Spoilers Star Wars - Rebirth (in to Trek!)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Timofnine, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Disclaimer: I have never seen Star Wars but JJ Abrams destroyed Romulus, Remus and Vulcan so I thought that I would destroy the Star Wars Universe in my fan fic for revenge. But I promise that it will have a happy ending. :D

    Star Wars - Rebirth

    Prologue - Equilibrium

    All life is born through creation, just as all matter and energy are constructed through the immaculate conception of nature. Though nothing created is constant, nothing lasts forever. For everything that is awakened, for all that is conscious, there is always the unconscious, the dormant… the sleeping. Cycles of perceived constants, of opposing energies competing, the intricate yet wonderful cyclic patterns of nature and science however lingering or fleeting. The hour glass of time, it’s falling grains through the funnel of our minds giving a perception of its passage. A temporal pressure release system being delicately tipped from side to side creating a semblance of universal equilibrium and balance.

    The vastness of existence, of the perceptions lay before our eyes, all an incomprehensible matrices of reality manifested through our souls, bodies and mind through a projection of conception. The energies of existence playing games with our thoughts, all manifestations of a physical corporeal existence as perceived by our senses. But there are those amongst us who are aware of such connections, in tune to the powers of the force; Those chosen to maintain order throughout the galaxy as the universe delicately maintains the energetic balances of our realities in the very fabrics of time and space. The defenders of the transitions between the light and the dark, the preservers of the hour glass neck of the passage of time. Defenders of the Force. There have been many names for these defenders throughout universal existence, some call them Jedi, Travellers, Supervisors or their Watchers. Though others have always remained nameless without face or even form, with no sign of their existence other than balances to the force, time and nature.

    Some points of time are fixed and destined to happen. Moments in universal history which are locked and protected; the beginnings and the ends. Not even temporal investigations has remit to intervene in these momentous galactic events. One such event was taking place in this now, after the fall of the Final Republic and the collapse of interplanetary order. The overwhelming resurgence of the Dark Side, a butterfly effect which will ultimately lead to the end of all yet a rebirth of harmonious balance.

    Nothing lasts forever, every scale can be tipped until it’s weight is too much to bare until one day the balance is lost and irreversibly so. This tipping point transcends the abilities of Jedi or even Watchers to fix. Some say that the Q Continuum themselves hold this equilibric key. Though the Q have been lost, erased from the passage of time, The Continuums very own hour glass existence collapsing in on to itself, so far failing to have emerged in to another plane on one of the other facets of universal existence. Some say that this was the beginning of the end of the balance within the Force, Q’s absence from know reality missed throughout the whole of time and space.

    The Guardians of our galaxies, the protectors of the very nature of existence are being devoured or consumed before traversing the looking glass, leaving a huge gaping quantum and metaphysical wound. The very fabric of existence imploding at the fine funnel like neck of time at the origins of existence, the fine balances and intricacies of reality being lost.

    The last of the Order of the Jedi had fallen, the Sith Lords also consumed in their own quest for dominance and failure to master the force, a Pandora’s box of intergalactic chaos and universal rage unleashed. From what was once galactic order came chaos, an all consuming spectrum of the darkest sides of what was once a multi faceted force with the darkness consuming the light. Anyone who seeks to master either side of The Force is doomed to be consumed by this plight with a blight upon the cosmos released. With The Forces fine balance disrupted by a desire to obtain it regardless of the side of The Force being sought, teachings which slowly began to pick out the very seams of reality, time and space. Even the mighty Jedi Masters of old with all of their good intentions had contributed to this slow destruction of all things, though it was foretold.

    The gaping maw of the Shi’vana’ka abyss had been breaching for the past zero point two galactic cycles, sheaves of energy dissipating in monstrous swirling tentacles of energy reaching out like the tendrils of a giant galactic beast across entire systems and sectors of space. Talons of energy consuming entire planets and solar systems, ripping apart Death Stars and shredding through Dreadnought’s and Star Destroyers. The fabric of inter-dimensional space was torn open as energetic fluidic space flooded through in a galactic tsunami, flooding all of the dark matter in its wake. Stars began to dim in this all consuming flood, with their nuclear fusion suppressed by the torrents of fluidic energy from another realm.

    Out of the Shi’Vana’ka abyss came the first of soon to be many of what became known as Force Wraiths, an oncoming storm of unimaginable destruction; the universes way of resetting a galaxy back to an equilibrium with the Force. When the power of the Force has been tipped over too much to one side, the universal immune system response is unleashed to bring back order and reset the balance. The Doomsday Machines are released.

