What if Garrett Wang had left Voyager instead of Jennifer Lien?

I think he would have made a good telepath. He's earnest. He could have been one of those hangers on in the brown sector skulking in the shadows, saying earnest oppressed things.
Yeah, that lawsuit is crazy, as regards OLTL. Prospect Park owns the characters, but the actors' contracts are with ABC. So General Hospital gets the actors, and everyone has to pretend that most of the events dealing with when their OLTL characters were crossed over with GH never happened because nobody's allowed to say those characters' names or refer to what happened in their storylines in any but the most oblique way.
But on the plus side, it makes TOTAL SENSE that Todd Manning is Franco now. :rolleyes:
I never saw the web version of OLTL. I'm guessing that Todd Manning is alive and well on that show, whereas on GH, he not only vanished, but he's barely been referred to again except as some vague relationship Carly had that didn't work out.

Thing is, Todd Manning is not Franco. Roger Howarth is Franco. The storyline they came up with to explain why he's no longer a sociopath is at least as plausible as whatever they're going to have to come up with to explain why Heather Webber and Jerry Jacks never die, no matter what you do to them.

Personally, I found Original Franco utterly scary-creepy. You never knew from one moment to the next what he was going to do. Maybe the writers are finally hitting their stride, 'cause I never saw the latest stuff coming.

I think he would have made a good telepath. He's earnest. He could have been one of those hangers on in the brown sector skulking in the shadows, saying earnest oppressed things.
They could have given him to Ivanova as a servant of some kind, or at least somebody to order around. What's Harry Kim without a strong, intimidating woman in his life?
My feeling is that if they offer you the content at a reasonable price, with an opportunity to sample it for free first, you should pay for it. But if they pull some kind of crap like region lockouts or price gouging, meh, just DL it.

For Kim to have been a good character he would have had to had something else to him. Like, make him a risk taker. Make him work harder to stand out. Make him frustrated with 70 years of being at the bottom of the command structure foist on him. Just do something else, make him break out and challenge the status quo in some way. ANYTHING than just being Paris's lame drinking buddy who always gets the horrible pandemic first.
For Kim to have been a good character he would have had to had something else to him. Like, make him a risk taker. Make him work harder to stand out. Make him frustrated with 70 years of being at the bottom of the command structure foist on him. Just do something else, make him break out and challenge the status quo in some way.

Hey he did run off with a girl.
Yeah, that lawsuit is crazy, as regards OLTL. Prospect Park owns the characters, but the actors' contracts are with ABC. So General Hospital gets the actors, and everyone has to pretend that most of the events dealing with when their OLTL characters were crossed over with GH never happened because nobody's allowed to say those characters' names or refer to what happened in their storylines in any but the most oblique way.
But on the plus side, it makes TOTAL SENSE that Todd Manning is Franco now. :rolleyes:
I never saw the web version of OLTL. I'm guessing that Todd Manning is alive and well on that show, whereas on GH, he not only vanished, but he's barely been referred to again except as some vague relationship Carly had that didn't work out.

Thing is, Todd Manning is not Franco. Roger Howarth is Franco. The storyline they came up with to explain why he's no longer a sociopath is at least as plausible as whatever they're going to have to come up with to explain why Heather Webber and Jerry Jacks never die, no matter what you do to them.

Personally, I found Original Franco utterly scary-creepy. You never knew from one moment to the next what he was going to do. Maybe the writers are finally hitting their stride, 'cause I never saw the latest stuff coming.

I think he would have made a good telepath. He's earnest. He could have been one of those hangers on in the brown sector skulking in the shadows, saying earnest oppressed things.
They could have given him to Ivanova as a servant of some kind, or at least somebody to order around. What's Harry Kim without a strong, intimidating woman in his life?

The funny thing is that I watched OLTL maybe ten times in twenty years, but for the short time that Todd was on GH he became my favorite character. I can never look at Roger Howarth without seeing Todd. The Franco thing is just completely bizarre to me. They should have created a whole new character for Howarth. It's a really strange choice to take a likeable and funny actor and try to graft that personality onto an established psychopath. Overall, though, the show's been really good lately.
But on the plus side, it makes TOTAL SENSE that Todd Manning is Franco now. :rolleyes:
I never saw the web version of OLTL. I'm guessing that Todd Manning is alive and well on that show, whereas on GH, he not only vanished, but he's barely been referred to again except as some vague relationship Carly had that didn't work out.

Thing is, Todd Manning is not Franco. Roger Howarth is Franco. The storyline they came up with to explain why he's no longer a sociopath is at least as plausible as whatever they're going to have to come up with to explain why Heather Webber and Jerry Jacks never die, no matter what you do to them.

Personally, I found Original Franco utterly scary-creepy. You never knew from one moment to the next what he was going to do. Maybe the writers are finally hitting their stride, 'cause I never saw the latest stuff coming.

