You're the Editor for 2013...

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by ryan123450, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. ryan123450

    ryan123450 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2005
    Woodward, OK
    We do this every so often, let's do it again...

    You're the Treklit editor for 2013. What do you publish? Remember no story ideas allowed, just general series/concept placeholders. (And I know the first two books of the year have been announced, but just pretend we are talking March 2013 to Feb 2014.)

    If I was the Treklit editor, indulging my own desires...

    1. Voyager (Project Full Circle Book 5)
    2. Typhon Pact Era (TNG/DS9/Aventine Ongoing)
    3. DS9 (Ascendants Book 1)
    4. DS9 (Ascendants Book 2)
    5. Titan (Book 12)
    6. Typhon Pact Era (TNG/DS9/Aventine Ongoing)
    7. Typhon Pact Era (TNG/DS9/Aventine Ongoing)
    8. New Frontier (Finale Duology Book 1)
    9. New Frontier (Finale Duology Book 2)
    10. Tales of the Typhon Pact
    11. DTI (Book 3)
    12. Typhon Pact Era (TNG/DS9/AVentine Ongoing)
  2. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    ^Which would make the TOS and ENT fans unhappy...
  3. Sho

    Sho Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 8, 2006
    Berlin, Germany
    I'd take ryan123450's list (especially giving New Frontier the grand send-off it both deserves and by now also seems to be begging for is a good idea), but rip out the Ascendants duology and one of those Typhon Pact novels, freeing room for the first two installments of a new mini-series emulating the Vanguard formula (spaced apart by half a year), as well as a TOS era novel.

    I'd ask Christopher to co-develop the new mini-series, exercising his particular strengths to intentionally make it feel very different (just to set it apart) from but equally sophisticated as Vanguard.

    Assuming 2012's ebook exclusives did well, I'd seriously consider getting back into doing an ebook novella serial. Specifically, I'd resurrect SCE if I could get KRAD to help out editing it and getting fresh blood involved again.

    I'd probably also slot another Titan or Voyager novel instead of a third DTI one. Christopher would be having his hands full with the new mini-series already, and while broadening the foundations of the DTI sub-franchise by adding another author has its appeal, any new book would have to cater to the expectations of fans of the first two installments and thus might still end up being to similar in tone and emphasis to the new mini-series, which I'd try to avoid.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  4. WarsTrek1993

    WarsTrek1993 Captain Captain

    Nov 18, 2011
    The Final Frontier, TX
    I think I'll pitch in one of these threads:

    1. I also support Project Full Circle book 5.
    2. ENT Sendoff.
    3. More Five-Year-Mission works.
    4. More post-TMP/pre-TWOK.
    5. More Typhon Pact stuff.
    6. Mirror Universe book three.
    7. Myriad Universes 4.
  5. Elias Vaughn

    Elias Vaughn Captain Captain

    Aug 5, 2009
    The Internet's Biggest Jurati Fan
    Twelve DS9 books.
  6. Julio Angel Ortiz

    Julio Angel Ortiz Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 6, 2004
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I'll bite...

    Jan: ENT (post-Romulan War)
    Feb: TOS (between TMP and TWOK)
    Mar: VOY (continuing the relaunch)
    Apr: Ent-B / Demora Sulu novel (Lost Era)
    May: DS9 (20th Anniversary trilogy book 1)
    Jun: DS9 (20th Anniversary trilogy book 2)
    July: DS9 (20th Anniversary trilogy book 3)
    Aug: Titan
    Sept: TNG (Typhon Pact)
    Oct: NF
    Nov: Aventine / Typhon Pact novel
    Dec: DTI
  7. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    Here's my 2013 release schedule if I were in charge.

    January: A DS9 anthology (filling in the blanks between the end of The Soul Key and January of 2381, leading directly into the events of Destiny; released to commemorate the series' 20th anniversary)
    February: Book 1 of a Voyager duology
    March: A TNG novel (set after the events of the Cold Equations trilogy)
    April: A 'Prime Universe' TOS novel
    May: A novelization of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek 2 (to coincide with the film's release)
    June: A DS9 novel (set after the events of Brinksmanship; released to commemorate the series' 20th Anniversary)
    July: A DTI novel
    August: A New Frontier novel (to give the series a proper ending)
    September: Book 1 of a Titan duology (set after the events of Fallen Gods)
    October: Book 2 of a Titan duology (set after the events of Fallen Gods)
    November: A TNG novel (set after the events of the Cold Equations trilogy and the March TNG novel)
    December: A DS9/Aventine-centric Typhon Pact novel (set after the events of Brinksmanship and the June DS9 novel; released to commemorate DS9's 20th Anniversary)

