[WIP] Me As A Cardassian


Good Bad Influence
Since I finally got around to try out a drawing tablet I borrowed from a friend, I thought I'd start with something more basic and decided to draw me in Cardassian makeup. I'm working on a photo I did with my webcam. Here's what I got so far ...

Any thoughts?





Very nicely done. Don't be afraid to paint with solid colors and hard edges on the highlights and shadows though.
VERY nice!!! :) I'd say the only real "work" necessary--other than finishing the clothes--MIGHT be to smooth out the flow of your neck ridges into your shoulders (tends to be a hyperbolic curve of some form or fashion, rather than the ridges being the hypotenuse of a triangle), but you have a REALLY impressive grip on the details of Cardassian facial features, even the nose, which a lot of people mess up. I like how your eye ridges seem to follow the natural line of your eyebrows, and the orbits of your eyes...that's the same cue I've always used for drawing my own Cardassians. :)
It saddens me that we have an Obsidian Order agent disguised as a human moderator of the trek art forum. :eek:

Lovely shading, and I love the expression. I don't know anything about digital painting, so I could be off base, but I'd be tempted to try layering some sharper details over the smooth airbrush areas: Some sort of patina or maybe some pores.
Looking forward to where this goes. :cool:
It saddens me that we have an Obsidian Order agent disguised as a human moderator of the trek art forum. :eek:

Lovely shading, and I love the expression. I don't know anything about digital painting, so I could be off base, but I'd be tempted to try layering some sharper details over the smooth airbrush areas: Some sort of patina or maybe some pores.
Looking forward to where this goes. :cool:

It's been nine years since Michael posted this artwork, so...what you see is where it went.
It's been nine years since Michael posted this artwork, so...what you see is where it went.
Hmm this is confusing - I saw this thread on the first page of the Trek Art forum, but the response immediately prior to mine is from 2010? Why would it be on the first page?
:lol: Whew, what a blast from the past! Sure brings back memories. Almost feels like it should be more like 15 years ago and not merely 9. So yeah, this should not have been visible on page one of the forum.

Or anywhere, really. :lol: I like to think than I would do a little better now than then. This was one of my first experiences with a graphic tablet and I'm afraid it never really went anywhere beyond this. It's beyond me, though, why as a base I chose a photo with that weird startled look on my face. :lol:

Maybe some of these days I should give this a shot again. Michael Westmore's Cardassian design still fascinates me to no end.
I think this is awesome.

however it does seem strange when an old topic is bumped which I see no harm whatsoever in, new members might be only discovering something for the first time, we sometimes get moderators jump all over the member warning them of "necro posting" which has happened to me in the past. as if you committed murder.
Believe me I don't make a habit out of necro posting hehe. The only thing I can figure is that either there was a forum glitch, or I simply was viewing an old page and mistakenly thought it was the front page. Either way, I'm glad I came across the thread because the image looks cool. :techman:
I think this is awesome.

however it does seem strange when an old topic is bumped which I see no harm whatsoever in, new members might be only discovering something for the first time, we sometimes get moderators jump all over the member warning them of "necro posting" which has happened to me in the past. as if you committed murder.

The more, ah, "passionate" moderators could save themselves a great deal of frustration if, somehow, threads not having any new posts within "X" amount of time would automatically "lock". That way, new members, or even long time "residents" couldn't, by accident or even deliberate action resurrect a "dead" thread.

Is such a "script" that difficult to code and execute?
The more, ah, "passionate" moderators could save themselves a great deal of frustration if, somehow, threads not having any new posts within "X" amount of time would automatically "lock". That way, new members, or even long time "residents" couldn't, by accident or even deliberate action resurrect a "dead" thread.

Is such a "script" that difficult to code and execute?
Discussed over and over and over. There are reasons they don't want to auto-lock things. Here's a thread on "Official Policy on Resurrecting Old Threads?"
I think this is awesome.
Thank you! :)

however it does seem strange when an old topic is bumped which I see no harm whatsoever in, new members might be only discovering something for the first time, we sometimes get moderators jump all over the member warning them of "necro posting" which has happened to me in the past. as if you committed murder.
Personally, I like to think I'm handling resurrected long-dead threads with a lot of leniency. I can't speak for the other mods, but in general I will only close a necro-thread if the original folks who started the conversation have long left the forum and aren't very likely to see and respond to the new post. Adding something more substantial than a mere one-word post to the zombie thread will also increase the likelihood of me keeping the resurrected thread open. Other mods may handle it differently, but that's my approach to threads here in Fan Art. If I close a thread and you think it should have stayed open don't hesitate to hit me up via PM and I'm sure we can figure something out. Hope that clears things up. :)
Speaking of this being necro...does the artwork in question even show up any more? I don't see it.
Yeah, they do show up for me still as well. Which is interesting, since I have seen a lot of broken TinyPic links in older threads.
ha! indeed long ago, your skills got a lot better over time so if you redid it now it would look even better.. and the Cardassion might have grey hair.. :biggrin::p