Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Select!

The Rock

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
Note: I apologize if someone has already made a topic here about this, but I did a search and could not find any topics about it.

This Christmas (12/3 to be exact), from Diamond Select Toys, comes the model/toy of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D (it's a lot like the Art Asylum Enterprises). This thing looks gorgeous! Diamond Select is selling it for $50 (but newforcecomics.com is selling it for $35!). I CAN'T WAIT! :eek:

Here is the info on it, from:

Join the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise for the adventure of a lifetime with this legendary starship. Measuring over 17 inches long, every detail of the Galaxy class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D is recreated, right down to the separating Saucer Section! Also included are light and sound effects taken directly from the celebrated Star Trek: The Next Generation!




Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

NICE!!! Thanks for the heads up!:bolian:
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

Interesting. I hope the hull color will be closer to what we´re used to from the filming miniatures.
The top view already looks quite promising.
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

That just looks flippin' awesome.
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

Interesting. I hope the hull color will be closer to what we´re used to from the filming miniatures.
The top view already looks quite promising.
I don't think you'll necessarily be happy with that if they do. The originally filming model was a combination of blues and gray (duck egg blue, being significant) that on TV looked like a light gray. The actual filming model in regular photographs is a little too blue for my tastes. There are tons of links all over that I frankly just don't want to look up but if watch GEN it's really noticeable when the saucer section crashes on the planet's surface with the more natural light.

The question is what would you prefer: what it actually looks like or what it looks like on TV (which is actually the more accurate point of reference of the two options)?

-Shawn :borg:
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

Interesting. I hope the hull color will be closer to what we´re used to from the filming miniatures.
The top view already looks quite promising.
I don't think you'll necessarily be happy with that if they do. The originally filming model was a combination of blues and gray (duck egg blue, being significant) that on TV looked like a light gray. The actual filming model in regular photographs is a little too blue for my tastes. There are tons of links all over that I frankly just don't want to look up but if watch GEN it's really noticeable when the saucer section crashes on the planet's surface with the more natural light.

The question is what would you prefer: what it actually looks like or what it looks like on TV (which is actually the more accurate point of reference of the two options)?

-Shawn :borg:
The preference comes with the 3D territory. Giving it its own color and then adjusting images later in post always adds subtle nuances to a model.
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

So, this is a toy or a model?
Re: Yay! Coming this Christmas: A new Ent-D model/toy from Diamond Sel

A toy. There's also an All Good Things version that's someone's exclusive. And going by Art Asylum/DST's past distribution, this will actually be out sometime next March.