The Action Figure and Toy Collecting and Discussion Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by cooleddie74, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. LordMudd

    LordMudd Captain Captain

    May 6, 2014
    Pasadena, TX.
    Bump....because the best thread in this section does not belong on the second page.

  2. CaptainMurdock

    CaptainMurdock Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 5, 2013
    Just ordered the Diamond Select DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations figure set.
    Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brian in TOS uniforms. Will go great with my recently aquired TOS figures. Right now, I'm currently working on a little diorama to make a little comic strip with my figures. Similar to "Twisted Toyfair Theater." More pics to come soon. :)
  3. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    My Eaglemoss Starship Collections Enterprise-E arrived yesterday...and I couldn't be happier with it! It's my first item from the company and I'm pretty impressed. I haven't really had time to examine it in great length but the detail seems pretty awesome.
  4. LordMudd

    LordMudd Captain Captain

    May 6, 2014
    Pasadena, TX.
    Stopped in Kroger this morning for some sherbert and checked the toy aisle. They were just stocking it with MU and the Wasp figure was still in the case. Finally got one.

    Down side: I had to pay a dollar more.
    Upside: All $10 went to points for my next fuel discount.

  5. AstroSmurf

    AstroSmurf Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 23, 2006
    Over the Blue Moon
    I have the subscription and so far I have only seen one ship that just didn't hold up (the paint apps on the refit Connie are just blah). I also love the magazines (which are very informative) and the selection of ships they have chosen for the collection is quite good. Actually I blew a pretty sizable chunk of change for dedicated display shelves just for them. I can't recommend them enough!

    And I really need to break out the camera again. I have the Diamond Select Captain America and Falcon, which are just absolutely amazing. Both are begging to be photographed!
  6. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Anybody here having any luck finding the new wave of 6" Black Series figures at their local Walgreens stores (other than OdoWan, of course, who masterfully scored a Chewbacca and a Vader like a boss)? I'm curious as to how your local Walgreens have been stocking the new assortment and the exclusive Prototype Boba Fett figure, because many collectors are still reporting finding nothing at their own stores. Some locations are simply wiped clean out while others have yet to even stock the figures.
  7. LordMudd

    LordMudd Captain Captain

    May 6, 2014
    Pasadena, TX.
    I think the problem with Walgreens, and CVS, is that they don't function like normal stores. Example: When a certain number of figures from a line are purchased from TRU, Target, or Walmart, it triggers a restock in the computer. Toys are not a high volume item at drug stores.

  8. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Very true, although your post does bring up the restocking policies of the big box retailers and lately stores like Target have just dropped the ball when it comes to restocking certain action figures, leaving peg walls with just a handful of unwanted, unsold characters and not replenishing the stock because the automatic trigger (often a very low number that many stores just don't and won't reach with current product) hadn't been activated and new orders placed by the computer system.

    This result is store after store being loaded with unsold pegwarmers that nobody wants but new orders of fresh product only sporadically happen because of the trigger numbers that often date back to when figure selections were better and much more exciting, leading to higher sales and much faster product turnover. What worked for efficiently restocking the peg walls in 2005 or 2009 doesn't work anymore and needs to be revised so that shoppers can actually find new product they'll eagerly want to buy.
  9. LordMudd

    LordMudd Captain Captain

    May 6, 2014
    Pasadena, TX.
    I met a Walmart toy dept. manager once who said "If it doesn't have a movie in the theatres, I won't order it."

  10. C.E. Evans

    C.E. Evans Admiral Admiral

    Nov 22, 2001
    Ferguson, Missouri, USA
    I've absolutely given up trying to find stuff at any of the several Walmarts in my area. Years ago, there was one Walmart where I used to fairly regularly find stuff I wanted, but those days have long since passed.

    My local Target stores are a lot better (as far as putting out new product), but getting stuff there--as mentioned many times before countless pages ago in this thread--is purely a case of being at the right store at the right time...

    Incidentally, though, today I walked into a local Walgreens on a whim and picked up two of the 3.75-inch Doctor Who figures (10th Doctor and Amy Pond). It was nice not having to pay shipping & handling and having to wait for them to arrive in the mail. That particular Walgreens (in the deep American Midwest) was one the last places I'd ever expect to see anything Doctor Who...
  11. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    In other words: "Yes, we know our toy department sucks."
  12. OdoWanKenobi

    OdoWanKenobi Admiral Admiral

    Jan 2, 2003
    Hey look! It's time to make you hate me even more!
  13. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Nah, not hate. My local Walgreens are either completely out of stock or late getting the figures on the shelves. :) He does look a lot better than the first boxed photos led some of us to believe and he's gotten stellar reviews from some collectors and websites. I like that his jacket flap is interchangeable.
  14. CaptainMurdock

    CaptainMurdock Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 5, 2013
    Welp I put my Enterprise underwater. ;) I'm wanting to do Into Darkness TOS style images.
  15. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Nice use of the classic TOS Season 3 title font. I like it. :cool:
  16. CaptainMurdock

    CaptainMurdock Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 5, 2013
    Thanks. I have a few more reboot inspired Ideas I'll try with my DST Enteprise model soon. :cool:
  17. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Note to the classic Enterprise crew: water exposure and then drying will shrink velour. ;)
  18. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    A Wal-mart department manager doesn't have that type of authority. He stocks whatever the regional buyer tells him to stock. I was a department manager for them in the mid-90's and my daughter currently works for the company.
  19. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Well, somebody up the chain of command needs to get their act together and begin stocking new product before people stop bothering to shop in their toy departments for anything more than Ninja Turtles. :)
  20. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    Agreed. Their toy aisles are incredibly shitty anymore.