    For any form of balanced rebirth with a sustainable universal equilibrium of the force, existence must pass through a form of destruction in its giant universal kiln. But as artisans and engineers would craft new metal work from the destruction and deconstruction of the old, Force Wraiths leave galaxies ready for crafting so that a new galaxy would be reborn. The Progenitors had been awoken, and the Preservers mission had begun. A galactic ark constructed at the centre of the galaxy, a seed bank of life ready to repopulate the cosmos and bring back a rebirth, for the beginning has no end, yet the end does have a new beginning. A new hope.

    The last Death Star of Tattooine remained.

    A Doomsday Machine, a Wraith of Shi’va’nak, loomed ominously between two amber twin suns waiting to neutralise what now was an overwhelming dark force on Tattooine. The force was strong in this system, though its consumption and recreation would lead to its rebalance. From the fires of Tattooine would come its rebirth.

    The birth of what will become Vulcan. :razz:

    Next, Chapter 1 - The Progenitors.


    So, there you go JJ Abrams. You destroyed Vulcan, I recreated it. But I will destroy Tattooine in your Star Wars universe in order to do so, building Vulcan in it’s ashes. But, in a predestination paradox, JJ Abrams still gets to destroy Vulcan, at least in one universe. I am not quite sure how I will avenge the Romulan’s yet though as I probably will not leave much of the Star Wars galaxy left after destroying it all to make way for the Star Trek Universe. :shrug:

    Vulcan only has one sun though, not two. So I may need to destroy one of them with some fluidic space splash back or Species 8472.

    I might come back and edit this post later, I’m making this sh*t up on the fly. Proper ‘winging it’ non-fan-fic. Not checked my spellings and everything yet but will do, so no grammar police etc. please. :D
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
    Hawku likes this.
  2. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    Sweet TOS callback.

    I really didn't want to like this. I'm not a fan of crossovers (even though I tease them endlessly in STH). But your rhetoric is just too damn good. Really nice word painting - especially the opening two paragraphs. It could use another editing pass to fill in a few missing possessive apostrophes and ensure the Force is capitalized whenever it refers that stupid metachlorine stuff... But seriously - kudos for some simply beautiful prose.

    Thanks!! rbs
  3. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    The Doomsday Machine has always been one of my favourite non villains. In the original series episode The USS Enterprise comes across such a ‘Planet Killing’ device; a powerful weapon left over from ancient times. I thought that as Star Wars is obviously set in the ancient times of Star Trek, including these devices would be a logical connection. I knew about the Force and that it is important to Star Wars lore, also that George Lucas based the whole thing partly on eastern texts and philosophies such as Buddhism. I thought that it would be a fitting way to destroy the Star Wars galaxy with the use of a loosely veiled continuation of the themes that Lucas first imprinted in to his vision - with a Star Trek twist. In many eastern texts there is a lot of talk about epic battles and wars, battles of ‘good’ verses ‘evil’, and also of the resulting destruction which leads to a ‘rebirth’. I see Star Wars as being the epic battles of Star Trek’s ancient forgotten past, before a galactic ‘rebirth’ in to our world as we know it today and then eventually… in to Star Trek! :D

    If JJ Abrams wants to reboot the Doomsday Machine for his next movie, then he can get revenge for the destruction of Tattooine with Chris Pine and a recast Commodore Matt Decker. JJ Abrams can pretend that it is the same Doomsday Machine in his film that destroyed Tattooine, so when he gets to blow it up he will feel avenged. Abrams would also know that Vulcan, which replaces Tattooine, will also one day be destroyed by him in the 2009 Star Trek reboot movie. He could make it a bit like a Moby Dick film set in space.

    Hopefully someone in the future will undo the destruction of Romulus which ultimately leads to Nero’s revenge mission in the first place. This should hopefully reset the Star Trek Universe back to normal unless the destruction of Romulus is a fixed point in time or a predestination paradox. Perhaps the Romulun sun was even destroyed by splash back from fluidic space? :D
    Thanks. High praise from someone called Robert the Bruce! :D

    I am writing this on the fly in the TrekBBS text edit box. I’m going to start chapter one soon as this was just a ‘world building’ prologue. You can imagine what I wrote for the prologue scrolling up the screen like at the start of Star Wars (yes, the scrolling is iconic so I know about it!). I intend to slow the pace of the rest of this fan-fic down.

