Spoilers ENT: Rise of the Federation: Patterns of Interference by C.L. Bennett Review Thread

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by Defcon, Aug 23, 2017.


Rate Patterns of Interference

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  1. LutherSloan

    LutherSloan Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Aug 18, 2008
    Doing the Federation's dirty work
    Late to the party here. I finished this book in the past week, and I thought it was a step back from some of the more interesting stuff in the last book of the series, where we had the Ware and some more uniquely alien civilizations. I guess I'm just tired of this long-running Sauria plot that has been very, very slowly progressing for this entire series now. I also felt as though the over-arching concept of the book, that being the formation of the Federation's non-interference policy/Prime Directive took a major backseat to the other couple of stories going on.

    The major issue I have had with this series has been the use of the Orions as the main antagonists. I just don't find them interesting at all. In my view they have overstayed their welcome, and I liked in the last couple of books when they were not as involved and the Klingons/others were the main threat.

    I also agree with others that the Section 31 plotline has no real mystery to it, mainly because of the book 'Control' that came out recently and shed more light on the formation of S31 and what it actually was. However, I did like Tucker's guilt over his previous actions and how they have come back to haunt him, as well as his struggle with who he has had to become in order to protect the greater good. Honestly the Tucker stuff has been the best thing about all of the Enterprise 'relaunch' stuff post-series.
    Willow likes this.
  2. Little_kingsfan

    Little_kingsfan Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 25, 2015
    Sacramento, CA
    Hey, @Christopher, I have a quick question: when reading through this book, you mentioned a new member of the Starfleet Joint Chiefs of Staff: the Rigelian officer. Do you have any information about him/her, or is that something you're saving for the next book? Also, that brings the total Chiefs to six (Earth, Andor, Tellar, Vulcan, Alpha Centauri, and Rigel), correct, or am I missing anybody?
  3. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    I don't have any plans or details in mind for the Rigelian officer; it just seemed like there should be one, and I wanted to mention that, so I made up a name.

    I think Mars has a joint chief too, but I'm not sure.
    Markonian likes this.
  4. Markonian

    Markonian Fleet Admiral Moderator

    Jun 2, 2012
    Derbyshire, UK
    It’s really cool that Mars gets some say in the series, as is a real-world planet and often a big counter-Earth player in other Sci-Fi.
  5. thribs

    thribs Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 23, 2017
    It was alright. I didn’t realise the term cis male was a real thing. I just thought it was something South Park made up. Hopefully he wasn’t beaten up by hillbillies as well. :)
    I also don’t ever see a Kirk weeping like that. They’re supposed to be real men.
  6. sekundant

    sekundant Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 27, 2018
    Well, I hope it is not wrong to write under this thread, since the last entry is not older than one year. If so, I will be glad, if someone correct me.

    I read the book today, since I want to keep it for the hard times like a solace chocolate. :biggrin:
    I think, it is not my favorite of the RoTF series, but it is a solid, good sci-fi with the allegory of today's society and politics and tells stories about challenging with own character and identity. That's exactly my expectations when I watch/read Star Trek series/films/books. I am very thankful to Mr. Bennett for giving a great chance to my beloved ENT figures. His love to detail and very freshening and direct art of writing are never disappointed me to read his books.

    I like many things at PoI e.g. Hoshi's self-criticism, Shran & Archer friendship against all circumstances and all cultural differences, different facets of Non-Interference Directive discussion especially Kivei Tizahr's and Shran's inputs, Trip and Ruiz's short conservation about losing someone (as someone who was witness of a civil war that touched me deeply) and, and, and..

