Spoilers 9/19 - New Video about the "Michael Burnham" Character

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by Noname Given, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
  2. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Just watched the video, and the one thing that really caught my attention is that we actually see Burnhamn smiling and having fun. I think this is the first real evidence we've gotten that there will be lighter moments in the show.
  3. WarpFactorZ

    WarpFactorZ Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 10, 2013
    Configuring the Ontarian Manifold
    Love the Vulcan learning centre / school.
  4. Chekov's Phaser

    Chekov's Phaser Waiting to be relevant. Fleet Captain

    Apr 5, 2004
    On a table.
    Main thing I noticed as well. Admittedly the vast majority of the promos and trailers have done little to alleviate the fear that this is SUPER SERIOUS, DARK AND GRITTY, TREK!! But I hope this means that the show might be more than just Trek with all the fun taken out of it.
  5. queerTrekker

    queerTrekker Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 19, 2016
    For those who aren't American, this one should be able to be watched out side the US, at least it works alright here in Canada.

    Sidenote: Excited by the possibilities the preview presented. Looking forward to Michael.
    cultcross and In Thy Image like this.
  6. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    And I've found a second video talking about the character which has more previously unseen footage from the show itself:

    I think this is Canadian, and it's not region locked here in the U.S. - don't know about the rest of the world.
    queerTrekker and Ridcully like this.
  7. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    Sarek and Michael's outfits in the transporter room wouldn't look out of place on TOS.
  8. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    How many Trek episodes have had flashbacks before this? The only one that comes to mind right away is the Voyager with flashbacks to Seven as a kid with her parents. There was also Voyager's 11:59 and ENT's Carbon Creek, but those two are kind of questionable since characters are telling stories about the their ancestors, rather than it being those characters' pasts.
  9. WarpFactorZ

    WarpFactorZ Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 10, 2013
    Configuring the Ontarian Manifold
    The Shenzhou has antennae sticking out of its deflector dish. Nice TOS nod.

    Wasn't quite a fan of the transporter effect underneath the Shenzhou, however, that showed the energy beam "flying up" to the ship.

    Anyway, this show is gonna be a great TOS revival!
    Ridcully likes this.
  10. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Trope alert: Captain and first officer beam in to dangerous situation.
  11. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    Bless you both for posting these! So much new tidbits and footage in this. It looks like Captain Georgiou will very much play a large role in shaping Burnham, considering that she looks very Vulcan when she arrives on the Shenzhou. Interesting also, that we'll get so many flashbacks. Looks like Michael Burnham will really be front and center in this show.
    Ridcully likes this.
  12. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    I'm starting to wonder if all of the stuff on the Shenzou is going to be an Arrow style flashback story that runs parallel to the present day Discovery story. Showing us both the beginning and the end of the war with the Klingons at the same time.
  13. queerTrekker

    queerTrekker Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 19, 2016
    That's an interesting theory. I'd begun to wonder about that myself, but if it is, I always enjoyed the way Arrow handled its method of Flashback and present moment combined narratives in the early seasons, I wouldn't mind it if they did that here.
  14. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    IIRC There is a shot in one of the recent videoes that shows the Discovery and Shenzhou together in battle.

    but that could just be a ship of the same class
  15. queerTrekker

    queerTrekker Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 19, 2016
    Hrm...yeah, that coudl debunk that theory. Unless it was a point in which the past and present meet, like the battling together was the point where Michael's flashbacks leading to the present moment? Though I suppose its more likely that they just fly together.