    As for my use of apostrophes, I have never been able to use them. I think that I have apostrophe dyslexia, seriously.

    Technically, I know exactly where apostrophes need to go, but for some reason my mind just cannot implement them correctly. I can use them to represent omitted letters just fine, I struggle when I have to use them to represent possessive nouns and plural things in practice. I will practice the correct usage in Chapter 1. :bolian:
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  4. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    When my parents named me, a few wags observed that they had selected a rather ethnic name. As a musician, I've found it to be marketing magic.

    I think the appropriate moniker would be apostrophe dysphoria, which as an apostate pedigogue leaves me apocalyptically apoplectic.

    I had to look it up to be certain. Apostrophes are almost never used to denote plurality. There is one exception: Written symbols such as numbers and letters. Which is to say that you might be at 6's and 7's about the +'s and -'s of crossing your i's and dotting your t's.

    Thanks!! rbs
    Timofnine likes this.
  5. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Chapter 1 has now been renamed to The Flood. A bit more concentration on the Shi’Vana’ka and fluidic space. Chapter 2 will be The Progenitors. Tatooine will be visited again later in a chapter probably called The Fires of Tatooine. I’m also expecting a Forge of Vulcan, but let’s see where this goes as it will surely be quite spontaneous. I have no Endgame. :D

    I am also going to start adding Star Trek like ‘political’ elements in to my Star Wars but in antithetical way. For example, I will introduce a failed yet clinically effective alternative to Star Trek’s Federation. I will call this the ‘Galactic Federation’ seeing as Star Wars seems to be galaxy wide rather than limited to any particular Quadrant. This will be an ‘anti-Federation’, dystopian. I will also have a Jedi/Sith Council and some form of ‘High Command’ etc. I also know of ‘Darths’ so will introduce the last one at some point.

    Chapter 1 - The Flood

    Shi’Vana’ka was awoken. The Force had been broken. A millennia of tampering and disruption from both warriors of dark and of the light. Forbidden powers and knowledge from the dawn of time used as playthings by mortals and wielded for dominance and suppression, for the subjugation of entire species and worlds.

    The illusion of ego had long been in play by those amongst us which chose to wield the power of the Force rather than living in harmony with it, even the last Jedi Masters fell victim to this human condition led by their ignorance in pursuit of a forbidden truth, tampering with energies and powers that were intended to be forever sealed. The Jedi became blinded to their true selves and purpose looking outwards for their teachings, being guided by their great masters whom had been put on pedestals of prestige and power. The Jedi no longer looking inwards to one’s true teacher - themselves, as had once been the case millennia ago. Anywhere that there is a concentration of power, even within the spectrum of the Force, there is the potential for corruption and its perversion at the source. It is inevitable.

    As the Jedi became more powerful, so did the corruption at the source. The Sith had been reborn within the order itself. The ultimate power can not be wielded by any person or group, so when the Order of the Jedi began to use the power of the Force instead of being it’s protectorates and guardians to seal and contain it, this is when the corruption set in. The increasing powers amongst the Jedi led to ego and an attachment to the Force, and this combined egoism led to suffering as a result of the Jedi developing a false self, with false self being the beginning of the path to the Dark Side.

    The resulting disruption to universally harmonious energies, the ultimate power which should always be sealed; the Force, led to disruptions in the very fabric of time and space. Dark Forces corrupting energies which once brought order to chaos and renewed life and ensured creation. Wars were fought in infinite cycles and loops, almost becoming part of the synchronous system of life yet still manufactured by those wielding power, a power that no one should control.

    No one had ever thought of living in harmony and sealing the Force, only about obtaining it and using it as a tool of power, whether offensive or defensive. Fighting fire with fire ensures that all would be consumed in the flames. The Force became a plaything of those capable of wielding it, as righteous as it’s bearers believed themselves to be.

    The ripples of Shi’Vana’ka were small to begin with, concentrated where there were extreme imbalances to the Force. Subtle adjustments, seemingly random acts of nature starting off on a planetary level at first - hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions; man made catastrophes, war, disease and famine. But soon came the first ion storms as solar eruptions began raging with their flares lashing out and destroying what had become the temples of the Dark Forces - the Death Stars.

