Yes, another TOS Constitution reboot

What is your favorite Enterprise?

  • NX-01

  • 1701

  • 1701-A

  • 1701-B

  • 1701-C

  • 1701-D

  • 1701-E

  • 1701-F

  • 1701 (Kelvin timeline)

  • 1701 (Discovery retcon)

  • 1701-J

  • 1701-A (Kelvin timeline)

  • 1701-G

Results are only viewable after voting.
Alright I've gone back to the Blender version to do some tweaking.
Perfect novel cover—that one.
As always, I appreciate it!

Here's the model on Sketchfab BTW

It's almost ready, and I'll probably be selling it on Gumroad, since that looks like the easiest way right now. I'm thinking $30 would be a fair price, but I do want to get feedback on that. The download would include any future updates I make (such as a shuttlebay and more registries), but with no promises on any additions since I'm really just wanting to put this one to bed and focus on finishing more models.
As always, I appreciate it!

Here's the model on Sketchfab BTW

It's almost ready, and I'll probably be selling it on Gumroad, since that looks like the easiest way right now. I'm thinking $30 would be a fair price, but I do want to get feedback on that. The download would include any future updates I make (such as a shuttlebay and more registries), but with no promises on any additions since I'm really just wanting to put this one to bed and focus on finishing more models.
I've never bought a 3D model before, so this will be my first... :biggrin:
@Hunter-G, while I appreciate you and your art a great deal and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I'll have to point you towards the board rule about no sales being allowed. I'm personally fine with mentioning that you're selling your work elsewhere, but please don't post links and discount codes. Please feel free to add stuff like that to your signature, but don't use your posts for that. Thank you! :)
@Hunter-G, while I appreciate you and your art a great deal and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I'll have to point you towards the board rule about no sales being allowed. I'm personally fine with mentioning that you're selling your work elsewhere, but please don't post links and discount codes. Please feel free to add stuff like that to your signature, but don't use your posts for that. Thank you! :)
I understand! I must have missed that, I just put it in my signature
I don't usually play this game, but here goes: If the SNW ship looked like this I'd be in love all over again.

Agreed. Other than the too-short ten episode seasons, the only thing I don’t care for in SNW is the remodeled exterior of the Enterprise. It just looks too… banged-up! Hunter’s E would address most if not all of my concerns.

EDITED TO ADD: Hunter hasn't posted it yet here, but

Wait until you see the video he just posted on his YouTube channel.

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