Wrath of Khan deleted scene audio clip.

^Great job adding the promotion dialog to the pod scene and adding some new FX!

As for the workprint , it's been 40 years and they never gave a single officially released deleted scene from TWOK and I doubt it will ever happen as physical media takes it's final bow soon enough.
Unless in the next year or so they try to do what they did with TMP and release a pricey box set and throw in deleted scenes as a sweetener.
I didn't do all the work myself! I had some help from existing YouTube efforts. I would pay for the deleted scenes though. I have always wanted to aee Chapel's missing dialogue from STIV, and the memory wall from TMP. I wonder if it might be made available as part if the Roddenberry Archive?
I haven't gone through the whole thing (now THERE'S money well spent) but isn't the Memory Wall on the Complete Adventure set of TMP?

As much as I adore TMP and appreciate the Cadillac presentations that we have always gotten it's always bugged me that TWOK has gotten a presentation that is commensurate with it's original budget. The film looks terrific. But as far as extras, TMP has almost every scrap of footage they could scrounge up and / or fit on the disk. It has a coffee table art book. Now it has an isolated score track. But TWOK has no deleted scenes, no workprint, it's a comparatively bare bones affair. This was the movie that saved Star Trek!
I haven't gone through the whole thing (now THERE'S money well spent) but isn't the Memory Wall on the Complete Adventure set of TMP?

As much as I adore TMP and appreciate the Cadillac presentations that we have always gotten it's always bugged me that TWOK has gotten a presentation that is commensurate with it's original budget. The film looks terrific. But as far as extras, TMP has almost every scrap of footage they could scrounge up and / or fit on the disk. It has a coffee table art book. Now it has an isolated score track. But TWOK has no deleted scenes, no workprint, it's a comparatively bare bones affair. This was the movie that saved Star Trek!
I think TMP saved Star Trek but while it made a lot of money, it also cost a lot of money and was not well handled. TWOK just showed that they could make more on time and on budget with better fan reviews and secured the legacy.

The TMP boxed set only has a small part of the Memory Wall footage upscaled to HD in the documentary. It has no Spock footage. The new deleted scenes are pretty amazing but I was really hoping to play around with the Memory Wall footage for my fan edit, so I was both relieved (that I now need only minimal work to finish the edit) and disappointed. The wealth of stills show that there must be footage out there. It seems a shame that they decided to leave it out.

The absence of deleted scenes for the other movies is a travesty.
I haven't gone through the whole thing (now THERE'S money well spent) but isn't the Memory Wall on the Complete Adventure set of TMP?

As much as I adore TMP and appreciate the Cadillac presentations that we have always gotten it's always bugged me that TWOK has gotten a presentation that is commensurate with it's original budget. The film looks terrific. But as far as extras, TMP has almost every scrap of footage they could scrounge up and / or fit on the disk. It has a coffee table art book. Now it has an isolated score track. But TWOK has no deleted scenes, no workprint, it's a comparatively bare bones affair. This was the movie that saved Star Trek!

I actually think TWOK is the worst looking of the original 6 films, even with the remastering.

The making of TMP was heavily documented at the time it was being developed, and heavily marketed and merchandised….much more so than TWOK was. Unfortunately, TWOK just doesn’t have as much material from the time of its making to lean back on and derive all these great materials that TMP has.
Even the interviews on the 2 DVD set from the early 2000s looked horribly cheap. So it wasn't just leaning on existing material for TMP.

Does anyone know if this is something Meyer is opposed to? I.E. is this kind of content being held up by someone or is just a lack of effort or interest?

For those that don't recall, they released all the movies on DVD from 9 down to 2 in reverse order. Then they did the 2 DVD TMP Director's Edition, then they worked their way back up with double discs. The TWOK set was not great. I don't remember if the TFSF set was any better. I think they got a different team for TVH forward.
The ONLY thing that will get me to buy 2 again is deleted scenes.
Same for 3, 4 and 6.
For 5 they'd have to do a recut and/or FX upgrade.
Hey Paramount there's still more of my money to be had! LOL.

As for 2 not looking great -- they used inferior film, so it's not the transfer.
If they haven't bothered to present any more deleted scenes for the new 4K releases, they never will.