    I did not aspect from Star Trek or any other entertaining show deeply sophisticated, scientific discussions. However, books can (but not have to) offer other possibilities, it depends on author and aimed readership. Nevertheless, my occupational disease does not leave me in silence, so I have to write this entry about a issue, that bothers me. Maybe it will a little bit long, but I have to begin somewhere:

    I am not TnT shiper, but I love the idea of their relationship. For me it symbolized the crashing/connecting the logic and emotions ( yin-yang or materialist dialectic law of the unity and conflict of opposites, whatever you want to name it). Frankly, I did not like the development of three main characters (the others are more or less lost) at the Mangels & Martin books, yet I read them because of Romulan Wars. I have written at the thread "Prelude to the Romulan War":

    "...Trip was alive, but unrecognizable, they did not know what to do with him. That quick-witted, cozy, great at engineering room, great at bridge, never-give-up-never-surrender guy is gone, come back as spineless, wooden, dump toy of some dubious figures. T'Pol was not this strong female anymore, a weakling who is always love sick and whiny and acts with below average intelligent. A stereotype hysterical "woman" from middle Ages so to say .. "

    At the Bennett books, I can recognize all the main characters with their complexity again, with one exception: TnT relationship. I see no reason that they have one. Honestly, they do not have any.

    Of course, Trip's experience with Section 31 and Romulan War changed his character dramatically. It is reasonable and comprehensibly, but why should someone like him love T'Pol? Obviously, he does not care about her or her feelings. He never tried to give her any comfort about his whereabouts, even if he lives or he never seek the opportunity to see her again. At the end of PoI, he let her at agony even he knows how this hurts her. "How could he be worthy of her now?" Ohh come on, we know what this means at the adult vocabulary. And he says to Devna "well.. who else do we have?" Wenn we talk about Devna, he showed more trust and openness to her than T'Pol and made more compliments for her then (to together nine books) for T'Pol. Ohh, he has the idea work with her without knowing if the non existing Bond protect him from her pheromones, also T'Pol has no problem with it. :rolleyes:

    Why should T'Pol love someone like him? They lost their bonds and T'Pol does not know the real reason for this, she has assumptions, they are talking about very shortly and none of them insists to find a solution or a way live with it. (Instead of this, as always she disrobes herself to end the conversation like every dutiful female does) .It does not fit their characters, so for me they do not "want" it. Maybe she is tired off his lack of interest. Even she thinks to get him contact not at the moment as they kidnapped with Archer and no one knows their whereabouts, but first as she get tortured (!). I am not sure, what we would do, if they got contact each other? His "holly mission" was always important than her and her wishes, sure she does not want to disturb him for such trivialities. Only once she had rebelled to his attitude and what did Trip? Gone..And did nothing to forgiveness, even did not think if did something wrong. His needs and feelings come always at first row and he was ready to give her up. Ohh, what a great dream man! :adore: (Maybe his behaviors are acceptable, if we do not forget his heavily trauma, but is he the only one who has trauma?). Opposite to Trip, T'Pol thought often him, to help him brought her own life and career in danger more than once, what he never ever did at the novels for her. Ahh as we know, T'Pol's career will be crowned (as her role model, not more) with being Ambassador and being mother of two children whose father cannot be named, a brilliant fate, so to say. :bolian:

    Apropos career, after all the years, she is still captain and "she talks with plants" during Malcolm who served under her, will be promoted. Not a very big issue, even "damned" Travis made also career during Hoshi still bravely translates and unfortunately sometimes tortured. Now, luckily she can devote her life to her love. Only woman who makes rapidly career is a member of Paris clan, Caroline Paris, who was sexual victim of clueless Deltans and get the possibility to show Malcolm what she learned from them. I can only remember her abilities as leader while she risked the USS Essex and her crew, since she let herself guide from emotions and crashed the ship to surface (like Troi did twice, hihi, funny isn't it?). Valeria Williams, daughter of Captain Williams at the end reached what she always wished, she has Sam Kirk who is finally accepted from her father. She has to fight for him very aggressively, regrets her failure and be patient, while he was grumbling, keeping distance and... doing nothing for her. Not to forget, Danica Erickson, after nursing her father year for year, get the easy care Archer as compensation and can act as beautiful frame of his very important life, gives him comfort what a lucky girl, I would say. And villainy villain Three Sisters relaxing at for their male slaves deadly ending orgies... .. .. Can you recognize the red thread? :vulcan:

    I think now I am there, where I want to be. I know we will end at the Turnabout Intruder and maybe Bennett trying to make us ready for this. Just.. I do not understand, through the hype of trans personality (or more than that many LGBTI individuals at the novels) and sjw reproaches. To me existing of such person with completion of all these "females" more appearance as substance. We do not even "one" female person who is not devoted any man, sees herself as equals and requests sincerity, care, love, responsibility, respect etc. which are certainly vital for a healthy relationship.

