MLB Offseason 2013-2014

Discussion in 'Sports and Fitness' started by Mr. Laser Beam, Oct 31, 2013.

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  1. Scout101

    Scout101 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2003
    Rhode Island, USA
    Plus Jeter, maybe Arod, and like 5 others too old to play the field.
  2. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
  3. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Well, here's something I don't say every day: I agree with Timby.
  4. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    I can't stand him. And I have the displeasure of seeing his work on a near-daily basis, being in the local sports market.
  5. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Measuring Mussina purely on wins in the exact same sentence as calling saves an overrated stat is intellectual dishonesty on a ridiculous level, to say nothing of this gem:

    Then judging Biggio for having only one 200-hit season, but ignoring 3,000 for career.

    Get fucked, Shaughnessy.
  6. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    That's just crap.
  7. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Jeter, Ichiro and Wells cannot play the field every day. Beltran's knees are arthritic an degenerating rapidly, so he'll need to be spelled, too. If Rodriguez doesn't get suspended (and given that it's gotten out that MLB violated state law in its investigation, he's got a hell of a lawsuit if they do try to hand one down), he's certainly not an everyday fielder anymore. It's also pretty crazy to assume that Teixeira will be able to stay healthy, too.

    There's going to be a multi-headed monster at DH this season.
  8. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    No reason to expect that Tex won't be an every day player.

    None whatsoever.

    Choke-rod is a question mark, but we can win without him.

    Beltran? .... all star... plain and simple.

    The Red Sox are worried about the Tanaka deal...
  9. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    They're really not.
  10. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    Of course they are.
  11. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Likely not as worried as you think they are.
  12. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Injury-marred 2012 followed by losing essentially all of last year due to major wrist surgery -- not a great thing for a guy going into his age 34 season who relies on power as his primary hit tool. Additionally, his OPS+ has declined every year since 2008. Durability is a legitimate question mark for him.

    The .771 OPS he put up last year was third-best among qualified hitters (minimum 100 AB) on the Yankees last year. You might want to rethink your dismissive attitude.

    Sure, he's an All-Star, but he'll be 37 about three weeks into the season, and both of his knees have had multiple surgeries and are arthritic. Much like Pujols' plantar fasciitis, that's a condition that gets worse, not better.

    So, those three guys aside, there are still Jeter, Ichiro and Wells to consider, all three of whom are massive injury questions.

    Not entirely sure what this has to do with the six-headed DH monster of the Yankees, but there are plenty of suitors for Tanaka. The Yankees definitely need him, given that Sabathia is falling apart, Kuroda is ancient and God knows if Pineda's arm will ever stay attached to his shoulder -- but there's no way they can sign him to a contract that keeps them under the luxury tax threshold. I figure he'll land in Los Angeles or Seattle, depending on how willing Nintendo is to write another big check for a couple of years -- if they aren't willing, he'd be an excellent insurance option for the Dodgers if they decide to let Kershaw walk.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  13. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2004
    New York, New York
    What possible evidence supports this? At all? Or are you typing this while wearing your pinstriped pajamas?

    The Yankee self denial that their team is no longer the elite in the AL, and may even be on the decline is hilarious. Why would the Red Sox be scared? They have 3 homegrown talented starters in their rotation, and a whole other crop of them on the way. They aren't basing their off season moves on what the 3rd place team in their division in doing.

    You also don't seem to get that there is no guarantee that the Yankees are going to get Tanaka. It's just as likely he ends up on the Dodgers or any other of the big market teams with money to spend. Hell, I expect the Red Sox to even make a push for him.

    Granted if the Red Sox did go and sign him I'm sure we'd hear from you how he will be a bust and is overrated.
  14. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Heck, even people in New York know the Yankees are in a decline phase. The team had its lowest attendance since 2001, television ratings on YES tanked and they had a huge drop in season ticket holders. The team's lost revenue for the season is estimated to be well north of $50 million.
  15. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    The Red Sox are always scared of the Yankees. If you are a true RS fan, you know and understand and have lived this.

    Your pitching rotation and depth is outstanding. I've never said any different. It will be interesting to see if your closer is the real deal or just a flash in the pan.

    I never said the Yankees were a lock to get Tanaka. I hope they out spend EVERYONE on him, because I think he is the real deal, we need a young 1/2 pitcher in the rotation and whomever gets him won't lose a dime in doing so. Free agent starting pitching available is a gamble at best.

    Not elite in the AL anymore? That's just laughable.

    For gods sake we had a shot at making the play-offs with a AAA team last year. How quickly you forget that.

    The Yankees are always elite, you should bow in the presence of 29 world series championships. And say thank you for allowing you to get your first in a million years.

    ...and, you one way homer, I rooted for the Red Sox in the World Series and picked them to win it... would you have done the same for the Yankees?

    I think not.
  16. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    And folks wonder why the Yankees purchase star-power.

    For the most part, all the big names (draw) were on the DL last year.

    It will pick up again next year.
  17. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2004
    New York, New York
    I'm not scared of the Yankees, and I'm damn sure the Red Sox front office isn't afraid of the Yankees. I'm pretty sure they're more concerned with Tampa Bay.

    And guess what, as we sit here on Dec 31, 2013...the Yankees AREN'T the elite anymore. They aren't in any way that you decide to slice it. It's a new world of baseball management, and massive FA overpays aren't how long term sustained success is built anymore. They're dinosaurs.

    Yes the Yankees were competitive up until the end of the year last year, but they were powered by guys who are older, on short term deals, and who significantly over performed their expectations. And the core guys that they were waiting to return, are all older veteran players on the backside of their careers. They were old guys waiting for other older, but more talented guys to come back.

    Granted the Red Sox won the World Series last year on the backs of older guys who outperformed expectations, but the difference is there is an infusion of young talent that was on the ML roster, and is now building up in the minors. The Yankees have NONE of that. There isn't one player in their system that you look at and think: there is a major league star, or even a good major league player.

    I'm not talking about being historically elite, but of course that is the crutch that every Yankees fan falls back on when their current team is criticized. 27 RINGS!!1! (not 29 btw, you don't need 2 more). I'm sure when it comes to competing against the Yankees, no GM is bowing to their rings, or thanking them for allowing (I'm so glad the Yankees were gracious enough to let other teams win BTW, so kind) them to win. I'm sure they don't give a shit about 27 Rings.

    Edit: And to illustrate my point even better then I ever could, here is a great article from Grantland:
  18. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Fun fact: The attendance decline began in 2011 and really started tanking in 2012. Try again.
  19. Yanks

    Yanks Commodore Commodore

    Jul 6, 2011
    NX01 Bridge
    What difference does that make?

    Doesn't change the fact that the Yankees need to purchase star power.
  20. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    I don't know if the Yankees need to purchase star power. In fact, some of their greatest success came from their farm system. However, they can afford to purchase star power better than many other teams and use that as a bludgeon. I wouldn't call that a need, though.
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