Post Your Dreams Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Johnny7oak, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. The Lensman

    The Lensman Commodore Commodore

    Apr 27, 2001
    The Lensman
    Few days ago I dreamed my best friend of 40 years and I were at the house I grew up in. I don't know if we were just talking or playing Atari or what. It's just the two of us there, and then my mom comes home. Don't really recall anything beyond talking to my mom for a bit after that point...

    In the real world my mother is dead and my friend is a type 2 diabetic who's currently fighting for his life in the hospital due to fucking Covid.

    Edited to add: My friend passed away today, March 1st, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
    publiusr likes this.
  2. Velocity

    Velocity Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    In the back of beyond
    My little sister, me, and my much much older sister are shopping in a little boutique. A little girl likes a purse that is for sale but her mother says "no" because it's $50. Little sister leaves because she suddenly announces that it's her anniversary. So much much older sister (who I am NOT close with) and I look in the parking lot for the car we arrived in but cannot find it and I somehow lose my purse. We wait for little sis and her husband to come get us.
    I wish I wouldn't waste a dream on this drivel. Tonight I'm going to try to dream about Thor.
  3. publiusr

    publiusr Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2010
    I dreamed of finding bags of money that was spilling $100s everywhere. I was told that the owner was sick and needed it back—and so I returned it. Not happy.
  4. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    I'm sorry for your loss.
  5. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    Covid sucks. Sorry for your loss.
  6. The Lensman

    The Lensman Commodore Commodore

    Apr 27, 2001
    The Lensman
    Thanks, I really appreciate it.

    Thanks, Gryffindorian. I know you lost a couple of family recently due to Covid as well. Please accept my condolences.
    publiusr and Gryffindorian like this.
  7. publiusr

    publiusr Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2010
    Too many endings, not enough beginnings...
    Velocity and Gryffindorian like this.
  8. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    My dreams have been weird and disjointed lately.

    I dreamt I was back in the office, and there were a lot more people in my department, including a couple of new hires. When I was about to get to my workstation, I saw dozens of consultants sitting side by side in mini cubicles, with no barriers and no masks. It was like a call center. Although in real life we do have consultants for our systems replacement project, there are half a dozen of them, all of whom work from home at this time.
    Velocity likes this.
  9. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    I had a fun one where I gained super powers and was running around the world wrecking people's shit and doing what countries can't do by toppling bad leaders because no one wanted to step up to the plate or that is what I was told. All for the USA

    There was carnage, there was loud explosions and stuff. Then I woke up
    publiusr likes this.
  10. Velocity

    Velocity Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    In the back of beyond
    Sounds like a fun dream! I love 'splodin' stuff.

    I dreamed I was in a big auditorium and I had a quilt on my lap that I was very proud of (the quilt not my lap) . I spread it out over several people sitting near me so we could all be warm. I got up to do something and when I came back, the quilt was GONE! I ran all around trying to find it and even went to the very unhelpful Help Desk. Never found the quilt, but I went into a dining hall at the end of the dream. Woke up and got some breakfast.
  11. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    Yeah it was a fun dream..... Lots of Michael Bay style explosions and stuff. Much fun was had exterminating bad world leaders. But then it was the USA that wanted it done so maybe not such a hot idea..

    Maybe someone in your dream stole the quilt when you were not looking.

    Today I made a hand held tetris game. Phone pic so sorry its blurry
    publiusr and Velocity like this.
  12. Kor

    Kor Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    My mansion on Qo'noS
    I had a very vivid dream in which I had, um, an "encounter" with a lady celebrity who I had a crush on when I was in high school. :alienblush:

    Gingerbread Demon likes this.
  13. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    Are we allowed to ask who she is?
  14. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    Intergalactic shopping anyone?

    I had a doozy. OK an associate of mine gave me this business card, said that's where she does her shopping and where she finds unusual gadgets. OK I didn't think much of it at the time. Then I rang the number on the card and a taxi arrives to pick me up.

    We drove to this small private spot outside of the suburbs and a helicopter was there waiting with the engine running. I was ushered onboard and then fly to this like abandoned quarry. Right in the middle of the quarry is what looks like a small dome with little legs on it. I am ushered in there too and a couple of other people join me.

    Next thing we are in the air and rising and they gave us all a drink which made us sleep. Anyway when we wake up we're at the entrance of this huge bazaar with stalls and everything only the sky has two moons and other than that it looks like it could be Earth but obviously its not. Anyway we did shopping here and then just as I found something neat I would like I woke up.
    Gryffindorian likes this.
  15. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    Next time you go there I could use some self-sealing stem bolts. :techman:
    Velocity likes this.
  16. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    Gah! Which series was that mentioned in wasn't it DS9?
  17. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
  18. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    The other night, I had a dream about going out to lunch with my two older friends, Madge and Jon. We went to some kind of a Middle Eastern festival. There were booths that sold food and other goods, and everyone wore a fez. I recall hearing the festival was in honor of Guru Nanak, who in reality was the founder of Sikhism. Of course, I didn't realize these cross-cultural mixed elements at the time. I went to different shops that sold imported goods, souvenirs, and novelty items.

    Jon had gone ahead of me and Madge and invited another friend along the way. I was a bit confused and miffed at the same time because it was supposed to be just the three of us, and Jon chose a different venue than what we had agreed upon.

    In reality, I haven't spoken or communicated with Jon in a long time. Years ago he had gotten ill, his cat died, and he possibly went into a depression and shut his friends out. Although friends reached out to him, he didn't return emails or phone calls. Madge is the only who still makes an effort to stay in touch.
    Velocity likes this.
  19. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    My turn for a crazy one.
    Morena Baccarin, from Firefly, the Deadpool movies and Gotham moved into our extra bedroom, and she came home and invited me out on a walk with her and her kid. I was going to go, but I wanted to bring the dogs, and I couldn't figure how to, since she was going to have her hands full with her kid and I can't handle both of them at the same time.
    Gingerbread Demon and Velocity like this.
  20. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    That's nice.

    Oddly I don't find news presenters or reporters attractive but I have had dreams about one or two of them having walks with me and talking and holding hands.