    No one needs my advice, sure, but I want to tell something: As a human being, female or male, it is not wrong to show your love and desire, to care him/her, to give your partner the feeling that she/he is unique and the only one, but if you are the only one who acts like this at your relationship, you will lost your self respect, you will harm yourself, you will shed your personality and freedom. Whoever you are, do not do it.

    I have to admit, I read only ca. 25 novels from huge Trek literature and Mr. Bennett is my favorite Star Trek author with all his writing skills. Although, I loved all Trek beauties and accept the fact that Trek has always some misogynist moments and figures, reading PoI leave me with a bitter aftertaste. I do not mean, if the author tells a story of a mass murder, he preaches for killing people. It is not about politic correctness or diversity. My problem is all women protagonist have same archaic prototype which cannot be a coincidence and I am not agree with authors views about women (consequently about men) especially at PoI :shrug:

  7. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry you've gotten that impression of my female characters; it's certainly not how I intend to portray them or how I believe I have been portraying them, but it's always possible I'm falling short of my goals in some ways and should always strive to do better. However, I certainly don't see any of my female leads as subordinate to the men they're in relationships with, and I don't think it diminishes or demeans a character of any gender to have an active, emotionally healthy sex life.
  8. tomswift2002

    tomswift2002 Commodore Commodore

    Dec 19, 2011
    I started the book about 1.5 months ago. Unfortunately I only made it to Chapter 16 when I found that it really stalled and crashed (I’m thinking of some of those animations from the “Mayday” TV series of planes doing a belly flop into the earth and exploding).
  9. thribs

    thribs Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 23, 2017
    People seem to think giving a female character a love interest weakens her in some way. Probably why Lata Croft is still single in the games. Give her a man and people think it will make her less of a character.
  10. sekundant

    sekundant Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 27, 2018
    Active, emotionally healthy sex life is a basic human right and must be secured legally for everyone! :angel:

    Sex is a natural part of relationship and it should be the decision of artist, who "tells" us the story, how the put it on the scene. ( Think about ingenious sex scenes of Hal Ashby's "Coming Home".) And it is no one's issue to define what active, emotionally healthy means, but partners who are adults with mental maturity... How dare a civilization to force its members to say just such words for not to be misunderstood? ! ? :barf:

    Thank you for your kindly answer, I can only image how difficult can be writing process and how can rules of business set a creativity under heavy pressure.

    Nevertheless, I do not think, it is only my impression to see your females as subordinate, if it comes to relationship. I gave many examples (maybe my interpretation of Hoshi /Takashi was a little bit harsh), ok please forget about the sarcastic undertones, but factual nothing is wrong.

    Making us to easy, we can take TnT at PoI. We know what T'Pol did/does for him, the question is why she is still doing same things for someone who obviously does not care about her? What did Trip for her or their relationship during all nine books? Nothing. Definitely nothing. Trying to getting out of Section 31 as a first step? No! He had a plan to get out of misery ( inter alia: T'Pol's help). If his plan works or not, what is the result? (Don't forget he is an engineer) Apparently Section 31 is not existing anymore and what is he doing? He goes with a very attractive woman who makes him sexual advances that he already call their selves as "we" and he does not think it is necessary to say T'Pol that he is alive and feels himself not worthy to her? Why? One day, when he decided to being worthy to her he can go back to her, or not. When he comes back, of course she will waiting him with open arms? Does he any doubt? No. He decided alone about the future of their relationship. He is free for another relationship, but what about T'Pol? He knows, that she won't give him up so easy. She will wait or she will learn deal with her lost. What she has done for earn this ordeal? Does Trip know how will T'Pol emotionally react to her lost? Yes. Does he care? No. How will you react, if your partner treats you like this?
    This is not first time he acts like this. Was there any consequences for him? No (ok, only once as she argued with him and we know how it ended). And you tell me that T'Pol is not devote in this relationship. Really? Was she always this type of female? Himmm, let me see, at the series? No. Is there any reason for this kind of radical character development of her? Sorry, I should have miss something.

