Why Is "Into Darkness" So [imagine a different, more accurate past participle here]?

There are no Trek films of any era that I wouldn't consider more rewatchable than Nemesis, not even The Motion(less) Picture. As for the other assertion -- well, as I said before we are all entitled to our own tastes. But I do not think I will ever be asking you for movie recommendations....
A fan since 1973. I find nothing embarrassing or disappointing in this film “as a long-time fan” and Spock’s Khan “yell”, in story, makes more sense than Kirk’s in TWOK.
Well, if we're polling longtime fans: I'm approximately the same vintage (1972, I think), and would sooner have gratuitous dental work than rewatch Nemesis, Insurrection, The Motion Picture, or this. (Though a couple of those would at least do as a cure for insomnia....)
JJ has a way of making movies that people enjoy in the moment, but don't hold up particularly well over time.

His movies are slick and fast paced. They're crammed with eye-candy, action, humor, and nostalgia; everything a popcorn viewer wants to see. But it's a sugar high that doesn't last. His movies are messy, superficial, and vapid. The test of time reveals their true nature.

Opinions on STID have become increasingly negative/lukewarm over time, and I expect that trend to continue.

FWIW, I thought Into Darkness was terrible BEFORE the "KHAAAAAAAN!" moment. Take it out and it's still a messy convoluted shitshow.
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The test of time reveals their true nature.
Yup. I reflect on them yearly and still find them introspective an enjoyable, at least for Star Trek and Star Wars.

I'm sure that's not what you take away from them but let's not assume that what one person sees as vapid, another persons see it as such.

For what it's worth I thought Into Darkness was good until the "KHAN" moment and still good after it. And having rewatched it in the past year I still enjoy it as a good film, and reflect along Kirk's and Spock's journey often.

Not bad for eye candy. :shrug::shrug::shrug:
This is the movie where the USS Vengeance was beating the Enterprise to a pulp for a good long time in Earth's vicinity and Starfleet and the Federation never noticed right?
JJ has a way of making movies that people enjoy in the moment, but don't hold up particularly well over time.

His movies are slick and fast paced. They're crammed with eye-candy, action, humor, and nostalgia; everything a popcorn viewer wants to see. But it's a sugar high that doesn't last. His movies are messy, superficial, and vapid. The test of time reveals their true nature.
The greats stand on the shoulders of giants to see further. Abrams stands next to them and takes notes.
Well even in the Prime 'verse, apparently there are often times when there is only one Starfleet ship in the vicinity of Earth.

"The Only Ship, sir?"

"Well, as you know, Mr. Scott, Starfleet only has two ships besides the Enterprise, and one is trying to rescue the other out of black hole. We're Earth's last hope!"
Yup. It's a mystery how the Commander of Starfleet manage to get rid of all those pesky observers. Will wonders never cease.
Yeah, when the attack is led by a stealth ship commanded by the head of Starfleet and Section 31 himself, who has told everyone Kirk went rogue in enemy territory (it's literally spelled out in the movie), it makes perfect sense.
I like ST:ID precisely because it's messy and convoluted. Real life is messy and convoluted, with dead-ends, false endings, red herrings and wild goose chases that turn out to have no point whatsoever, and baffling happenstances that border on 'plot holes.' The neatly packaged 'three-act play' narrative structure is an artificial construct that needs to be challenged and deconstructed more often.

Well, if we're polling longtime fans: I'm approximately the same vintage (1972, I think), and would sooner have gratuitous dental work than rewatch Nemesis, Insurrection, The Motion Picture, or this. (Though a couple of those would at least do as a cure for insomnia....)

I agree on Nemesis, Insurrection, and Into Darkness: easily my 3 least favourite Trek films, but I like TMP fine.

Because it's the sharpest-written

Sharpest written...what?
I thought it was a perfectly decent action film for the first 90 minutes or so.

Just the Wrath of Khan role reversal at the end was so stupidly cheesy it ruined the rest of the film.
while JJ fans only want faster and faster speed, illogically or otherwise.
Here's an idea: why not stick to criticisms of the movie -- because, after all, that's the purpose of this forum and of this thread -- and skip the kind of broad-brush swipe at fan groups which are not only conspicuously unsupported, but unsupportable?