Spoilers Picard 1x1, "Remembrance"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Picard' started by The Old Mixer, Jan 8, 2020.


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  1. eschaton

    eschaton Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2017
    Stewart's acting was great in that scene. He conveyed so much in terms of emotion. And I think it was an important scene to have to show that not everyone looks back on him fondly in 2399. I just thought that some of her turns of phrase were not really things a reporter would say in an interview, even if she was trying to twist a knife to get a reaction.
    Deledrius likes this.
  2. Blooded

    Blooded Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2001
    Yeah, that was my takeaway, too, but I'll need to rewatch it (once it becomes available in the UK!) to double check exactly what Picard's friends said about the whole thing. When I saw it the first time, I was too in awe of what I was watching to follow their explanation :D

    Whoever did the clean up, it seems odd that they'd leave Picard there. That said, he's seemingly considered an old man, and public enemy number one, so whoever was clearing the scene likely didn't think he posed enough of a risk that he was worth killing (which would've raised more eyebrows than Picard talking about sneaky romulan spies, etc, I'm sure).
    Gilora and picardjean-luc like this.
  3. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    They didn't leave him there.
    How do you think he got back to the chateau?

    "They" removed all traces and then dumped Jean Luc on his front porch.
    Gilora and Deledrius like this.
  4. Blooded

    Blooded Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2001
    Can we really make assumptions about what a reporter in 2399 might, or might not, say in an interview? ;)

    In truth, even now, we see interviewers seemingly go off script with questions that seem accusatory regardless of the facts, etc., so he behaviour seemed perfectly normal to me.
    BeatleJWOL and DaveyNY like this.
  5. Romulan_spy

    Romulan_spy Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2000
    Terre Haute, IN. USA
    The movies tried to make Picard into a sort of action hero. I think the big strength of this show "Picard" is that it understands that what made the Picard character so great and so beloved was his strong moral conviction, and his sense of duty, loyalty and honor. We really see all that in this show.

    ITDUDE Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 15, 2001
    It’s not like there are hundreds of choices. It’s not about best episode ever. Among premier episodes only, better than Discovery, better then Enterprise, better than Voyager, better than DS9, better than TNG and better than TOS. I stand by my statement.
  7. Blooded

    Blooded Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2001
    See, this is why I'd need to rewatch. I thought he was found away from home, and they brought him back?
  8. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    IMO, at its time, each premier was the best it could be and I have enjoyed them all immensely.
    oberth, Search4 and Uhura's Song like this.
  9. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    They talked about someone finding just him on the roof. So, obviously they (the Romulan caretakers) either went and got him or someone dropped him off.
  10. eschaton

    eschaton Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2017
    I'll admit, my concerns in that scene were more minor. If it wasn't for the later scene with Jurati - which I really, really didn't like at all - I wouldn't have minded. But the Jurati scene was just...awful. I haven't seen Alison Pill in anything else, so I'll cut her some slack. But everything she said was either basically backstory exposition about the status of synthetic lifeforms in the Federation, or else jumping to conclusions way, way too rapidly based upon having literally no evidence other than Picard's word. The line about being able to partially reconstruct Data based upon a single positron in particular was laughable, but I guess it's classic technobabble.
    Deledrius likes this.
  11. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    I thought it meant that whoever brought Picard back to the chateau, told the Romulans that.
  12. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    I've only seen it once, but they left it vague how Picard got back.
  13. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    Wouldn't that be new information for us, that apparently she an Maddox had discovered a way to do that?
    Something inevitably and massively important to the whole premise of the story?

    She seemed kinda cagey when pinned down to talk about it by Picard.
    BeatleJWOL, Greg Cox and Blooded like this.
  14. KennyB

    KennyB I have spoken............ Moderator

    Jul 19, 2001
    Tokyo Japan
    I really disliked Dune Buggy/Action Hero Picard. It's nice to see him winded going up stairs........like a real 80+ year old.
  15. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    She's just reading the script Chabon and company gave her. Hard to hold her accountable for it.
  16. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    So I guess we're retconning human living to the 140's now?
  17. ISS-Magnum

    ISS-Magnum Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 26, 2017
    Oh, no! Contemporary politics in Star Trek! Someone pushing something agenda!

    Pindar and KennyB like this.
  18. Blooded

    Blooded Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2001
    Yes, that's exactly what I thought.
  19. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    The characters were vague about how it happened because they could only convey what they had been told?

    Those two weren't the ones that found him and brought him home.
  20. Blooded

    Blooded Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2001
    I personally have zero problem with that.
    Phaser Two, J.D. and KennyB like this.