    From Valerie Williams to Danica Erickson, we can go through. All the other woman figures, they all show the same symptoms. Of course, there is also devote females and some of them really happy with being devote. But, for me if all the females act this way, there is something wrong with them.

    I do not think so. It is something about the consumer, targeted clientele. I do not how many love interest has the Xena the Warrior Princess, who can call her weak? :razz:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
  11. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    It's certainly not true that Trip doesn't care for T'Pol. On the contrary, he cares for her enough to feel that he's unworthy of her now. His avoidance of her is about his low opinion of himself in the wake of what's happened. At the end of the book, he's in a dark place, a point of crisis that leaves him vulnerable to self-doubt, and Devna's presence as a source of temptation is a further complication he has to contend with. I certainly did not intend to convey that Trip's state of mind at this point was ideal or desirable behavior. Rather, it's a cliffhanger ending for his relationship with T'Pol and his own state of mind, a crisis whose resolution remains unwritten.

    And no, he doesn't know that he'll come back to her or assume that she'll take him back. That may be the story you're writing in your own head, but it's sure not the story I'm telling.

    At no point have I told you that. I said that she and the other women in my books are not submissive or subordinate to their men, but that's a completely different issue from being devoted.

    And yes, many of my female characters are currently in relationships, but obviously, a roughly equal number of my male characters are in relationships as well, and I'd say their level of devotion is comparable in most cases. I don't see why you only seem to be considering half the equation.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
  12. thribs

    thribs Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 23, 2017
    With news that there are new Trek books coming next year I hope we get a new Enterprise one. I really want to see how Archer becomes President and the next line of Fed starships.
    Markonian likes this.
  13. sekundant

    sekundant Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 27, 2018
    Thank you again, for your time and giving answer to my entry.

    Star Trek was one of the my favorite hidden place, if I want to escape from something as a child. It is still so. I am here now only for enjoying experiences of other Trek people and sharing mine with them, have fun, get relax, not more. I am not interested in annoying/ stressing /disturbing someone. I would be happy, if my entries at this thread understand this way, if not, please tell me, I can keep my opinions for me :p

    I totally appreciate your work and not questioning how you write, what would your cliffhanger, how to develop your stories, etc. It is not my profession, else I would write my version, with my own ideas and not to wait so long for the publishing. English is one of the four languages that I'm using in my daily life and it is not my mother tongue, if I am using some words not as you understand (there are also differences between e.g. British English and Australian English depending on cultures). it was not my intention to push the things another level or a kind of accusation. If I am unintentionally did this, sorry.:biggrin:

    Again, I am not asking about his mental condition, what he has done until now for T'Pol or their relationship? I do not mean what he says, (what he says is also very contradictory and that makes him unbelievable) I am asking what he has done to be sure that he certainly cares about her? Talking and acting are very different things. I do not remember anything at the novels, do you? Simple example, after they lost their bond, Trip has many possibilities to get contact with her, what she did not have. She was kidnapped and tortured and he learned it at one point of time. What he has done? Nothing. What is the motive of T'Pol still having him as a partner? What about her desires, her feelings? Shouldn't her get some point of time her Pon-Farr ( not a big issue, I mean all her comprehensibly needs as a Vulcan, as a female, as an equal partner)? What satisfy her in this relationship? I remember that he said at LBTC "they have to spend to much time apart" Who decided this? Alone? His challenging with the presence of Devna, who decided, who caused this? Who decided to join and stay at the Section 31? Again alone? and.. and..and.. They are all his decisions and who have to live with them without questioning or rejecting? How certainly cares him about her? Why she is doing this to herself? Did she ever make a decision alone all this years, which impacted both of them or their relationship? Why not? She made some professional decisions which were dangerous but they belongs to nature of her duty. T'Pol as I know from series was not so passive person or weak willed follower to accept everything and without requesting any consequences.
    Exactly, I am questioning this, it is all about his decisions and he is even not fair enough to inform her, you say he certainly cares about her. He knows he is never rejected all these years from novel T'Pol. Why should he think that will happen now? Series T'Pol was someone who defied High Command, Vulcan Government, Trip, whoever, when she was not agree with their opinions if necessary, to the bitter end.:devil: At the same time she could sacrifice herself for the family, for her ideals, for the right (?) thing. Novel T'Pol has only this dimension: a good brave girl, a good captain (but not good enough to being promoted) who sacrifices herself for her crew, for the Federation, for Trip, for Archer, for Vulcan...Why should I believe as a reader that she react in other way now, after all these years? Did I write all those things at my head?

