Sell me on Kes.

"I always wanted to bed Kes but now that she is growling, eating flowers and covered in yellow glue I'm a little skeeved.."
This is the scary and unpredictable shit that happens when you date outside your gender.
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Well Janeway was on a what, one week jaunt to get some bad guys and then home in time for the puppies to be born? And look what happened to her!
Mark stole her puppies.

In the coming home book, set after Endgame, he would not give them back.

(Shouldn't the real Janeway we know and love, have razed the planet until she got them back... What a thick savage curtain she wears in the Alpha Quadrant that had undrawn for the previous 7 years trapped in the boondocks.)
In J/7 land puppies is a code word. And believe me Mark did not steal them, oh no no no.

And what if she did get one of them back, a now 7 year old dog? Like 2 years later she died! The dog would have had to go to therapy after being ripped from it's loving home and given to Janeway and then losing Janeway.
I always thought Mark was a bit of a sleazy scumbag anyway, just from his manner when we first saw him in "Caretaker".
I can't sell you on Kes because I found the character lacking. I think Lien had the acting chops but the writers rarely gave her anything interesting or meaty to do.
If I could actually buy Kes, in all honesty ... I probably would buy her.

Does that make me a bad person?

Applying Telekenetic pressure to different sections of a brain will stimulate different responses.

Sure she can kill you, quite painfully, but Kes can also make you orgasm with a wink.
I wouldn't want her. I'd give her a thousand bars of gold pressed latinum and tell her to take off. Also, a map.
Remember when she was going to run off with that creepy guy and see the galaxy? That phase lasted like 5 minutes.. I'm sure if you popped down to the shops for some booze to fuel her bad girl phase you might find upon your return you'd missed it.