Why do so many people hate 'Insurrection' so much?

Jamie, the fact that the movie made a lot of money means that people were entertained by it; as somebody on this BBS reminded me a while ago, a movie that makes millions of dollars at the box office worldwide is not a movie that's wildly hated by anybody in particular. YOU didn't like it, but that doesn't mean it's as detested as INS or NEM.

I’d really like to see ticket data...TMP made a ton of money because people went to see it a dozen times each. That was about more than it’s objective quality (it was the first new Trek in a decade for example. Well. Live action.) was IDs money from repeat viewings? More expensive 3D or IMAX tickets? Foreign language markets? There’s a bunch of factors other than quality involved...what other films was it competing with? Which of the release seasons did it land in?
See we know part of the reason Nem did t do as well is t just cos it was shite, it’s cos it landed next to LotR and Harry Potter.
We do know fan reaction to ID, we know what critics and audiences said. Which has more bearing on how good a movie is than ‘it shifted moneys’. That’s my point. Box Office is only one indicator of quality, and a poor one, for any metric other than ‘how much money it made’.
That it was riddled with nonsense was a big issue for me.

They’re doing what to the people so that they can do what to the planet for what? And Picard does what in protest?

The complete strip mining of a unique resource belonging to an inhabited non Federation planet, and Government is ok with that.

It was basically Scooby Doo.
jaime, just a friendly reminder to please use the multi-quote feature when responding to multiple posts so you're not posting four and five times in a row.
jaime, just a friendly reminder to please use the multi-quote feature when responding to multiple posts so you're not posting four and five times in a row.

Sorry. Am usually perusing board while doing other things and don’t plan my post ahead. So I reply to a post....read through board (backwards often) reply to another.
Will try and keep an eye on it.
I don't care for the movie because of the Argomobile, which was just silly and terrible.
Also the dialoge is terrible. The conversation between Picard and Shinzon seemed to come from cheesy 70s songs.
And it was a copy of Star Trek II.
Some fan art of Insurrection showing what reconciliation between the Ba'ku and the So'na would be like, aided by Starfleet:


The Healing Process
The complete strip mining of a unique resource belonging to an inhabited non Federation planet, and Government is ok with that.
Think about it Butters, why would the So'na form a partnership with the Federation if the Federation didn't own the planet?

They wouldn't, the Son'a would just remove the Ba'ku and use the collector (Son'a technology) and be on their merry way. If it weren't a Federation planet, then the Son'a would have just as much right to the particles as the Ba'ku.

The only reason the Federation was involved is because it's a Federation planet.

And given that the Federation Council sent that Admiral to oversee Federation interests, yes the Council was ok with the operation. It was a Federation planet after all, the resources were the Federation's.
I think the issue is Insurrection is objectively just not a great flick.

It might have made for a decent 2 parter episode back in the day, but as a movie, it has inescapable issues.

Having said that, personally I find a lot redeemable with Insurrection, unlike Nemesis that I see as an unequivocal disaster, Insurrection for me is far from that bad.
I don't care for the movie because of the Argomobile, which was just silly and terrible.
Also the dialoge is terrible. The conversation between Picard and Shinzon seemed to come from cheesy 70s songs.
And it was a copy of Star Trek II.

Yeah, and that stuff with Spock's brother searching for the whales was really bad too.
Yeah, and that stuff with Spock's brother searching for the whales was really bad too.
Transwarp beaming is so ridiculous, why do they still even need starships?
And Wesley Crusher going from cadet to Captain in one movie is so unrealistic.
Mr. Plinkett says it best for me..

I think Plinkett goes light on it, to be honest.

People complain about INS being "just like an average 2-part episode," but I disagree. It's really nothing more than forgettable 1 hour episode. It's like the Season 6 episode that you can't remember the title of.

And that's your $60M movie.
I find parts of it enjoyable, but the overall story fundamentally flawed and a missed opportunity for possible greatness.