TOS Caption Contest #191: Taking Care of Business

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by Rat Boy, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Rat Boy

    Rat Boy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Slowly but surely, Contest #200 is creeping up on us, but first let's close the books on the last contest by celebrating...


    Impulse engines? Warp engines? The debate rages on, but maybe Scotty's on to something about this episode...

    Third season budget cuts even led to red shirts not lasting more than twenty seconds on camera...

    Indeed, he who smelled it dealt it and when you're trapped in a phone booth, you have no one to blame but yourself...

    Photoshop, this is tough, and not because I'm hungover. I'm feeling generous (or indecisive, take your pick) this week...

    Try getting "Thriller" out of your head now. Next!

    Or try getting that song from the ads out of your head, now. Next!

    Must have slashed the costume budget at the Hall of Presidents thing at Disney World. Next!

    So that's what that means. Anyway, congratulations to the winners. This week, we start off with something for the ladies, red shirts finally getting their revenge, and Sulu dabbling in cosplay. Caption away:



  2. Rat Boy

    Rat Boy Vice Admiral Admiral


    Kirk: "Is there any point to those things in the wall?"

    McCoy: "No, I just wanted to watch your belly fat jiggle."


    Red shirt: "Mr. Nimoy, we're from studio security. Mr. Shatner thinks your stealing his lines."


    Sulu: "Meh, this Red Hour thing has nothing on Castro Street."
  3. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    Shatner: "Goddamnit, Roddenberry, you know I can't suck in hard enough to hide this!!! That's why my contract says no filming me without my girdle AND my shirt on!!!"

    Kelly: "Stop being such a queen, Bill."

  4. Captain Crow

    Captain Crow Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Satellite in Earth orbit
    Spock: Don't make me break my foot off in your ass Doctor.
  5. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    McCoy: "Sooooo.... anything you'd like to tell me about your shore leave?"

  6. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    "I told you that asking them where the bath houses were was a bad idea Mr. Sulu!"

    Sulu: "Quiet, you."

  7. Isis

    Isis Commodore Commodore

    May 31, 2009

    McCoy: "No, Jim, your abs don't look like a six-pack. They look like a backpack."


    Sulu: "This is a tough mission but at least it's proving something."

    Guy next to Sulu: "And what's that?"

    Sulu: "That I can rock a puffy shirt like no one else in the universe."
  8. ItsGreen

    ItsGreen Captain Captain

    Apr 25, 2010
    Near Philly

    Kirk finally realizes in the 2nd year of his 5 year mission that he requires a girdle!
  9. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    McCoy: "Well, Christine thought drawing on you wasn't a good idea..., so we went with physical implants. You gotta admit they're a nice complement to your smiling belly button."

    Kirk: "I can SMELL my own belly button. What's nice about that, asshole?"

  10. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    LOL!!!! Duuuuude (or dudette), that's one of your best 'shops yet. Very nice!

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  11. Ryan Thomas Riddle

    Ryan Thomas Riddle Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2003

    Bones: Don't worry, Jim. In another year or so, we'll be using make-up to draw on abs.


    Uhura: Spock, sugah, I think they're on to yah.
    Spock: It would appear, doctor, that the jig is up.


    Sulu: In ruffles, I'm doable. But in purple, I'm stunning!
  12. Captain Crow

    Captain Crow Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Satellite in Earth orbit
    McCoy: Nice back tattoo. Maybe you should show it to the crew. I think they'll get a kick out of it.

    [minutes later in the rec room]
    [Crew laughing]

    Sulu: Oh, my. Can you believe this shit!

    [Kirk starts crying]

    Man, offscreen: Thou must nip it in thine bud Andy.

    Sulu: Why is it no matter where we go in the universe we keep ending up in a redress of fuck'n Mayberry, North Carolina?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  13. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness

    MCCOY: And now the pants

    KIRK: What?

    MCCOY: Trust me, I'm a doctor.


    KELLEY: Len, why are our stunt doubles wearing red?

    NIMOY (pissed): Shatner.


    SULU: Okay, its possible that the historical documents were wrong and Jefferson wasn't Japanese.
  14. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    O'Neil: "Are you as scared as I am, Sulu?"

    Sulu: "Wellllll... let's just say it's a good thing that my pants were already brown.

  15. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    Sulu: "Who'd have thought they would get this pissed over a stolen carafe of tranya."

    O'Neil: "They must relish it as much as we do."

  16. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    Mr. Spock: "Now Doctor, whatever else Nurse Chapel may have told you, I assure you, I did not 'Go Ponn Far' on her this morning."
  17. T'Girl

    T'Girl Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 20, 2009

    Kelley: "Bill, what are you doing?"

    Shatner: "New memo from Gene, he said the rating would really pick up if there were a topless scene."

    Kelley: "Umm, Bill I don't ... "

    Shatner: "A lovely pair of ripe round ... "

    Kelley: "BILL! ... Did Gene's memo specifically mention you!"

    Shatner: "The memo said Grace or Nichelle, but I sure it was a misprint. I am the star"

  18. ItsGreen

    ItsGreen Captain Captain

    Apr 25, 2010
    Near Philly

    The costume designers took Roddenberry too literally
    when he said show was like "Wagon Train to the Stars"

  19. LeadHead

    LeadHead Director of Comedy Premium Member

    Oct 3, 2000
    The Normandy SR-2

    Kirk: Was that a Red Alert?

    McCoy: Yeah, nice try. I heard you tell Sulu to wait 10 minutes then call Red Alert to get you out of this checkup.


    McCoy: Mister Spock is under arrest.

    Security: Cool! Can I have his parking space?
  20. jep

    jep Captain Captain

    May 22, 2005
    Southeast USA

    Spock: "Touch me and I'll rip you a new corn chute."