    Of course your men figures have relationships, but they get always what they want, maybe it takes time, but they get it.. without effort. Your females have to fight, wait, go through the hell for their loves. Men should be conquered, admired, seduced, comforted, understood, whatever. How long have to Val fight for Sam? What he has done for her or for their relationship/ love? He could follow her suffering at close range, but even that was not enough to take the risk for her and overcome his desperation. He has to be convinced to make a step from all others. Of course he certainly cares for her too, doesn't he? What she have to hear from him" I'm not from your league" or something similar (and not to forget, Trip is not " worthy for T'Pol" ). What Val has to live in was another extreme kind of submissiveness for me.

    No, I am not talking (or as you say, seem to be considering) about only women figures, indirectly but consequently about their men partners.

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
  14. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    That generalization makes no sense whatsoever. Sam was the one who went through hell; he was literally tortured, and Val was a patient friend while he recovered from that trauma, while still carrying on with her own life and career in the meantime. Kimura was the one who went through hell; he suffered serious physical and neurological injury that he'll be dealing with for the rest of his life, and all Hoshi had to struggle with was whether she considered herself strong enough to help him with it. And Trip's arguably been through worse than T'Pol, because he's had to give up his whole life and do a job he hated while she's been able to continue with her Starfleet career and her other relationships. As for Malcolm and Carolyn, neither one went through hell; they just got together like a couple of adults. They each had their own baggage that they brought to the relationship, but they discussed it and worked through it like sensible people. Ditto for Archer and Dani. They're two mature people who each have their own professions that they value, which is why they've kept their relationship fairly loose and casual. No hell on either side. Indeed, Archer would probably like to have a more committed relationship with Dani, but IIRC, she's the one who put the brakes on going any further.

    And then there's poor Travis. He found a woman he really hit it off with, then had to leave her behind on her home planet. And poor Grev hasn't gotten what he wanted, because what he wanted was Sam.
  15. sekundant

    sekundant Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 27, 2018
    ahh most of generalizations don't make sense, but we need them to abstracting or dramatizing the things for spicing the soup that we serve. So I did it too, not proud of it. :ouch:

    Ohh, of course they are (all) suffered, it is out of question. Most of them are members of a (still very) military organization which they are participated in with own will. Suffering, being tortured, losing friends, being damaged, getting physical disabilities or traumas are not even side effects, they are part of their career. They can kill or be killed. I am not denying their dignity as individuals but, they accepted these conditions from very beginning. Maybe danger is lower for a communication officer than a security officer, but it exists for both of them. This is nothing to do with suffering for love or relationship.

    Kimura with or without Hoshi can be disabled and he knew that and was agree with it. Hoshi choose him, stay with him bravely and during other Ensign "damned" Travis became a first officer for a very long time, she is with her extraordinary talents, still what? Yes, she has struggled about their common future, her abilities, whereas Kimura insists to marry her, with knowing maybe he will be disable for rest of his life. Is it really all, struggling, what she has done? Sure? ( I know some modern armies and also guerilla organizations who have code of conducts for romantic relationships. Not only daily lives will be regulated, but also cases like death or disability of partner. You should have to signed it, if you have to report and apply for acceptance of your relationship. There is also regularly updates with the responsible person. If the case occurs, you are "ready" so to say. I know only Fraternize Regulation at Starfleet, but nothing similar as today's code of conduct. Strange isn't it?)