I think he would have made a good telepath. He's earnest. He could have been one of those hangers on in the brown sector skulking in the shadows, saying earnest oppressed things.
They could have given him to Ivanova as a servant of some kind, or at least somebody to order around. What's Harry Kim without a strong, intimidating woman in his life?
The funny thing is that I watched OLTL maybe ten times in twenty years, but for the short time that Todd was on GH he became my favorite character. I can never look at Roger Howarth without seeing Todd. The Franco thing is just completely bizarre to me. They should have created a whole new character for Howarth. It's a really strange choice to take a likeable and funny actor and try to graft that personality onto an established psychopath. Overall, though, the show's been really good lately.
I have to agree. I saw most of Todd's story - missed awhile (the time when Todd was living alone in the penthouse with his parrot) and the last few years when Trevor St. John had the role. I think I stopped watching around the time when Starr was partway through her pregnancy.

Roger Howarth can pull off scary-creepy. The storyline when he stalked Nora was chilling. The thing is, GH seems to want him as a redeemable bumbler who makes mistakes and does bad things, but for the "right" reasons... and that's just not Franco, or at least it wasn't. :shrug:
The injustice of it - the overwhelming injustice of it - how Life Imitates Art in that the beautiful, the talented, the delicious Jennifer Lien gets dropped from the show, whilst VOYAGER kept the useless Garrett Wang. It's enough to make you lose your religion ...

The injustice of it - the overwhelming injustice of it - how Life Imitates Art in that the beautiful, the talented, the delicious Jennifer Lien gets dropped from the show, whilst VOYAGER kept the useless Garrett Wang. It's enough to make you lose your religion ...


I almost did. :(
We would have been spared more crappy Garrett Wang "acting" and been given a potentially fantastic character dynamic between Kes and Seven.

Just my train of thought exactly! And as I also said, we could've had a queer relationship as well, if the production staff had decided to pursue it with them.
Braga, or Berman, does it matter which one? But one of them talked about this. He admited that he should've had a gay character, and he probably could have pushed one though, but he just got distracted and he'd been fiired and Star Trek was canceled before that odd job reached the top of his to do list.
It's enough to make you lose your religion ...

I almost did. :(
Ah, Lynx ... don't despair. Like you, I just have to lump it. To be Frank & Ernest, I only own Season 3 - not because of Kes, I'm sorry to say, but rather for Rain Robinson. Had Sarah Silverman joined the cast, I think Rain and Kes would've become the very best of friends ... Voyager just seems to break the heart of anyone trying to find the best in it: Kes ... gone. Rain ... never joined ... Torres, with that hiddeous Rubber Forehead, distracting from the hotness that is Roxann Dawson ... the retention of Garret Wang ...
To be honest, I found Kes to be only marginally more interesting than Harry. She had one really fascinating trait -her short lifespan- and the writers never did much of anything with it. Instead we got a couple of dime-a-dozen stories about her psychic abilities and a really cringeworthy outing about her ridiculous reproductive cycle.
The injustice of it - the overwhelming injustice of it - how Life Imitates Art in that the beautiful, the talented, the delicious Jennifer Lien gets dropped from the show, whilst VOYAGER kept the useless Garrett Wang. It's enough to make you lose your religion ...

If either actor was all that, Star Trek wouldn't have been the apex of their budding careers. Out of the whole great featured cast of "American History X", she's the only one that never pushed forward in her career. Being fired from Star Trek is a joke when there were bigger and better productions out there waiting for her. Garrett was the one that got played being stuck in a role that would give him little respect as an actor in a job that would take his career nowhere. The only injustice Lien did was to herself by staying stagnate when a world of acting opportunity awaited her.

Ah, Lynx ... don't despair. Like you, I just have to lump it. To be Frank & Ernest, I only own Season 3 - not because of Kes, I'm sorry to say, but rather for Rain Robinson. Had Sarah Silverman joined the cast, I think Rain and Kes would've become the very best of friends ... Voyager just seems to break the heart of anyone trying to find the best in it: Kes ... gone. Rain ... never joined ... Torres, with that hiddeous Rubber Forehead, distracting from the hotness that is Roxann Dawson ... the retention of Garret Wang ...
Oh Hell's Muthafuckin' No!!
Star Trek would have ruined Sarah Silverman's career and she could have never gone on to the wonderful career as a potty mouthed comic that she has now.
She's probably richer and more well known than anybody on the show due to it.
While "Future's End" is one of my favorite for her, America needed "I'm f*cking Matt Damon" more.
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Star Trek would have ruined Sarah Silverman's career and she could have never gone on to the wonderful career as a potty mouthed comic that she has now. She's probably richer and more well known than anybody on the show due to it. While "Future's End" is one of my favorite for her, America needed "I'm f*cking Matt Damon" more.
And America needs Sarah Silverman! I am pleased to see I'm not alone in my appreciation of this intoxicating beauty! You're absolutely right about her career, of course.


