, I also got several snails too. I guess there were eggs or teeny tiny snails on the leaves.
I have been wanting to start an aquarium for a long time but always put it off. I have not had one in decades. I have started a small 10 gallon aquarium with an old-fashioned undergravel filter as that is what I am familiar with. I added some plants last week, then started cycling to get the bacteria healthy. Added a few gold White Cloud Mountain minnows. The man at the fish shop said not to add more yet until the bio cycle gets established, so with luck the rest of the school of minnows next week. Right now i am more worried about the plants as I have never tried that before.

Long term I intend to add celestial pearl danios and some sort of shrimp for the bottom.
Sounds pretty cool. My only experience with fish was Beta we took home at the end of one of my college semester. It was originally one of my roomate's, but at the end of the semester he decided he didn't want it anymore and was going to put it together with somebody else in the dorm's, so they could watch them fight and kill each other. As you can imagine, I put a quick stop to that and it ended up coming home with my mom and I. We didn't have it for very long, and I honestly can't remember if it died or if we gave to somebody else.
In an earlier post I mentioned some of the pets my family had over the year, and I realized later that I forgot some. Over my life we've had tons of dogs, a few cats, a couple birds, the fish, ferrets, rats, and I can't remember if it was ours or we were taking care of it for someone, but we had a monitor lizard for a short time when I was a kid. My late father was a veternarian, so as you animals have always been a big part of my life. We also took care of a lion cub with ring worm for a few days when I was a kid.
Billie at Arthur's Acres is giving Todd's work on their new pond a thourough inspection

This girl is Xena at Bluemont Equine Sanctuary.

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