    Edit: Thanks to David Mack for pointing out that I'd mislabeled Cold Equations as a duology when it's actually a trilogy.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  8. ryan123450

    ryan123450 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2005
    Woodward, OK
    I'm ready for Enterprise to be over, and I hope it is. And I'm sick of TOS for a while, especially if it's just another 5YM entry. The only way I'd take more TOS would be another 2270's book by you.
  9. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    Personally, I can't see of any possible way for there to be future ENT stories given the way To Brave the Storm ends, but even if there were a way for future ENT adventures to be told, I don't see the point because said ending was the perfect way to close out the series.
  10. David Mack

    David Mack Writer Rear Admiral

    Jan 25, 2003
    New York, NY
    Just a quick reminder — Cold Equations is actually a trilogy. :)
  11. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    ^ Oops. Thank you for pointing that out. To quote the Genie, 'boy do I feel sheepish'. :)
  12. DeVario

    DeVario Commodore Commodore

    Oct 31, 2003
    Sacramento, CA, USA
    DS9 duology or trilogy (20th anniversary, either post-Brinkmanship or Ascendants works for me)

    DS9 anthology (20th anniversary, covering January 2377 to February 2381)

    TOS novel (post-TMP/pre-TWOK)

    VOY novel (post-Eternal Tide)

    TTN novel (post-Fallen Gods)

    Star Trek XII novelization

    2 or 3 Typhon Pact novels (TNG/DS9/Aventine, post-Brinkmanship)

    TNG novel (post-Cold Equations)

    DTI novel
  13. WarsTrek1993

    WarsTrek1993 Captain Captain

    Nov 18, 2011
    The Final Frontier, TX
    In other words, DS9's equivalent of VOY: Full Circle?

    I'm all for that, too!

    EDIT: I hope that's not a story idea!!
  14. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    ^ I was thinking something more like The Lives of Dax or the Mirror and Myriad Universes books.
  15. stonester1

    stonester1 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 14, 2004
    That short story still haunts me, can't WAIT to see the Trek take on it.
  16. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    I think I like DigificWriter and Julio's suggestions. If Christopher had an idea for a third DTI novel I'd slate that in as well.
  17. RonG

    RonG Captain Captain

    Dec 21, 2007
    Fluidic Space
    In no specific order:

    1. DS9 Ascendants Duology / Trilogy

    2. Post-ENT era novel (can be VAN-like in being first in a series of darker/mature and storyline-specific look on this era)

    3. 3-4 Typhon Pact (24th century Trek) novels - can be TNG, DS9, Titan or Aventine centered - yes, I consider Titan a part of the Typhon Pact setting, Fallen Gods included.

    4. TOS-era novel (following the VAN example yet again)

      Any of the above can/should involve David Mack, Dayton Ward, David R. George III, and/or James Swallow

    5. Kirsten's 5th VOY novel

    6. something by KRAD

    7. something by Christopher, though not DTI - I'd hate to feel burned out on this series after 2 already-classic novels!

    8. New Frontier finale stretched over 1-2 novels by PAD (naturally)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  18. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    You're a bit light on DS9 in that list - I was hoping for more !

    I'd also add my current wish for some post Vanguard 'expansion of the 23rd century' novels using Vanguard survivors, T'Pol, younger movie era characters, new faces and occasionally TOS crew.
  19. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    Dear Bad Robot,

    As the new Editor of Pocket Books, I'd like to propose that, whatever differences we've had in the past, we can put them behind us and work together to publish Star Trek novels set in your new universe. It's a wonderful storytelling oppertunity being sadly missed out on.

    Just close your eyes and listen. You hear that noise? That gentle sobbing? That's millions of Trekkies sobbing as one because they aren't getting enough nuTrek novels. And unless we do something now it's only going to get worse. Help me help them, guys.

    Oh, by the way, I have this friend who says he'll petrol bomb your offices if you refuse.
    Well, he's not really a friend, more of an unhinged aquaintance. Actually, I don't really know him at all. I never met him before today. But it DID want me to tell you that he'd do it. And he looks really dangerous.

    Thanks. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

  20. Lonemagpie

    Lonemagpie Writer Admiral

    Jan 31, 2007
    I'd commission something from that bloke who wrote IFM.

    (Oh come on, *all* the writers would commission themselves! Or maybe that's just a Dr Who editor thing...)


    At least one book from each of the five TV franchises

    A TOS movie-era book

    A New Frontier book

    Something to replace Vanguard

    Something odd and random that's set in the Trekverse but not part of a normal setting.

    A Lost Era book

    Presumably I'd have to have a novelisation of the new movie

    A Titan book.

    I think that adds up to 12...