Bryan Singer sex abuse allegations

the G-man

Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing 17-year-old boy in 1999: The plaintiff in the lawsuit was named as Michael F. Egan III, a resident of Nevada. The lawsuit alleges that Singer "manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats, and inducements." The lawsuit further alleges that Singer was part of a group of powerful men in the entertainment industry who "maintained and exploited boys in a sordid sex ring."

So, the X-men movies aren't just metaphors for accepting homosexuality, but for the less-innocuous idea of older gay men grooming teenagers to join their secret group (kind of casts a new angle over "Apt Pupil" as well)?

'X-Men' director Bryan Singer's accuser details alleged sex abuse at 15 years old: A man who claims he was sexually abused by "X-Men" franchise director Bryan Singer said Thursday that he reported the molestation to authorities at the time, and he does not know why charges were never pursued.

Singer's a film director. That's the ultimate pedo "get out of jail free" card. Just ask Roman Polanski and Woody Allen

But, seriously, there's been a certain amount of chatter recently, including from some former child actors, about there being a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people. Whether or not Singer has been a beneficiary of that tolerance remains to be seen. In the more general sense, however, one wonders if the industry shouldn't be looked at more carefully.
15 years later right before the release of his biggest movie of all time. It's hard to not see this as a scam.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing 17-year-old boy in 1999: The plaintiff in the lawsuit was named as Michael F. Egan III, a resident of Nevada. The lawsuit alleges that Singer "manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats, and inducements." The lawsuit further alleges that Singer was part of a group of powerful men in the entertainment industry who "maintained and exploited boys in a sordid sex ring."

So, the X-men movies aren't just metaphors for accepting homosexuality, but for the less-innocuous idea of older gay men grooming teenagers to join their secret group (kind of casts a new angle over "Apt Pupil" as well)?

'X-Men' director Bryan Singer's accuser details alleged sex abuse at 15 years old: A man who claims he was sexually abused by "X-Men" franchise director Bryan Singer said Thursday that he reported the molestation to authorities at the time, and he does not know why charges were never pursued.

Singer's a film director. That's the ultimate pedo "get out of jail free" card. Just ask Roman Polanski and Woody Allen

But, seriously, there's been a certain amount of chatter recently, including from some former child actors, about there being a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people. Whether or not Singer has been a beneficiary of that tolerance remains to be seen. In the more general sense, however, one wonders if the industry shouldn't be looked at more carefully.

So much for the presumption of innocence...
I think most will find this easy to accept as fact because of the long standing Hollywood legend of the casting room couch; the only difference here is that it's a young man being asked to put out instead of a young woman.

That said, most seem to not care too much about casting couch antics; it's just kind of accepted as part of the business.
there's been a certain amount of chatter...about there being a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people. Whether or not Singer has been a beneficiary of that tolerance remains to be seen

So much for the presumption of innocence...

Since you missed it the first time, I've excerpted and bolded it for you.

Hm. The rest of your post suggests you think he has, and that he's guilty. Especially your second paragraph.
there's been a certain amount of chatter...about there being a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people. Whether or not Singer has been a beneficiary of that tolerance remains to be seen

So much for the presumption of innocence...

Since you missed it the first time, I've excerpted and bolded it for you.
So, either there has been a tolerance for Singer's sexual abuse, or there has not been a tolerance for Singer's sexual abuse. Still sounds like you're lynching the guy. Maybe Hollywood's tolerance (or not) is irrelevant in this case because maybe he's not guilty of anything. Or maybe he is.

I'll wait to hear the evidence. I sure hope it's more than one person's "recovered memories".
there's been a certain amount of chatter...about there being a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people. Whether or not Singer has been a beneficiary of that tolerance remains to be seen

So much for the presumption of innocence...

Since you missed it the first time, I've excerpted and bolded it for you.

That was a loaded statement, and you know it. Like the question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

If Singer is innocent, he has never been and never will be a beneficiary of "a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people", simply because he then never actually sexually abused someone.

If Singer is guilty, I'd be interested in what the hell the parents of the 15-year and 17-year olds were doing. Because from the extend I've been reading about it, it sounds like at some point a dialogue like this would have happened. "Mom, the director wants me to go to Hawaii." - "Are they paying for your hotel?" - "No need to, we share the same room. There even is a whirlpool." - "Fantastic."
Yeah, the more I hear about these accusations, the more I think the accuser is full of crap.
The smarter you are the easier it is to have sex with dumb people.

