Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 1x01 - "The Vulcan Hello"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by Commander Richard, Sep 24, 2017.


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  10. 1 - Terrible!

  1. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    Good idea

    1. Caretaker (I really loved Voyager's pilot as it introduced the characters really well and set things in motion for the rest of the series)

    2. Broken Bow
    3. Emissary
    4. Where No Man Has Gone Before
    5. The Cage
    6. The Vulcan Hello
    7. Encounter at Farpoint
    CorporalCaptain likes this.
  2. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    Of course it is. The episode's narrative, theme, and direction are all completely dependent on the second episode.

    Even in the most serialized of TV shows, all the episodes have self-contained narratives. I've never seen anything else like this.

    What aired tonight, by all other TV standards, was one episode. CBS just tried to falsely sell it at two.
    kirk55555, Amaris and BeatleJWOL like this.
  3. Trekfan12

    Trekfan12 Captain Captain

    Jan 14, 2016
    I liked Burnham and Saru, I am not liking the Klingon look. And I feel for Frain, no one can match the dignity that Mark Lenard brought to Sarek. I find that some actors play Vulcans as very smug. And I, quite frankly, don't find them that way.
    johnjm22 likes this.
  4. Spider

    Spider Dirty Old Man Premium Member

    May 23, 2004
    Lost in time
    I don't think any of the pilots to any of the Star Trek shows were really that great, including Discovery. It wasn't until the shows got going did any of them begin to make really good stuff.
    lawman and David cgc like this.
  5. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    The arrival of the Klingons is no less an acceptable stoppage point than, for example, Picard hailing the Ent-D as Locutus.
  6. TechnoBoY

    TechnoBoY Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 4, 2003
    Same here! I thought it was going to come back from commercial break and noticed the credits rolling on the bottom.

    Disappointed I only got to see half an episode but I will NOT be paying for CBSAA. Don't want to encourage this type of behavior from these companies. If anything I'll pay a month and binge it at the end and call it a rental fee.
    Boomer359 and Amaris like this.
  7. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    No, they didn't.
  8. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Ooh! I want in on that, too.

    1. Emissary. For me, this was the best pilot of them all. Drama, pathos, origin, uncertainty, hope, and plenty of paths to take from there.
    2. Caretaker. It really was a great pilot and set things on good footing.
    3. Where No Man Has Gone Before. I remember being a kid and seeing this for the first time, and thinking how awesome it was.
    4. Encounter At Farpoint. Definitely beset with issues and stilted acting, I still remember being enthralled with this at the tender age of 7.
    5. The Vulcan Hello. Comments already submitted in-thread.
    6. Beyond the Farthest Star. Wasn't much for TAS, but this was a decent pilot. Didn't like the animation style, though, never have.
    7. Broken Bow. Probably my least favorite pilot. It just never really grabbed my attention, and I stopped watching ENT soon after.
    CorporalCaptain likes this.
  9. doublegoodprole

    doublegoodprole Captain Captain

    Sep 29, 2010
    Best song on Abbey Road.
  10. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    Second best Beatles song IMO.
  11. David cgc

    David cgc Admiral Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2002
    I'm sympathetic to your point, but for tonight, at least, I think it is. Something I've seen raised about the modern, streaming age is that the "cliffhanger" is a transitory phenomena. This is going to be the only time for the rest of history where you have to wait a week, or even a day, to see what happens next after "Binary Stars." So, really, in the long term, judging the first two episodes as a unit (or even as a chapter in the larger season arc) is the more proper judgement, and we'll have all the time in the world to view them that way, eventually.

    But for now, the presentation of the episode is definitely a candidate for critique, since part of it's function is to entice viewers to watch further (and, depending on how it's delivered in the future, it may be an ongoing issue. The separate titles make me think the Blu Rays may not present it as the single hour-and-a-half episode it desperately wants to be. I suppose we'll see how Netflix treats it in the morning, but it's entirely possible there will be a weird awkward stop in this premiere forever).
    Campe likes this.
  12. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    I completely agree that none of the previous series' best episodes were their pilots/first episodes. I sincerely hope that's the case for DSC.

    I'll likely see part two later this week. Here's hoping it's better....
  13. Owain Taggart

    Owain Taggart Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 30, 2009
    Northern Ontario, Canada

    Ok, yeah, I just wasn't sure if that's what the case was. Thanks for the confirmation. Like you say, delivery. I think what really makes them fail for me is in addition to them sounding muffled, they aren't very energetic like previous Klingons. What I mean is, they'd throw their voice out there and their bodies too, but these Klingons seem very heavy? They seem to lack charisma. And we have to spend a whole season with them as villains....

    Well, I can see why they'd want to open the show with them given that they're the main antagonists this season, but yeah. Those teeth are definitely not helping them. Another thing is, Klingons have always been very iconic and distinctive. But these are looking very generic sci-fi aliens.

    I was watching with my Dad, and based on the two episodes, he's not sure if he wants to watch more. I can definitely see his point.
    lawman likes this.
  14. The Super Brando

    The Super Brando Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 12, 2004
    I get that CBS said this is set in the Prime universe, but between the window viewscreens and Klingon designs this really looks like it's set in the Kelvin universe. And I actually like that.
  15. Ometiklan

    Ometiklan Captain Captain

    Jul 14, 2003
    Silver Spring, MD
    Someone, either Georgiou or Burnham specifically says they don't have a shuttlecraft maneuverable enough to approach through the accretion disk.

