Will Sam Beckett Return Home? NBC Orders Quantum Leap Reboot Pilot

This might ruffle some Quantum Leap fans
I personally don't want him in QL. He'd only be a glorified cameo, and that's not what I personally want. I want Sam still out there righting wrongs. Where he ultimately wants to be.

But now that I think about it, if there ever is a Sam appearance, I would want it to be that Sam and Ben were in the same place at the same time and ended up helping each other on their respective leaps. Then when they both leap out, Sam is still right where we left him.

But another turn as Archer? Hell yeah. Hopefully it happens.
Presumably because he said no to coming back to QL but is open to a return to ENT.
The no to Quantum Leap was when he was about to do a different show (which we found out later wouldn't happen). Isn't the Archer question more recent??

I wonder if he might appear next season???
Given Bob Picardo's presence next to a large, segmented ring bathed in shimmering blue light, it's probably a Stargate crossover.

What the — AND Picardo is playing a guy named Woolsey. AND they’re in a top secret underground facility. AND it’s a time loop episode.

I mean, next you’re gonna tell me that one of the head showrunners also worked on Starg— ohhhhhhhhhh…

The show just started here on commercial TV. Watched the first two episodes, not sure how I feel about this reboot. It's not bad but I'm not hooked
Quantum Leap does Groundhog Day. Not a bad episode, really, and I did like the twist on the usual time loop trope by having Ben leap into different people each time the loop resets. Also for once the guilty party was not who I thought it would be, I figured for sure it would be Robert Picardo or the janitor.

The modern day storyline is starting to just get annoying, specifically how they keep milking everything out just to create a false sense of suspense, right down to Janis saying "I'm ready to reveal who told Ben to leap" and then the episode ending right there. I'm getting to the point where I just don't care about this conspiracy nonsense or whatever. There are good characters in the support team, though I think a better way to utilize them would be to have others take turns going into the imaging chamber and assisting Ben on the leap, based on whoever has the necessary background to be useful this time around. Though mostly, I think it could be interesting to have Ben and Ian working on a leap together, even if just for one time.
I mean, are sweeps even a thing anymore for network TV? Everyone has their own streaming services now, so how do advertisers set their rates between "live" network stuff and their own equivalent streamers, to say nothing of ad-supported stream-only services too?

Used to be that network shows would deliberately time things so their "big" episodes would be kept for certain periods to ensure higher viewership and thus higher ad rates; pre-2017 Trek and the original QL did just this.

Neilson is a Company who "guesses" the ratings for all of TV.

For free they release basic information.

For a lot of money they release expansive data and detailed analysis of each network, so that each Network can see how they really stand and how their competition stands.

Streaming websites, and on demand websites, know their own ratings with %100 accuracy, but it's not in their interest most of the time to argue with Nielsen about their guesses about streaming and on demand.

Neilsen adds their guess about regular viewer ship to their guess about streaming which makes a useful number, that helps the networks make decisions and sell advertising.

If the Network corrects Nielsen, for their advertisers, that's fraud, unless they stipulate which changes they have made, which seems complicated, since the network can't prove their accurate streaming numbers to the client, or Nielsen, but anyone can buy the same data/ratings off Nielsen which is legally consistent, other wise their product has no value.

So yes, it's the same as it has ever been, and a little bit extra.
I think having Bakula on SNW would be awesome. Old, retired admiral back for one last mission. Heck, bring back T'pol while you're at it. I'm sure she's still around as well. We know Archer lived to at least Kirk's time in the chair, at least in the Kelvinverse.
A mixed episode. It avoided the usual pitfall of time loop episodes by not having a lot of repetition of the same scenes, and the cutaways to the present helped. So it was decent as such stories go.

But there were a number of logic holes. The team started talking about Ben being stuck an infinitely repeating time loop after his first repetition. How does that make sense? Just because he jumped back once, that didn't give them any reason to expect he'd do it again. It was an assumption the characters were forced to make arbitrarily for the sake of the plot. It should've taken at least two resets for them to conclude it was a loop.

Also, it was way too easy to predict they were wrong that the loop would continue indefinitely. The fact that he jumped into a different person each time made it an obvious possibility that he'd only get one shot in each body. So again, the characters were arbitrarily forced by the script to make an unsupported assumption just so they could be proven wrong later. That's very clumsy and contrived writing.

They also gave away the mystery far too easily. The director focused too clearly on the supposedly throwaway shot of the technician clicking his pen, and he clicked it with such a resolved look on his face that it immediately struck me as something that was supposed to be significant. Then the business with the pen not writing and needing to be replaced just called attention to it, and so as soon as they said there was a trigger for the bomb, I immediately figured it was the pen and that the technician was the bomber.

There were also some rather blatant anachronisms. The term "sustainable energy" didn't come into use until the late 1970s, and "geek" wasn't used to mean "nerd" until the 1980s. I had to look them up to make sure, but they immediately leapt out at me as incongruous for the period. The supposedly 1962-vintage TV set turned on instantly instead of needing time to warm up. Also, the bomb circuit board looked too modern. I don't think a 1960s circuit board would have been green, and the red light looked like an LED, a technology that would have been brand new at the time.
I think just about every time travel show has done a Groundhog Day episode. 12 Monkeys, Legends of Tomorrow and, even, Tru Calling.
I think having Bakula on SNW would be awesome. Old, retired admiral back for one last mission. Heck, bring back T'pol while you're at it. I'm sure she's still around as well. We know Archer lived to at least Kirk's time in the chair, at least in the Kelvinverse.

Wouldn't Archer be even older than McCoy was in TNG's pilot to be alive during Strange New Worlds? I see Archer's birthyear given as 2112 and SNW is taking place around 2259/2260 I think.
Archer was still alive in the Kelvin Timeline when Scotty was experimenting with transwarp beaming theory at Starfleet Academy so I guess anything's possible.
Archer was still alive in the Kelvin Timeline when Scotty was experimenting with transwarp beaming theory at Starfleet Academy so I guess anything's possible.

We don't know that. There was an "Admiral Archer" who owned a beagle, but they never said it was Jonathan Archer. It's far more probable that it was a child or grandchild of his who inherited his fondness for beagles.