    The Sith Lords had known of the Shi’Vana’ka through legends of old and had intended to confront this threat to existence. The awakening of Shi’Vana’ka had always been foretold. The first Star Destroyers were constructed in order to fight back against the source, but no constructed weapon is capable of fighting back against a force of nature, this battle became a Sith battle against the universe itself with entire civilisations falling victim to their battle. The Sith believes that if they could not contain and use the Force themselves, that they would destroy everything and everyone who got in the way of their egoism - unintentionally including themselves. A burning desire for ultimate power which can only ever lead to one thing, self annihilation and destruction.

    But this was the start of the Shi’Vana’ka flood. The ripples cascading in ever increasing intensity until time and space was breached, the doorways to another layer of our existential reality unleashed. Fluidic space, the life blood of our universe, the realm which the Mycelial network in it’s subspace realm grows upon with it’s mycorrhizal connecting all of life and space in an intricate network of quantum and metaphysical energy distribution - an intergalactic web connecting the self sustaining universal ecosystem, permeating subspace, helping to balance and distribute the Force. A network which the laws of the Shi’Vana’ka have forbidden from being interfered with in order to prevent disharmony within the Force, even the Galactic Federation of old new this rule.

    Legends have it that after the Rebirth, after creation a Red Angel will one day appear, bringing destruction and disharmony to these forbidden realms with a penance being enacted - expelling the Angel from our reality in exile.


    (To be continued…this is still chapter 1, not even read it all back myself yet! :D)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
  6. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Well, it's intriguing at least, ringing more like a mythological telling than anything connected to either universe. But, I found the themes interesting.
  7. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    It’s not ready for introducing any characters yet, I’m only a few pages in - I’m still world building. I intend to set the character pieces on Tatooine to start with, facing off with a Doomsday Machine. I guess that my fic would have to have the last of the Skywalker's in at some point, perhaps even Wesley Crusher too if the Shi’Vana’ka allow him to travel to this fixed point in time. I could even make a fan fic romance out of it with them both, but I probably won’t. I’ll probably get to Proto Vulcan’s though.:shrug:

    I just copied George Lucas in regards to themes and expanding logically based on what I know, I’m trying to weave Star Trek in to Star Wars using Eastern philosophies just like when he created the Force.

    I definitely might watch Star Wars one day though, I am making myself in to a Star Wars fan by accident without even having seen it… I hope it does not disappoint, I may develop high expectations. :D
  8. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Well, I do think you're developing unrealistic expectations due to getting information second and third hand, rather than actually watching the films.

    And I'm not talking about characters. The themes are just large and sweeping and mythological in nature that it could be from Halo, from Dune or from Stargate. This isn't a bad thing to my mind. To me it rings as interesting as other mythological tales of battles against Chaos, or fights between gods.
  9. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    Spot on analysis. While the prequels were generally panned as disappointing, I think at least part of that disappointment (attempt at lovable, flop-eared, but oft criticized as unacceptable racial stereotype alien characters notwithstanding) came from how venal and banal the Jedi Council was. But that was the whole point, mesasah thinks.

    There's more than a little 5th Element going on in here as well - at least that's the feel as fluidic space is emerging.

    Thanks!! rbs
  10. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Chapter 1 (Continued)

    The Flood was the most catastrophic interstellar event since the creation of everything that had gone before, since the spark of existence itself. The Shi’Vana’ka flood of fluidic space had darkened entire quadrants of our galaxy, stars extinguished by its all engulfing currents of extra dimensional space just as candles would be put out by rain and wind on a stormy day. One by one the stars darkened, the fires of their celestial souls frozen as a result of quantum implosions cooling the suns to their very core, their once massive chain reactions of energetic cascading atoms becoming frozen in time. For those suns untouched, the undercurrents of fluidic space stripped entire atmospheres away from their planets, suffocating all life as it was engulfed by the cyclones of fluid from this extra dimensional realm.