    As for my initial take (having viewed the first two episodes):
    I liked it. I wasn't blown away, but it was good.
    The best part was the characters and their interactions. I was a mite bit worried that, even thought I felt most of the pacing/dialogue issues in the trailers were due to trailer editing, there would be some issues still in the show. I am glad that is not the case. I liked all of the main cast members. Saru and Burnham's sibling rivalry was great. I felt Sarek was good, though not as great as Leonard. I am sad there won't be more Georgiou except maybe as flashbacks. Though I could do without minor bridge character's spouting random technobable in the middle of actual battles or dramatic scenes etc.

    Probably the only big thing I didn't like was the dialogue/pacing of the Klingon scenes. While it was nice to not have the Klingons yell about honor every other word (it will still take some time to get used to), the scenes were very slow. It seemed like it was just hard to talk/act through those teeth and armor. The scenes also felt like not a lot happened. Ironically I think some of the problem comes from the holographic display technology. The show producers said they did it so they could have the characters stand in front of each other, instead of being up on the viewscreen. But now, instead of scenes that normally would have taken place with all the characters physically in the room (the meeting on the Klingon ship) with all the energy that creates, they can be "in the room" via hologram. But there is no physical presence, no sense of immediate confrontation (between, for example, Kol and the albino guy), and instead we get the other klingons projected as floating entities on a different level, different size, and all fuzzy. Put the actors in the same room and reduce the size of the teeth prosthetics and you would fix 75% of the problem.

    The graphics were amazing. The ships looked cool. The rooms, displays, etc. were all very good. The opening credits were very nice.

    I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the main cast and the Discovery and their whole plot. But man that sentencing? (In 100 years, you get a slap on the wrist and get to walk around New Zealand for a while (see Ro, Paris).) I think an unanticipated upside to this whole "second pilot" structure, is there is so much more to discover yet about the show.

    One minor thing I didn't like was that when an episode ended, there was nothing telling you that it did (no climactic music, no producers credits), so I sat around waiting for more and there wasn't any until the next episode trailer. I don't like that at all; but I guess that is modern TV/streaming - trying to keep the viewer watching the channel/episode through another commercial break. Ugh.

    So, just first thoughts. I will have to watch again to really get my head around it.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    137th Gebirg and lawman like this.
  16. Trekfan12

    Trekfan12 Captain Captain

    Jan 14, 2016
    Exactly, Lenard did an excellent job portraying Sarek, there was a regal quality in him. Not just that it came with his job as ambassador, it came from his personality.
    CorporalClegg likes this.
  17. Sheep

    Sheep Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2001
    Sonequa Martin-Green gave a great performance. Lt. Sanu seemed like a decent character they can build around.

    The rest? Poorly paced tripe with some really cringey dialogue. The opening before the credits was arguably cheesier than anything in the Orville, with them walking in a Starfleet shield so the Shenzhou could find them. Every scene with the Klingons dragged terribly, with the Klingons speaking at a weirdly slow pace. And let's ignore the miracle healing med bay that can nearly instantly fix massive radiation damage with zero lingering effects.

    I get that this is a pilot and there's going to be a lot of exposition to set things up. That said, this is an absolute failure if the goal was to bring in new viewers between the poor pacing, delay due to football and the obvious cash grab ending on a cliffhanger.
    CorporalCaptain likes this.
  18. Klingon Empire

    Klingon Empire Captain Captain

    Dec 13, 2008
    Camden County, New Jersey

    Alright, I'll bite on this.

    1. Caretaker: my childhood. It's a solid pilot that worked well for the show.

    2. Broken Bow.

    3. The Cage

    4. The Vulcan Hello/BoTS

    5. Encounter at Farpoint

    6. Emissary
    Amaris and CorporalCaptain like this.
  19. WarpFactorZ

    WarpFactorZ Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 10, 2013
    Configuring the Ontarian Manifold
    Mixed feelings here. In no particular order:

    Klingons: I bought it. They're the Klingons we've always known and loved. They're a warrior race looking for violence, there's a bunch of shit about houses fighting for honor and so forth, and they even stuck to the death yell. Anyway, I have no problems with this. They're Klingons.

    SFX: There's a lot of lights and sounds that show me this is slightly pre-TOS. Phase cannons -- nice touch. The holo-phones, not so much. But anyway, I buy it.

    Pace of show: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ This was simply a ploy to get people to buy All Access (which I, sadly, will probably do). Nothing happen in the episode except to establish that there's a war a-comin'! And buy CBS All Access to figure out how it goes!

    Will this last more than a season or two? Ehn....
  20. Tarek71

    Tarek71 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 17, 2007

    I came in with rock bottom expectations, so it wasn't a disappointment in any way. As a teaser for a pay service, it falls short. The comparison isn't with previous Trek, but with GoT and other premiere shows you have to pay for, as even the worst episode of Trek were at least free. Unlike the other pay services, they don't yet offer a lot of original programming. Personally, I wont continue a subscription just for this. But we'll see soon how well they are doing in that area.

    I thought this was long and painfully dull until nearly the end, when things got more interesting. Though not in a plausible way. I didn't buy the radiated march to the bridge. Yeoh was flat and stiff as a board most of the way. A surprisingly disappointing performance. If they didn't call him "Sarek" I would never thought it was him. Same goes for the "Klingons", only more so. Their scenes were tedious. Saru was the only interesting character so far. We'll see about Burnham but so far I cant imagine the series focusing on her unless she becomes significantly more interesting, stable and believable. The mutiny was absurd.
    Jadeb and lawman like this.