    Sam's suffering was not Val's fault, else she should be legally accused. As said before, it was the risk, that he has taken. And again, what he has done for the love of Val and what he has done while she was fighting sometimes silent but restless?
    Trip choose his faith, he had many opportunities to get out of Section 31, which he always denied for some unsubstantial reasons. Again, all of them are purely his decisions and he decided for nature of their relationship, their common future. Alone! T'Pol was not asked and has to carry the burden plus was responsible for her duty (but, not good enough for being promoted). Which career would she achieve without Trip even Archer?

    Archer needed some mother figure, who cares him, get one experienced nurse. ( I wish for him always someone like Elizabeth Shelby :evil: ). Cramped Malcolm needed someone "permissive" to make him ready for a relationship, get one with the history. The both ladies have sure not suffered, but they are sooo customized for their men.

    ( For Grev it was sad, but he is still so young and sometimes you learn more about love, if your hearth break when you are still so young. Maybe I am wrong, but I remember that I read somewhere at Romulan Wars, that Travis is bisexual, after all misfortune with the women, maybe he will find his prince)

    Ok, at the end if I comeback to main topic, I am trying to say, your women figures subordinates their selves to their men. How strong are/were they, does not matter. Decisions are made by men and they follow, they have to fight desperately for their loves, not men. With the motto: Love him endless and please do not require anything for you, he is so busy for great deeds, great sacrifices, be brave, show your generosity and keep your lovely mouth close. (see, I can generalize again without being ashamed :D )
  16. EDX

    EDX Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Dec 9, 2019
    Somewhere Between Future's End and First Contact
    I may be risking the Fires of the Inquisition ... oh wait, right Galaxy wrong epoch (and hopefully wrong timeline) ... for such a blatant act of Thread Necromancy, but one dearly want to Thank You for the RISE OF THE FEDERATION novels in the most appropriate venue and thought this one the Best.

    Many Thanks, Mr Bennett, for putting together such an excellent selection of adventures from the earliest years of the Federation and Thank You in particular for letting us spend more time with those Dramatis Personae from the ENTERPRISE era for whom I have developed such fond feelings (Thank You also for those fine additions to the cast & setting made in these novels!*).

    *Such as the Dryads - I'm not going to lie, one look at them and I too thought 'Ent' but 'Dryad' is probably the less risky option when working under copyright - the Rigel System in all its glory, Valeria Williams, the Ware & its associated complications, the USS Vol'Rala (also the USS Hrumog, which I have ambitions for commissioning an illustration of), Vanot and its charming homages to Superman (extra credit for Daskel 'despicably smooth' Vabion) and so much else!
  17. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Thanks for the comments!

    Never thought of that. The Dryads are recycled from an original story I wrote back in the '90s. I wouldn't have wanted to copy another author's name for a thing, just as a matter of originality, not copyright. Plus I was into Greek mythology.

    And really, Ents in an ENT novel would've been too on-the-nose.
  18. EDX

    EDX Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Dec 9, 2019
    Somewhere Between Future's End and First Contact
    I have to admit that the Ents=ENT bit only occurred to me right as I was about to post the comment; it's amazing what a fan can miss until it's right under their nose!:lol:

    Also, as a fellow fan of The Classics, one must admit that my own idea of a Dryad tends to clash a bit with the mental image of so respectably treelike a creature as the natives of Dunsinane (kudos on that apropos reference to the Scottish Play, by the way!).

    Thank YOU for the novels! (Hopefully you'll get your shot at #6, #7 and as many more as you care to write!).
  19. Reanok

    Reanok Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    I hope someday we'll get some new Enterprise Novels I like to see the Enterprise crew to have more adventures and the founding of the Federation I'd .Especially like to see more of Shran in a novel.
  20. Ronald Held

    Ronald Held Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    On the USS Sovereign
    Christopher, do you have any interest in continuing your early Federation novels?