What do you diehard TOS fans think of the new movie?

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by treklover, May 12, 2009.

  1. number6

    number6 Vice Admiral

    I loved the Trekkies movie. It painted a pretty accurate picture of Trek's extreme fanbase.
  2. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Yeah, and that's my criticism because it could easily serve to give average John and Jane Public the idea that we're all like that.
  3. number6

    number6 Vice Admiral

    You mean we're not??? :vulcan:
  4. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    I've never lived in my parent's basement. I have never worn a costume. I don't have a problem socializing or relating to women. I'm interested in a lot of other things. And so on and so on. And pretty much every Trek fan I know doesn't fit the cliched stereotype.

    The only time I've actually encountered said stereotypes were the rare individuals at some conventions. They're certainly not representative of the average fan.
  5. number6

    number6 Vice Admiral

    Agreed. But the film isn't about the "average" fan. It's about, well...most of the people around here, the ones who dress up and speak Klingon thinking they're real warriors, the ones who write pages of opinions on how best to build a warp drive, people who argue about the Enterprise being built on the ground vs. built in space, the people who debate endlessly about why the bridge should or shouldn't be rotated 36 degrees off axis, the people who build models of ships that were seen onscreen for 30 seconds, the people who pimp out their cars, apartments, livingrooms, bedrooms, etc, to look like the bridge of the ship...

    For those people this is an accurate portrayal..complete with personal social skills.

    These people exist. Many of them post here, not unlike you and I.

    I am with you on not wearing costumes and not living in mom's basement.

    I only know enough Klingon to order food at a restaurant, and I had my tribble spayed.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  6. Anticitizen

    Anticitizen Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 16, 2008
    Black Mesa Research Facility
    Hmm... on wearing costumes... does Halloween count? I was Spock not once, but twice. TWOK Spock at about age 11, with a very fair reproduction of the uniform jacket lovingly fabricated by my mother. The second for a party at age 17 or 18, TOS-Spock, with a tricorder I fashioned using the old plastic case that VHS tapes came in, with the screen made from a small square mirror and buttons made from those decorative plastic jewels with adhesive backing, slung over my shoulder with a strap. In both cases I gave myself the Spock bowl-cut :vulcan:
  7. Gepard

    Gepard Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 20, 2007
    Are you sure? Sounds like a combo of "Trekkie" and "Cultist" to me.
  8. Spider

    Spider Dirty Old Man Premium Member

    May 23, 2004
    Lost in time
    Wouldn't a true devoted fan love almost all of which can be called "Star Trek"? From being on this board a while I think I can make a safe assumption that most of us are really fans of only a subset of all of the Star Trek universe. Would any of us really be trekkies or trekkers or whatever?

    Personally, I don't like those labels, although at work I get hit with it sometimes. It seemed everyone in the building had to come by my office after the movie came out to ask me what I thought of it, and were shocked that I didn't froth at the mouth over it. :lol:
  9. plynch

    plynch Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 28, 2007
    Outer Graceland
    Wow - let's make up one new word to further divide us. Pre-Coonists? Cage-ists?
  10. plynch

    plynch Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 28, 2007
    Outer Graceland
    I like most of it. I like Voyager more and more. Plotholes galore, but . . . fun. I got bored and stopped watchiong ENT. That's the only hole in my trekkiness. I am allowed one part of the franchise not to like, I think.

    Me too - my normal friends and students would always ask very energetically. My standard response so as not to seem like a wet blanket/Debbie Downer: "If you like action movies, you'll love it." That appeased 'em. Not a real honest response, but sometimes you have to go along to get along.
  11. trevanian

    trevanian Rear Admiral

    Oct 14, 2004
    No, that isn't a fan (unless you define fan by the longer word fanatic), it is a damned fool, or a puppy.

    Puppies can love unconditionally, but if your human brain functions, it probably discerns differences, so there is no way you can swallow all of anything, cuz it doesn't all taste good.
  12. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    Oh come on, that would have made it a VERY boring film. ;)
  13. Chrisisall

    Chrisisall Commodore Commodore

    Jul 5, 2009
    Yeah, that one left me cold. Which is why, in part, that I 'm so happy for the new movie! I'm enthusiastic again! Oh, and I just got a Diamond Select OS communicator at Blockbuster for $10!!!!! It's on clearance!!!
  14. Neopeius

    Neopeius Admiral Admiral

    Nov 3, 2001
    55 years ago
    Kelso is one of those.
  15. trevanian

    trevanian Rear Admiral

    Oct 14, 2004
    That makes me a DieHard Coonie. Which is almost funny, since my grandmother's maiden name was Cooney.
  16. Brutal Strudel

    Brutal Strudel Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    So hey: back to the SF vs sci-fi thing. Just saw Moon. Rest well. Real SF cinema is still kicking if this and Children of Men are any indication. Any Trek(kie)(ker)(ist)(ite)(inista) pissed off at the relative vacuity of Trek XI needs to see this movie soon as possible.
  17. trevanian

    trevanian Rear Admiral

    Oct 14, 2004
    I would have already gone when it hit town last Friday, but there is virtually no parking in that section of Portland.

    Inadvertently was 'spoiled' on this when reading a tech piece about it a few months back, but it still looks like something right up my alley.

    I WILL find a way to see this in the theater ... and as you indicated, I probably NEED to.

    Oh, and I found a light vfx discussion of TREK 11 ... it is a sound clip, but it is kinda funny, because the guy asking the questions and the fx guy both find it hysterical that the Abrams ship is built on earth ... http://blog.vfxshow.com/?p=200
  18. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    From what I've read I'm interested in seeing Moon.
  19. trevanian

    trevanian Rear Admiral

    Oct 14, 2004
    I would have agreed, but then I found out about 7 years ago that some of the best/funniest stuff -- 'pike guy' -- is faked/staged when I saw that Rich Kronfeld 4 DAYS IN ROSWELL.

    TREKKIES was really good, but I think going that extra 'creative' mile really crosses the line (in a slightly less offensive way than the old news coverage bit of 'when covering a con, film the fat chick'), just like some of the sound editing with Heston at the end of the Michael Moore guncontrol thing ... you've already proven your point with facts, why tarnish that with contrivance or something that can discredit your work?
  20. Forbin

    Forbin Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    I said out, dammit!
    Children of Men? All that was a one long chase movie. The "grand concept" was nothing more than a McGuffin to get the chase going. Very disappointing, IMHO.