Favorite One Liners of the Franchise...

Adding my favorite Garak line after the Klingons beat him up.
"But I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos."
"I'm serious, Doctor. Thanks to your ministrations, I am almost completely healed. But the damage I did to them will last a lifetime."

Also Chakotay after finding out Seska was a Cardassian spy:
"You were working for her, Seska was working for them.. was anyone on that ship working for me?" Always makes me smile.
One of the doctor's finest moments, when he stood up for a character all others had abandoned:

"I'm sorry, Captain, but I cannot perform the surgical separation. I am a physician, and a physician must do no harm. I will not take Mr. Tuvix's life without his consent."
Agreed about The Doctor. It was very telling that HE was the only one of the entire crew who did so. And I wonder if it has anything to do with his position as CMO. He's the only person who can actually give her an order, at least in medical situations.

It's also interesting to note that it's the only time someone on the crew, before Seven comes on anyway, that openly disagrees with her and acts on that disagreement. Or in this case, does not act since he did not perform the procedure.

(I don't count the events of "PRIME FACTORS", as they did those actions behind her back.)
Speaking of The Doctor he also shares another one of my favorite one liners(and the EMH mk II as well)
"They must think Romulans are on board!" - The EMH mk II
"THEY'RE RIGHT!" - The Doctor [Message in a bottle]
Agreed about The Doctor. It was very telling that HE was the only one of the entire crew who did so. And I wonder if it has anything to do with his position as CMO. He's the only person who can actually give her an order, at least in medical situations.

It's also interesting to note that it's the only time someone on the crew, before Seven comes on anyway, that openly disagrees with her and acts on that disagreement. Or in this case, does not act since he did not perform the procedure.

(I don't count the events of "PRIME FACTORS", as they did those actions behind her back.)

Well, Chakotay did oppose her in Equinox, when she went off the rails. But in general, he was good about keeping his disagreements with her private, as a good exec should.

It sometimes seemed like Janeway had a cult of personality going... only the doc dared oppose her because his ethical subroutines made it impossible for him to harm a patient.
Always liked the line from McCoy in The Motion Picture, after he hears V' ger wants to "touch the Creator".

McCOY: To capture God! V'Ger's going to be in for one hell of a disappointment.
A much maligned episode ends with three good ones... something like this:
RIKER: "Of course I know who I am. I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise."
PICARD: "I'm delighted that you're feeling better, Captain." (indicates Data) "The admiral and I were worried."
DATA: "Sir... I do not believe you have the authority to promote me to admiral."
"If I jumped every time a light came on around here, I'd end up talking to myself." - McCoy talking to himself, The Corbomite Maneuver.
My favorite one-liner has to be shown in context:
From TOS S1 - "The Squire of Gothos":

SPOCK: My father is from the planet Vulcan.

TRELANE: And are its natives predatory?

SPOCK: Not generally. But there have been exceptions.<-- :rommie: