Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 2x07 - "Light and Shadows"

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I think we’re seeing part of mount Selaya in this episode

There is also a glowing pyramid shaped object that reminds me of the Kir’Shara
40 fricking minutes? WTF?

Lot of information dumped in this episode. Borderline Voyager levels of technobabble but a few lingering questions. Only 7/10 from me
Okay, 30 seconds in and I'm immediately confused. They now know for a fact that the Red Angel is from the future and that it's suit is "future technology?" How, uh, how would they know this? What differentiates it from an alien race with technology they've never seen before?

Not to mention that definitive knowledge of the Angel's nature kind of torpedoes the whole science vs. faith angle that was being built up.

I feel like the writers kinda skipped a few steps in unraveling the mystery here.
This episode could have taken 20 extra minutes to slow down and smell the roses. It felt like things were happening at a break-neck pace and there was no time for contemplation. I gave this episode a 6, but it's a high 6 mainly because of the Talos IV reveal. Spock has always had some kind of connection with that planet and I do find going back there to be intriguing.

By the way, for all those who say Airiem should not get development and that she/it is just a "side" character, I will be kind of upset if we don't have a follow up to what just happened to her/it. Did something from the probe transfer into her/it's consciousness/programming?
I give this episode a solid 8. Lots of set up for future episodes but this episode also brought up some interesting questions: who modified the probe 500 years in the future, who is possessing Airiam, Talos IV
