Bryan Singer sex abuse allegations

I knew who started this thread without even needing to see the OP's name.

So, the X-men movies aren't just metaphors for accepting homosexuality, but for the less-innocuous idea of older gay men grooming teenagers to join their secret group (kind of casts a new angle over "Apt Pupil" as well)?

This is offensive and has no place in civil debate. You need to grow up and get over your homophobia, because being a bigot is no bueno.'re saying there are no bad gay people and/or that only straight people groom and abuse minors?

Talk about bigotry.'re saying there are no bad gay people and/or that only straight people groom and abuse minors?

Talk about bigotry.

He's saying that the idea of gay men preying on younger men is a tired stereotype.
Which must mean it never happens.

You guys.

It's now bigotry to ask for a fair debate? It is now bigotry to ask not to generalize about one group of people?
Teh gayz are teh evil, and their evil tushies will turn any unwary into teh gayz. It's like vampires that way. Fabulous vampires.
He's saying that the idea of gay men preying on younger men is a tired stereotype.
Which must mean it never happens.

Fine, I'll bite: What aspects of the X-Men movies can you cite to support your idea that they "aren't just metaphors for accepting homosexuality, but for the less-innocuous idea of older gay men grooming teenagers to join their secret group"?
He's saying that the idea of gay men preying on younger men is a tired stereotype.
Which must mean it never happens.

Says who?
Also funny how nobody made the comment/subject a bit more general, because older men preying sexually on younger women is probably a bigger problem...
Either way, some older powerfull men(and sometimes women) do try to use less than savoury ways to bed younger women and/or men...
But no, it's all about "teh evul gays"...
To be completely safe, rich powerful men should stick to prostitutes like rich powerful women do.
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Let's make sure we keep out of TNZ territory here folks. Fine to discuss it but not fine to duke it out over who's the bigot.'re saying there are no bad gay people and/or that only straight people groom and abuse minors?

Talk about bigotry.

Which must mean it never happens.

You guys.

It's now bigotry to ask for a fair debate? It is now bigotry to ask not to generalize about one group of people?
Teh gayz are teh evil, and their evil tushies will turn any unwary into teh gayz. It's like vampires that way. Fabulous vampires.

Not only teh gayz. According to the Huffington post, it's also Star Trek fans. And since Singer is also a known Star Trek fan...

It all ties together. :rolleyes:
He's saying that the idea of gay men preying on younger men is a tired stereotype.
Which must mean it never happens.

Says who?
Also funny how nobody made the comment/subject a bit more general, because older men preying sexually on younger women is probably a bigger problem...

You mean, other than the very first post in the thread where I mentioned (straight) Woody Allen and (straight) Roman Polanski, acknowledged I didn't know if Singer was guilty of anything and then said the bigger issuing warranting a look was sexual abuse of young people by powerful people ( neither singling out gay nor straight) in Hollywood in general?
You mean, other than the very first post in the thread where I mentioned (straight) Woody Allen and (straight) Roman Polanski, acknowledged I didn't know if Singer was guilty of anything..


Singer's a film director. That's the ultimate pedo "get out of jail free" card.

Looks like your accusing him of being a pedophile in that first post. Doing it in quite the cowardly fashion to boot.
Which must mean it never happens.

Says who?
Also funny how nobody made the comment/subject a bit more general, because older men preying sexually on younger women is probably a bigger problem...

You mean, other than the very first post in the thread where I mentioned (straight) Woody Allen and (straight) Roman Polanski, acknowledged I didn't know if Singer was guilty of anything and then said the bigger issuing warranting a look was sexual abuse of young people by powerful people ( neither singling out gay nor straight) in Hollywood in general?

Whom are you trying to fool? Your OP shows very clearly that you think Singer's guilty.
Which must mean it never happens.

Says who?
Also funny how nobody made the comment/subject a bit more general, because older men preying sexually on younger women is probably a bigger problem...

You mean, other than the very first post in the thread where I mentioned (straight) Woody Allen and (straight) Roman Polanski, acknowledged I didn't know if Singer was guilty of anything and then said the bigger issuing warranting a look was sexual abuse of young people by powerful people ( neither singling out gay nor straight) in Hollywood in general?

Actually, you didn't mention them...
You tried to, very badly, imply something about how there might be more directors who might be pedophiles...
And how "Liberal" Hollywood allows it...
17 although not legal some places, is legal in a lot of other places, so while legally Bryan is a paedophile in this instance because of geography, 500 miles in several directions from where he fucked that boy, he wouldn't be.

The age of consent in Neveda, where the 17 (then) year old plaintiff is from is 16.