NBA 2012-13 Discussion

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The Heat seemed to leave their game on the floor of game 7 against the Pacers. They ran out of steam at the end of the 3rd quarter and the wiley Spurs, knowing game 1 of a 7 game series is the one that can be stolen most easily.

Now once again we get to see the 2-3-2 effect in action. I'm assuming the Heat will win game 2 and the series will go to SA tied. SA has taken the "HCA" or so it appears. But to fully take advantage of it, they must defeat the Heat 3 times in a row. Even at home that is a daunting task. I simply cannot see the Spurs beating the Heat 3 times in a row. But if they dont, the Spirs will have to beat the Heat twice on the road with one of the games likely a decision game (game 6). Now Dallas did just that two seasons ago, but that was a different heat team.

Taking HCA in the 2-2-2 just ain't what it was in the 221111.

Tim Duncan isn't just a Top 50. He should be a Top 10.

Jordan, Magic, Byrd, Wilt, Robertson, and Kareem are really the only players I'd put above him. There's an argument for Karl Malone, but the sheer efficiency and performance when it matters that Duncan brings to the table puts him ahead. I'd honestly put him above Shaq and that says quite a lot (Shaq is hurt by his poor freethrow performance).
I'm not sure about that top 10 designation, I'd have to think about that. Although I think Karl Malone and Kevin McHale were technically "better" players. If I had one game or even a series I wanted to win, I'd take Timmie at 4 over either of those guys.

Every time I hear someone state that they'd take Tim over Shaq, it just makes me shake my head. This is Shaq's fault. Had he been as dedicated to his body and his overall game, there is no way anyone would even mention him and Tim in the same breath. As slovenly as he was, no one was as dominant as Shaq on offense in his prime. Shaq could have been just as domiant on defense but conceded that part of the game to guys like Timmie, who deserves credit for realizing that basketball is more than just scoring. BTW, Timmie's freethrow shooting was almost as bad as Shaq's.

BTW, your top 5 is lame without Kobe, the most domiant offensive player of his generation. Byrd -- Ha! Though I love the guy and think he is a great player, I wouldn't take him over Hakeem Olajuwan or Bill Russell.
Today is the 12th anniversary of this game. Made me believe someone could knock off the Lakers.
Ahhhh, this brings back fond memories. My supervisor at the time was from Philly and was a diehard Sixer fan, He talked and talked after this game. I told him he should keep talking (at least until game 2) because there was no way the Lakers would lose the series. I had no idea they would sweep after this game, winning all 3 in Philly.

This game was a fluke, owing to the Lakers having had something like 2 weeks off before the game. The only thing this game did was stop the Lakers from becoming the first team to sweep the playoffs. But the loss in game 1 did ensure that people would stop talking about losing the sweep, so the timing was not too bad for that purpose. BTW, the Lakers had to settle for "just" the all time best playoff winning percentage.

Iverson was on fire in this game. Had he shot like this more than once in a blue moon, he actually might have deserved that MVP trophy.

Sorry Alidar, old wounds. :)
So far this series has gone exactly as I feared it would. Tony Parker would run all over the Heat, Lebron James would be special, and Wade and Bosh would fail to show up. I don't think Miami, unless something drastic changes in this series, will win its second-straight title. I think San Antonio hits them where they have weaknesses. It's just a bad matchup.
So far this series has gone exactly as I feared it would. Tony Parker would run all over the Heat, Lebron James would be special, and Wade and Bosh would fail to show up. I don't think Miami, unless something drastic changes in this series, will win its second-straight title. I think San Antonio hits them where they have weaknesses. It's just a bad matchup.

I'm sure this has always been the case, but Tony Parker in these playoffs is showing how underrated of a point guard he is. He's been doing everything and I know the Warriors had no answer for him.
So far this series has gone exactly as I feared it would. Tony Parker would run all over the Heat, Lebron James would be special, and Wade and Bosh would fail to show up. I don't think Miami, unless something drastic changes in this series, will win its second-straight title.
You realize it is only game 1, right?
For inexperienced teams, game 3's can be "trap" games, especially for inexperienced teams coming off a split on the road. They are still feeling good about themselves and getting their split instead of thinking about scratching and clawing out another win.

Obviously the Spurs aren't that team. But game 3 is still the likeliest to be stolen. As experienced as they are, I don't see SA coming out with the same desperation they brought to game 1. But they're not going to give it away. The Heat will need to come out aggressive on defense and focused on offense.

I'm sure ABC is hoping the teams split games 3 and 4 and as a fan, so do I.
Unless his hamstring is ripped in half, Parker will play - and even then I'd list him only as "doubtful".

Read an interesting stat on the Spurs this morning: they've never trailed (in wins/losses) in any of their Finals series'. That is truly amazing and is a tribute even more to their coaches than players, I think. OTOH, they've played in only 5. ;)

Spurs shot the lights out last night. I don't see that continuing through another game. In fact, the way it goes in the NBA, I wouldn't be surprised if the Spurs weren't able to (as the Late Chick Hearn used to say) "throw a pea in th ocean" for large parts of game 4 (especially Gary Neal). But because of the way they've been playing defense, they still might win.

Heat, of course, MUST win game 4 or it will be another failure by "The King". This year, neither he, nor his jockers, nor the adoring media, can blame a loss on lack of time together, or lack of talent.

But the Heat needs only one win. That sends it back to Miami where the Heat have more than a chance. Series reminds me of Lakers/Celts '84. Lakers split the first two in Boston and routed the Celts in game 3 (like the Spurs just did). Celts, though, won game 4 (by taking the Lakes out of their game) and won game 5 in Boston and an eventual game 7 in Boston. The Heat are in the C's position and the Spurs in the Lakes.

But the BIG difference, the '84 series was played in the 22111 so Game 5 was in Boston. This series, in the 2-3-2, game 5 will be in SA.

Of course, I could end up being dead wrong, but I think Miami is still in pretty good shape -- as long as they win game 4.
Looks like Parker will give it a shot, but with Cory in the wings, I'm thinking that the point guard spot is not as crucial as it otherwise might be... especially if that 3-point shooting continues (and pigs fly)...

Be interesting to see how the Spurs handle Lebron's response tonight...
Best of 3... and the Spurs had better win the next one or why even fly to Miami... Pop, hope you have some counter-adjustments!
Well, not the biggest surprise in the world last night. Two evenly matched teams are not going to win/lose 3 in a row against each other. Thus the conundrum of the 2-3-2 continues.

Looks like it's going 7, which means LeBron is going to get his second ring, and Wade's third. Spurs will need to win 2 in a row (or win a game 7 in the Finals on the road against the defending champs). I just read a stat that Miami has not lost 2 in a row since January (and the Heat are not about to cough up a game 7 in the Finals at home).

Although before game 4 I had been thinking that the Spurs would win game 5, and the Heat would win 6 and 7, after watching game 4, I'm not so sure about who is going to win game 5. Regardless, Heat will raise it's third banner.

Spurs really lost their chance to win it last night. Barring a miracle, they're done.
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Well, so far Dwyane Wade has shown up for one game, as has Gary Neal. It's been a classic series with both teams showing what they can do to the other and leaving me with no idea who wins game 5. I think the Spurs will put out the series, I think they can win games 5 and 6. If it goes seven, I doubt they will win, though.
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