    Before the Doomsday Machines, the Force Wraiths, came the universes immune response; a force from fluidic space whose whole purpose was to purge the galaxy of all of the imbalances to the Force. A biological defense mechanism so strong that all confronted with it would be purged - a plague unleashed by the Shi’Vana’ka. A swarm of inter-dimensional locusts sweeped through the Flood across the lengths and depths of the galaxy, their vessels seemingly swimming through the oceans of destruction as the colossal typhoons and tornadoes of The Flood carried them on their paths of devastation across all four quadrants. The weak will perish. All would perish, but for all to be reborn with a new balance to the Force, a new synchronicity. A Force which was to be sealed once more as the galaxy began a new.
    The first Arks of the Preservers were launched a long with the Flood, sailing the newly forged wave crests of the galactic oceans. Their purpose; to collect samples of all life which had helped to maintain balance in the Force or remained neutral to its influence, of those who had lived in harmony with the Force throughout the Galaxy so that one day everything may all begin a new. The Preservers acting as the judges of life, also known as the Technicians, began cataloguing and collecting genetic samples of all life for the galaxies Engineers, the Progenitors, who would one day reseed the Galaxy a new. For the Progenitors had sewn life throughout the Galaxy once before many aeons ago at its very first conception and had been awoken to do so again by the ripples of Shi’Vana’ka.

    The twin stars of Tatooine shone as bright as ever, their fires yet to be touched by the great Flood. The crystalline neutronium hull of the looming Force Wraith glistening in the stars bright golden rays. A mosaic of tessellating reflections with a luminescent glow, the light refracted across the pearlescent surface of its colossus cone like structure. From Tatooine’s surface the deep expanding darkness of the sky appeared much more lonelier than normal as its twin suns began to set. All the stars were going out, pin pricks of light being exterminated one by one by the Flood. Across the deserts thousands of people had emerged from their shelters and homes to observe the final dusk of Tatooine. The planet seemed calm, the calm before the storm. Before the Flood. Before rebirth in the fires of Vulcan. Vulcan’s forge.

    Between the setting suns far above the desert mountains and undulating sandy dunes of the expansive arid landscape, the monstrous silhouette of the Force Wraith could be seen through the atmospheric haze, it’s burning mouth of fiery energy opening up to a hellish abyss like kiln, a predatory molten gemstone of light.

    The what were once bustling market places and trade halls were emptied, the great amphitheaters and entertainment complexes of Tatooine abandoned. No transport ships were left in the spaceports, the sky was long abandoned and emptied during the last planetary evacuations. The remaining people had gathered in the streets and the deserts; families, friends and those who were once enemies alike. The looting and fighting had long since stopped, all conflicts seemed pointless. Fate had seemingly been accepted, there was a final peace as all differences had been put to side. Anything of material worth was now gone from Tatooine, stripped by pirates in the final hours as part of their senselessly futile and pointless pursuits of profit and riches. Material attachment, greed and pursuit of personal gain even in the galaxies final hours, though all would soon be consumed in the kilns of Shi’Vana’ka. Attachment being yet another imbalance which had let to corruption of the Force and the rise of the Dark Side; greed and the desire for always wanting more.

    The peoples of Tatooine gazed up in to the sky in a collective state of shock and awe, silently accepting their fate. From an isolated dune in the depths of the deserts, a family of Wookiee’s sat around a burning canister of fuel. Sat close together in an attempt to keep warm, they looked up upwards, the Wookiee pups clinging on to their fathers paws as their mother embraced them all. The five Wookiee’s began to solemnly sing, sending a harmonious Timber Wolf like howl across the landscape. Wookiee’s from thousands of miles around joined in the harmony making a symphony of animalistic yet eerily beautiful sound which resonated around the vast plains. The people of Tatooine began to sing along with them too, to pray, doing whatever they needed to do to make peace with themselves and those around them on their final day as the suns of Tatooine completed their final setting. Darkness had drawn in, a darkness unlike any seen before with a sky like obsidian, as dark as black opal or onyx.

    But there was still one last hope.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  11. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    Years ago, my band, il Troubadore (in our guise as bom wi' pu', the 24th Century Klingon Music project, sang in Chirriwook for a Wookiee belly dancer - which went viral and got us airtime on BBC and BBC Canada.

    Gorgeous word-stacking - keep it up!

    Thanks!! rbs
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
    Timofnine likes this.
  12. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    I was envisioning something more like this for the Wookiee’s final chorus, but with thousands of them singing in harmony:

    Your video works too though, very cool! :D

    PS. Major spoiler…

    I will get the Preservers to ‘rescue’ this Wookie family in one of their ark ships to give them a happy ending, I might get them relocated to the Delta Quadrant somewhere.