Sarah has become an important figure in Hollywood, partly as a very visible celebrity, but mostly as a writer and box office draw. I love her little potty-mouth ways, as well, it's very endearing. What I like most about her is her performances, in anything she does. Even in a guest starring role, like Rain Robinson, her love of acting is evident. She seems to be a lot of fun to work with and be around. That's why the chemistry betwixt Rain and Tom Paris works so well. Why be a Prima Donna, it isn't necessary? She's on T.V., she's in the movies, what's there to be miserable about? It sure as hell beats working at a real job! That's the kind of attitude she projects and I'm glad STAR TREK got her to do VOYAGER ...
Star Trek would have ruined Sarah Silverman's career and she could have never gone on to the wonderful career as a potty mouthed comic that she has now. She's probably richer and more well known than anybody on the show due to it. While "Future's End" is one of my favorite for her, America needed "I'm f*cking Matt Damon" more.
And America needs Sarah Silverman! I am pleased to see I'm not alone in my appreciation of this intoxicating beauty! You're absolutely right about her career, of course.


Sarah has become an important figure in Hollywood, partly as a very visible celebrity, but mostly as a writer and box office draw. I love her little potty-mouth ways, as well, it's very endearing. What I like most about her is her performances, in anything she does. Even in a guest starring role, like Rain Robinson, her love of acting is evident. She seems to be a lot of fun to work with and be around. That's why the chemistry betwixt Rain and Tom Paris works so well. Why be a Prima Donna, it isn't necessary? She's on T.V., she's in the movies, what's there to be miserable about? It sure as hell beats working at a real job! That's the kind of attitude she projects and I'm glad STAR TREK got her to do VOYAGER ...
There is a downside to being a celeb, stalkers, no privacy, catty reviews.....especially about what you wear and don't dare go out without make up on. Lordy, child!!

...but yeah, Sarah Silverman is my girl yo!
I like her cause she seems like that type that can be girly girl so you can take her out to a good restaurant but enjoys watching Football with you and your guy friends.........and doesn't mind if you fart. :lol:
...but yeah, Sarah Silverman is my girl yo!
I like her cause she seems like that type that can be girly girl so you can take her out to a good restaurant but enjoys watching Football with you and your guy friends.........and doesn't mind if you fart. :lol:
Well-said, sir! Sarah represents what every man wants and the worst of that, the absolute worst of it is that ... she knows this.

To be honest, I found Kes to be only marginally more interesting than Harry. She had one really fascinating trait -her short lifespan- and the writers never did much of anything with it. Instead we got a couple of dime-a-dozen stories about her psychic abilities and a really cringeworthy outing about her ridiculous reproductive cycle.
I, too, found "her ridiculous reproductive cycle" to be "cringeworthy." Her psychic abilities were only brushed upon, so it's hard to judge that. Still, I enjoyed her scenes with Tuvok mentoring her. I despised Berman's giving her a short lifespan. A couple years is long enough for rodents, because they're just prey items. But, I think that she should've been gal pals with Seven, that they could've complimented eachother, very well - not unlike T'Pol and Hoshi did. Kes had lots of potential, but "they" didn't feel like doing anything about it.
ENOUGH with Sarah Silverman, enough ENOUGH!

Or, so I said some years back and I'm still on that train and I'm not getting off in a hurry.
I think there were interesting things they could've done with Kes's lifespan. She did meet the Ocampan colony whose people lived longer than the Caretaker's Ocampans, already setting up a situation where her lifespan could be expanded, and Kes seemed like a real prodigy, I think there's every chance she'd have found a way to extend her lifespan even longer.

I overall enjoyed the episode about Kes's reproduction, more for the deeper meanings explored about the subtext of reproduction issues than the weird parts of it. It's beyond ridiculous that her people could only breed once, it would have made the Ocampans extinct within a few generations. I assume that was something the Caretaker did to them. The way they gave birth with the back hump and everything wasn't very good. I think it would've been more fun if she wound up laying an egg. It would have to have been better than what we got at least.
I just had a thought about Neelix's Ocampan Lung.

When the Quicksilver being duplicated him... They became him, two equally awful things might have happened... First, as they were only copying him and not the extraneous Ocampan bits wandering about inside him, Quicksilver Neelix has no Lungs and dies immediately. Or 2, as the Quicksilver being maps and copies Neelix s/he also maps and copies Kes from her lung, after which full sized Kes manifests inside of and explodes out of Neelix, one upping John Hurt.

You know that there is another Silverman Teacake?

If Sarah doesn't take your fancy, how about Laura?