And that's the problem with fucking children (I call any one under 30 a child, but in this case lets say under 24 is mentally a child.) because their brains haven't finished getting smarter... So while a dumb adult who has been duped into sex (half of every couple that has ever had sex.) will be fine with their stupid choices forever because they will never figure out that they have been manipulated into doing depraved shit happily with perverts because what happened to them is too difficult for their level of intellect to work out why they didn't say "No thankyou"... A 24 year old looking back on decisions they made as a 16 year old can get quite moody because if they are even %10 smarter than they used to be, they are not going to happy finding proof that they used to be quite ####ing stupid.

And that's why the age of sexual consent needs to be raised to 32.
The smarter you are the easier it is to have sex with dumb people.

And that's the problem with fucking children (I call any one under 30 a child, but in this case lets say under 24 is mentally a child.) because their brains haven't finished getting smarter... So while a dumb adult who has been duped into sex (half of every couple that has ever had sex.) will be fine with their stupid choices forever because they will never figure out that they have been manipulated into doing depraved shit happily with perverts because what happened to them is too difficult for their level of intellect to work out why they didn't say "No thankyou"... A 24 year old looking back on decisions they made as a 16 year old can get quite moody because if they are even %10 smarter than they used to be, they are not going to happy finding proof that they used to be quite ####ing stupid.

And that's why the age of sexual consent needs to be raised to 32.

So much for the presumption of innocence...

Since you missed it the first time, I've excerpted and bolded it for you.
So, either there has been a tolerance for Singer's sexual abuse, or there has not been a tolerance for Singer's sexual abuse. Still sounds like you're lynching the guy.

Clearly, he would only be a beneficiary of the alleged tolerance of sexual abuse if he committed sexual abuse. Otherwise, such tolerance is inapplicable to him.

So much for the presumption of innocence...

Since you missed it the first time, I've excerpted and bolded it for you.

That was a loaded statement, and you know it. Like the question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

If Singer is innocent, he has never been and never will be a beneficiary of "a tolerance in Hollywood for sexually abusing young people", simply because he then never actually sexually abused someone.

Yes, hence my point. It remains to be seen if he is guilty. Therefore it remains to be seen if he has been a beneficiary of the alleged tolerance.
Statutory Guilt.

If a 14 year old literally rapes a 20 year old, the 20 year old can still be charged for statutory rape and go to jail.

There's a line in the sand, and "she has an old soul" is not a good enough reason to live on the wrong side of it.

It's just a question of if they are going after Bryan for statutory rape or rape by deception, which is part and parcel with coercion.

It seems redundant and bipolar to go after both, but if he could be charged for 20 sightly different worded types of rape, that might actually clock up the jail time to the number of years a rapist actually deserves which I have never thought the system properly recognizes.
Someone sure has something against Bryan Singer. It was prior to the release of Superman Returns that his homosexuality was released. Which isn't anything for him to be ashamed of, of course. But such an announcement should have been handled by him on his own terms, not having to confirm rumours circulating around. And now this with a new X-Men movie a little over a month away.

Personally, I don't believe this. Singer just doesn't seem like that kind of guy to me. And these guys have stayed silent about this since 1999 and are coming forward now when he's a high-profile director with an anticipated blockbuster about to be released?

Yeah, I know, some of the time it can be the person you least expect, but somehow I suspect if Singer wasn't well-known in Hollywood, no one would be making these kinds of accusations.

Maybe I am completely wrong, but for now I'm going to presume Singer is innocent until proven guilty.
No one outed Singers homosexuality because he never hid it. It was known & if the public didnt know immediately they certainly knew by the time X2 came out and not right around the release of superman returns, as previously stated. Remember everyone was saying that the mutant struggle was analogous to the struggle for gay rights.

Apparently everyone knows that Roland Emmerich and Bryan Singer likes young, barely-legal guys. The parties are known. Their tastes are known. What isnt known is if he's a rapist.

I, for one, think hes guilty. This Marc Collins-Rector is a known, convicted pedophile and the people he parties with have been accused of pedophilia as well. Singer used to hang out with Collins-Rector at these parties.

The reason for the lawsuit now is that hawaii recently changed their laws allowing for this and the deadline for filing is almost up. I believe its at the end of this month. Also, according to experts, it normally takes decades for male survivors of rape to come forward because of the stigma. Just look at how many of Jerry Sandusky's victims never came forward, even into adulthood, until someone else got the ball rolling.

Corey Feldman said that this type of stuff is what ultimately was responsible for Corey Haims death. He was passed around in these pedophile rings.

This aint going away and Singer better pray that no one else comes forward and I guarantee you the others that were involved are shitting their pants right now.