Where Was Shatner At The Enterprise Shuttle Rollout?


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Today's the anniversary of the rollout of the Space Shuttle Enterprise and the pictures of the TOS actors at the event are all over the internet. Shatner is conspicuously absent. Anybody know the story behind that?
Today's the anniversary of the rollout of the Space Shuttle Enterprise and the pictures of the TOS actors at the event are all over the internet. Shatner is conspicuously absent. Anybody know the story behind that?

Shatner made a habit of being absent from such high profile events, probably his agent holding out for an appearance fee. He was also absent from all the other actors' Hollywood Star Ceremonies (except Nimoy's and Roddenberry's), and more recently George Takei's wedding.
The Shuttle Rollout event may have taken place on the same morning that the Thermians first "abducted" Shatner.
Today's the anniversary of the rollout of the Space Shuttle Enterprise and the pictures of the TOS actors at the event are all over the internet. Shatner is conspicuously absent. Anybody know the story behind that?

Shatner made a habit of being absent from such high profile events, probably his agent holding out for an appearance fee. He was also absent from all the other actors' Hollywood Star Ceremonies (except Nimoy's and Roddenberry's), and more recently George Takei's wedding.
He wasn't invited to Takei's wedding.
^ In fact, he was specifically disinvited.

I seem to recall Takei bitching that Shatner was invited and didn't reply/attend.

I remember seeing a video in which Takei was asked by a reporter whether he was going to invite Mr. Shatner to his wedding and he said something along the line "you know there are lots of people that we would like to invite so I am not sure whether Bill will make to the list"... What he said to the reporter was very inappropriate. Even if he later changed his mind and "sent" the invitation, that would have been totally insincere. And I doubt he actually sent the invitation anyway.

I am glad Mr. Shatner did not even bother arguing with Takei the other day on Howard Stern Show. All he said is "whatever you say, George." :)
The Shatner/Takei thing is pretty pathetic. I know that Shatner wasn't TOS cast's favourite person to be around, but after all these years, surely they can kiss and make up? James Doohan, who intensely disliked Shatner, buried the hatchet with him. From what I can tell, both men weren't keen on each other but when the cameras started rolling, their professional standard was so great that you could believe they were good friends.
^^This! Shatner and Doohan had amazing on-camera chemistry! I was even more amazed at their professionalism and acting abilities when I learned that they were not friends.

Sir Rhosis
^^This! Shatner and Doohan had amazing on-camera chemistry! I was even more amazed at their professionalism and acting abilities when I learned that they were not friends.

Sir Rhosis


I read some people's comments claiming that Mr. Shatner was super jealous of Mr. Nimoy etc. When I saw him in TOS and movies I was thinking this man must be a great, great, great actor (to be able to hide his dislike for Spock so effortlessly) because all I saw was genuine friendship and love toward Spock.

And then I found out that in reality, Mr. Shatner and Mr. Nimoy have become best friends. So I had to seriously re-evaluate Mr. Shatner's acting skills. LOL
The Shatner/Takei thing is pretty pathetic. I know that Shatner wasn't TOS cast's favourite person to be around, but after all these years, surely they can kiss and make up? James Doohan, who intensely disliked Shatner, buried the hatchet with him.

Well, the truth is (and I'm not saying this to be funny or to be in poor taste) but Jimmy did suffer from Alzheimer's so it's entirely possible he totally forgot his history and incredible dislike for Shatner.
Again, it's beyond silly for the supporting cast to be in a snit over Shatner, especially after all these years.

Let's compare everyone's screen time, shall we?:

William Shatner - 79 episodes
Leonard Nimoy - 80 episodes
DeForest Kelley - 76 episodes
Nichelle Nichols - 68 episodes
James Doohan - 65 episodes
Eddie Paskey - 59 episodes
Billy Blackburn - 59 episodes
George Takei - 51 episodes
Frank DaVinci - 44 episodes
Walter Koenig - 36 episodes
Majel Barrett - 34 episodes

I think the point is made. They were barely there! And when they were, it was generally bridge scenes, which means one or two days, compared to six or seven for Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley.

It should also be noted that Paskey and Blackburn, both of whom were there more than Takei, both still think very highly of Bill Shatner.
Shatner is a pretty erratic character. I don't know if it began during the filming of TOS and he didn't know how to emotionally handle the show's popularity or if he has always been like that.

But you know what? It really doesn't matter if he was there or not. All that did matter is that Roddenberry was there and he got the thrill of watching man's first re-useable vehicle bare the name of his starship.