    PPS. Does anybody have the names of any other Star Wars planets that they would like destroying or converting in to Star Trek planets? I only know of Tatooine at the moment… :shrug:
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  13. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Chapter 1 (Continued)

    Spinning a quarter turn on its axis, a small laser turret smoothly rotated on its axle bed as the weapons targeting systems followed a passing civilian ship. The turret froze with a grinding halt, metal on metal fixing in to place with sensors having locked on to the transport; but the laser did not fire. The transport quietly and peacefully continued on its course, eventually vanishing in to the vast void of space becoming a distant grain of light which eventually faded in to the darkness. The laser turret rotated back in to its starting position before again locking on to another passing civilian ship. Once more this ship passed by without event and unharmed, deemed insignificant. The Last Death Star of the United Galactic Federation, the Va’jra Force Star of Tatooine, had a bigger target in its sights - the Shi’Vana’ka and its Force Wraiths, the Doomsday Machines of the Flood.

    The Force Star was without a doubt the most powerful artificially constructed weapon in the galaxy, possibly in the entire universe. The scale of this construction shadowing the Death Stars of the past and even the planet Tatooine and its moons themselves. The Va’jra Force Stars creation was the final catalyst affecting the tipping point of galactic harmony with the Force. Acting as an energetic pivot it was capable of swaying this ultimate power in ways that could permanently lead to the Forces irreversible imbalance and eventual implosion. A weapon manned by those who are known as the a Force Masters. The Force Star wielded a power comparable to that of Shi’Vana’ka itself, though that was the intent in its design and creation. This was the United Galactic Federations final attempt to control reality, existence and the very fabrics of space in a final fight against nature itself. A way of controlling the Force and containing it as well as defending against the destructive implications of it’s use and harnessing it as an unlimited source of power.

    The galaxy had long united in an attempt to prevent the foretold destruction with the last of the Jedi and Sith combining efforts in their last days in one final organised attempt at preventing the eventual destruction of all, though it was this quest which led to their demise. The Vaj’ra was an almost unimaginable project of colossal proportions, centuries in the making, a project that outlived its designers and eventually falling in to the jurisdiction and management of the Force Masters. The United Galactic Federation’s intention was for this weapon to one day repel the Flood itself using the focused harmonic frequencies of the Force combined with an army of Force Masters, a group considered neither Jedi or Sith with an allegiance only to the Force no matter which side it may lie.

    The Va’jra Force Star was a weapon with the potential of causing ultimate destruction, or to be the ultimate defence with its powers able to resonate through all layers of reality permeating across both time and space, including the fluidic realms and mycelium subspace domains. The intention of the Force Star’s construction was an attempt to one day repel the torrents of Fluidic Space foretold to consume the galaxy with its tides. But this artificial manipulation of the Force had further angered the Shi’Vana’ka, increasing the rage and ferocity of its response as the intergalactic forces of nature unleashed to rebalance. The very creation of such a device and those who constructed it over the centuries being a physical manifestation of all that was both dark and light in the Force, with the Tatooine Star system becoming an unpredictable juncture in the Forces counterpoise.

    The vast dark metallic hour glass shape of the Va’jra Force Star lay dormant, it’s final completion was still many years away. The monumental constructs immense spherical super planet like central focal point, recognisable as a Death Star of the old Imperial times, shrouded in darkness and shadow as its protuberant claws reached out towards the twin Tatooine suns, ready to one day encapsulate their energy in each open hour glass claw, encasing the two celestial bodies in to sealed conjoined Dyson’s spheres.

    A fleet of forty seven Executor class Super Star Destroyers had gathered along with a supporting fleet of frigates and fighters of various types, shapes and sizes, their mission being a last ditch attempt to protect the Va’jra Force Star at all costs from the oncoming storm of Shi’Vana’ka. The space surrounding the fleet was awash with thousands of Force Wing fighters, ships propelled by the Force itself. The fighters weaved around the Force Star and it’s protective fleet of ships piloted by those who had mastered the use of the physical side of the Force, enabling the pilots to warp space itself in to spacial bubbles around their fighters for use as a propulsion system.

    The Force Wraith continued its approach, encroaching slowly across the system of Tatooine. The United Galactic Federation’s Empress, soon to be the last Empress or even Emperor of the vast galactic dominion, watched on nonchalantly from her command chamber as the Doomsday Machines ominous shadowy form cast out prominently against the twin Tatooine suns, the Wraith surrounded by halos of diffused light and energetic particles of fog. The heavily cloaked Empress stood contemplating the galaxies fate, the fate of all, a fate that she had not yet accepted.

