NU Star Trek : Gender debate

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Dales, May 21, 2016.

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  1. Dales

    Dales Captain Captain

    Jan 17, 2015
    Okay one of the criticism I have heard about the new series is that it is dominated by men but is there anyone here that thinks it is a non issue?

    It feels like the last four years in Hollywood one of the big topics are about women and feminism, I am not really deep into all the social talk but I don't think nu star trek merits any criticism from those social issues for the two main reasons.

    1, Nu Star Trek is based on TOS characters and TOS was dominated by male characters. Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty to name a few,

    2. Nu Uhura as the only main female is a solid character, sure she has a romance but she is not just defined by the romance, she actually has an independent personalty and Nu Uhura has done far more than Uhura TOS. I only wish they had brought back Carol Marcus or introduced Rand in beyond but again its a big non issue

    Overall Nu Star Trek is just fine on the gender debate especially when I see how Rey from star wars was received as a character. star wars 7 had the whole girl power feminism thing and it ended up turning Rey into a Mary Sue type of character which brought even bigger criticism to star wars 7 minus the....its a new hope reharsh.

    I like NU Star Trek just fine when it comes to how they portray men and women not counting the carol strip scene in STID.
  2. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    It's based closely on a TV show from the 1960's, and is thus bound by it's character set. Upgrading Uhura to "big three" status helps a little. Rey is a fantastic character and role model for kids, but can we incorporate that into this Trek movie universe without moving too far away from The Original Series?
    Zonker likes this.
  3. DarKush

    DarKush Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 18, 2005
    I think that Nu Uhura is too defined by her relationship with Spock. There are aspects of an independent streak or at least her own personality, particularly in Trek '09 but by Into Darkness, Uhura was basically reduced to worrying, being angry or frustrated about Spock. Granted she had two big scenes-on Qo'noS and at the end, but the big action scene did involve Spock too.
    Bry_Sinclair and Paradise City like this.
  4. Paradise City

    Paradise City Commodore Commodore

    Nov 9, 2015
    I think nuTrek is based on TOS obviously but there are some radical differences. They attempted to overhaul the characters in an effort to make it reasonable to contemporary social mores. Uhura being something more than a receptionist is the most obvious fruit of such an attempt. But there isn't that much more you can do if you refuse to go down the road of making one or more the senior staff above Uhura's paygrade a woman, like they made Starbuck in nuBSG.
  5. Zonker

    Zonker Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 3, 2015
    They could have at least included Rand and Chapel. Between TOS and TAS Chapel was in one less episode than Chekov and they even changed his age just to be able to include him.
    mos6507 likes this.
  6. mos6507

    mos6507 Commodore Commodore

    Dec 22, 2010
    Right, and then they added Marcus only to add a strip-down scene. Doesn't pass the Bechtel test.
    Bry_Sinclair likes this.
  7. Gojira

    Gojira Commodore Commodore

    Oct 15, 2008
    Stompin' on Tokyo
    The new movie seems to have a strong female alien in a leadership role that will serve as more than just eye candy as many women were for Kirk in TOS. Yes there were women leaders in TOS and that was progressive for its time but they also would end up subject to Kirk.
  8. Newspaper Taxi

    Newspaper Taxi Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 8, 2004
    Newspaper Taxi
    Well, the only Star Trek series that had good female characters and allowed them to really shine were Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. And your mileage may very on the Voyager women, but that was 90's Trek trying. So I guess I've been conditioned to not really expect anything more from Star Trek It's weird to both realize and admit that. (Full disclosure -- I thought T'pol's character had a lot of depth. Shame she insisted on the traditional Vulcan catsuit..)

    I liked Nu-Uhuru from ST09 but felt she was too much Spock's boyfriend in STiD -- so we'll see how she shakes out in this one.
  9. Dales

    Dales Captain Captain

    Jan 17, 2015

    the strip down scene was a low moment but at least the producers apologised for it which is why I think they should have brought carol back and given her some kind of redemption for the scene.
  10. M'Sharak

    M'Sharak Definitely Herbert. Maybe. Moderator

    Aug 22, 2002
    Terra Inlandia
    Dales, you've done this thread before. Again.

    You keep doing threads on all of these things, over and over. Even on the "reharsh," in a forum which—no matter how many times you've tried to make it so—is still not about Star Wars and never will be. Do you recall what I said the last time you started a thread like this? Allow me to refresh your memory:

    This time will earn you a spamming warning. Comments to PM. Thread closed
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