Yes, another TOS Constitution reboot

What is your favorite Enterprise?

  • NX-01

  • 1701

  • 1701-A

  • 1701-B

  • 1701-C

  • 1701-D

  • 1701-E

  • 1701-F

  • 1701 (Kelvin timeline)

  • 1701 (Discovery retcon)

  • 1701-J

  • 1701-A (Kelvin timeline)

  • 1701-G

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Side by sides are nice because it shows what I never really could put my finger on about the original ship, as much as I love it. The struts don't work for me. Yours work way better.

Thanks! There are definitely more changes than you'd think without seeing a side by side.

Ans yes, there are less windows. I'll make it no secret that I don't like lots of windows of starships. I think they break up the smooth surface too much, and they're also impractical. 99% of the time you would only see black with stars. My solution is to have crew quarters have simulated windows that can project whatever view they want in 3d fashion. Not only that, but it would project physically accurate lighting into the room (and UV light, if it's enabled).

All the windows I did add are common areas, hallways, briefing rooms, etc.
Here are some more renders that I've done recently. I'll probably do a few more, then I'll be starting on my Galaxy redux next!

Most of these are 5k, so have fun zooming in



Space Seed mockups:



Thanks! There are definitely more changes than you'd think without seeing a side by side.

Ans yes, there are less windows. I'll make it no secret that I don't like lots of windows of starships. I think they break up the smooth surface too much, and they're also impractical. 99% of the time you would only see black with stars. My solution is to have crew quarters have simulated windows that can project whatever view they want in 3d fashion. Not only that, but it would project physically accurate lighting into the room (and UV light, if it's enabled).

All the windows I did add are common areas, hallways, briefing rooms, etc.
I understand the reasoning behind the less windows, though I don't agree. On your model it works quite well.
I ended up reverting the font back to the original (but resized a bit). After looking at it for a while I think it just looks better for this ship. I'll use the TMP font for the phase II version later.

I also added a few more details here and there, so I re-rendered the initial images I posted with the updated version (in 4k this time)





I might do the same with all the previous images sometime. Also a short test flyby is rendering now while I'm at work, hopefully it will finish today haha