    The Wraith glided ever closer on a slipstream of the Flood, an eddy of fluidic space being drawn towards this focal point of imbalance to the Force. The Wraith of Shi’Vana’ka loomed like a monolithic intergalactic sarcophagus syphoning all in its path through its voracious maw leaving only destruction in its wake. As the Empress calmly and silently watched the distant Wraith, its fiery glow reflected with the intensity of a thousand burning suns from her eyes, the Shi’Vana’ka was watching back.

    The next update will be based around the Empress and include the first speech and character interactions. I need to think of a name for her too. Usually in Star Wars they have Emperors so I thought that I would make this one female just to be different. :D
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  14. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Which should always be a feel. 5th Element feels underappreciated as a work.

    I think this is a well described construction.
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  15. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    Fun mythology! And sweet Old Testament ref...

    Gotta call her Carrie.

    Thanks!! rbs
  16. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Here is some AI artwork which I have chosen to depict things from the story so far.

    A Doomsday Machine, aka Force Wraith:

    An Ark ship of the Preservers riding the galactic flood:

    The Empress:

    A Force Wing fighter:

    The Va’jra Force Star, the ultimate Death Star which encapsulates two suns:

    Remember that this is in the future of Star Wars so the tech looks a bit different being far more advanced. :D
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  17. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    Well, I do not know if I have written enough to start Chapter 2? But I’ve not added anything to this for a while so will start with a fresh chapter and a flashback to give some backstory to the Empress.

    Chapter 2 - Serenity

    A turquoise wave crashed down in to the violet sands of a beach, a luminescent glow pulsating outwards in to the ocean upon their continuous repeated impacts. Each clawing crash of the waters would soon calmly recede, only for the pattern to be repeated infinitely, a cycle of nature indirectly controlled from far above by the intricate gravitational fluxes of 4 dancing moons weaving around each other in orbit. Rocks clashed, broke up and eroded beneath the surface, over time themselves wearing down and joining the other insignificant grains of sand beneath the waves which were continuously being displaced and dragged outwards in to the oceanic expanse in a storm of chaos beneath the waters surface. But from above, all was calm, all was at peace in a natural state of perceived serenity.
    A lone girl looked up towards the sun shielding her eyes with her hand, squinting as she gazed between her fingers in an attempt to avoid the midday glare, it almost felt as if the sun was looking back at her with it’s intense golden blaze.

    Princess Aurya of Ishanta was free.

    The journey had taken her 2 days, but Aurya was finally where she needed to be, the place where she felt the most at peace and at home. Nothing else mattered in this place, on this beach; Aurya and the ocean were as one. For as long as she sat in an almost meditative state, the Princess knew very well that this moment would not last forever, but it was her moment and her forever right now.

    Clasping a hand full of the warm violet sands, Aurya began to allow the grains to fall through her fingers from one hand in to the open palm of the other, like the trickling grains of time filtering through the funnel of an hour glass. Once the clasped hand was empty, the Aurya reversed the process allowing the sand to slowly fall in to the now out stretched palm of the first hand, continuing the almost hypnotic cycle.

    Princess Ayura of Ishanta was soon to be Empress. At the age of 15 she was due to be the youngest ever to ascend and become an Imperial Queen of the new Galactic Empire, soon to be ruler of all as a result of what can only be her destined fate pushed forward by a theatre of politics and doctrine.

    The Galactic Senate representing all unified planets had unanimously passed the motion approving a date for her ascension two days ago, prompting the Princess to begin her journey; a futile and symbolic attempt to escape a fate of which she had no control over. Though Ayura knew that there was no true escape, this was not a true attempt to run, but in this very moment Ayura was free - this was her forever.

    (to be continued)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  18. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    I'm a fan of short chapters - bite-sized reading. Especially for bucolic introspection. Nice word painting.

    Thanks!! rbs
    Timofnine likes this.
  19. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    This will make it easier for me to write actually, short chunks it is. :bolian:

    More artwork of the galactic flood in the time being. First pic is a planet being consumed by fluidic space.
    The next picture is the same planet being consumed by the Flood but shown from the incoming tides perspective, also showing the maw and fires of a Doomsday Machine/Force Wraith which is also approaching the planet.
    Robert Bruce Scott likes this.
  20. Robert Bruce Scott

    Robert Bruce Scott Commodore Commodore

    Jun 18, 2021
    Side view of the Doomsday Machine


    Thanks!! rbs
    Timofnine likes this.