At least TMP got the proper, comprehensive release it deserved. I'm greatful for that.
Except after the final battle we see the right side of the ship and there is no damage even as they escape the Genesis explosion. I would rather imagine they encountered a Romulan ship than pretend they took more damage from Reliant.
On the one hand I love the TWOK movie. On the other, I hate how ILM in my opinion, destroyed the paint job on the Enterprise model. Even before the battle took place, you can see what appear to be panel lines somehow etched into the paint job in addition to the finish being dulled for filming purposes to cut down on glare. That plus the battle damage added to the hull that they later had a difficult time scraping off led to the model never quite looking the same in its pristine condition. The original paint job on the model was perhaps the single most intricate and beautiful design ever committed to a filming model. It almost feels like ILM desecrated it because they had a hard time filming it without glare. I don't think their attempts at self-illumination didn't measure up to the teams working on the TMP movie either.
I wouldn't say they "desecrated" the model. The photography method ILM used couldn't handle the pearlescent paint job, and they had to produce the effects shots on time and budget - both of which were much reduced compared with TMP.
I've also been told that the level of "desecration" has been exaggerated. More than we'd like, to be sure.
Apologies for bumping an old thread, but I finally had an opportunity to watch the TWOK workprint myself today at UCLA. I'll be working on creating an updated version of my continuity script to go along with it, but here's some scattered thoughts:

The film is cut pretty differently in the first 45 minutes. It opens on the simulator, but then stays along with Kirk through the apartment, the inspection tour, and leaving drydock. Then it goes to Ceti Alpha V and Regula I.

The most interesting thing is to hear the difference in DeForest Kelley and Kirstie Alley's performances. So much of their dialogue was redubbed during ADR sessions.

Some lines are missing throughout that made it into the final and director's cuts - bits in the first Khan scene, Kirk and Bones after Preston's death, and so on.

The original Kirk and David fight scene was striking because David has the upper hand throughout. If not for Carol interceding, David would've killed his father.

Visual effects are unfinished throughout, although some of the initial shots of Reliant firing on Enterprise were actually completed. Didn't see a single VFX shot that wasn't used in the final cut.

The workprint ends after Spock leaves the bridge to get down to engineering while Enterprise is making its slow turn to escape from Reliant. Khan's kid on the transporter pad with the Genesis Device is not included (IIRC, they never actually got that shot completed). Essentially, pages 105 through 117 of the final shooting script are not included in the print.

Total workprint time was just under 1 hr 45 min.

Finally hearing all those clips is the next best thing to being able to go to UCLA to actually view the workprint (which probably won't happen for quite some time as it is). I just went through all of the audio clips and updated my continuity script of the workprint version, denoting all of the changes from the shooting script: https://www.scribd.com/document/246301267/Star-Trek-II-Footage-Rundown-Workprint
Outstanding. I'm jealous. In this cut does Carol TELL Kirk that he's a dad? I thought I read that that was how it originally played and they later softened it to where Kirk knew about David but not vice versa.

In the novelization not only does it play out that way but she even kept that version of events into The Search For Spock.

As much as I've loved my "Everything and the kitchen sink" treatments of The Motion Picture I've always been annoyed that TWOK, the more universally successful film never got that kind of love.
Yes in the one audio clip Carol tells everybody including Kirk that they are father and son in order to prevent David from killing Kirk. He did not know in the original version and that was changed with a couple of brief reshoots.
Outstanding. I'm jealous. In this cut does Carol TELL Kirk that he's a dad? I thought I read that that was how it originally played and they later softened it to where Kirk knew about David but not vice versa.

In the novelization not only does it play out that way but she even kept that version of events into The Search For Spock.

As much as I've loved my "Everything and the kitchen sink" treatments of The Motion Picture I've always been annoyed that TWOK, the more universally successful film never got that kind of love.
Yup, the scene plays out virtually identical to the shooting script that's already available online.
On the second page of this thread are the 18 audio clips and number 14 is the one where Carol tells everybody that Kirk and David are father and son. If you listen very closely then Kirk says to her "is it true?"
What's kind of funny is the audience reaction and perception of the scene as it was filmed tracks closer to what was originally filmed.

SNW spoiler (< 6 months):
There were some reactions to Strange New Worlds this season saying that Jim Kirk shouldn't have known about Carol's pregnancy.