Where to post fanfic

Nakita Akita

does anyone know a good place to post fan fic.
I tried one place and they sort of acted Holier Than Thou about stuff.
Also I'm not even sure they ever got back to me.
I have a lengthy Fanfiction and I'd like to post it someplace.
( it's not completed yet though)
Well, that depends on what your fanfiction is? What is the source material/universe it is based on?
If Ad Astra doesn't do it for you, you might want to check out Archive of Our Own. It'll take you a while to get an invite though--it's invite only and they're pretty backlogged from what I hear. I believe Archive of Our Own accepts Adult content.
If Ad Astra doesn't do it for you, you might want to check out Archive of Our Own. It'll take you a while to get an invite though--it's invite only and they're pretty backlogged from what I hear. I believe Archive of Our Own accepts Adult content.
I may have already tried that one.
I felt like I wax sending them an envelope of pee, they treated me so badly.
Ad Astra is a Star Trek themed fanfiction board. Several of us have stories posted there. I'm not sure how they are about adult--especially if it's explicit--content though. Might want to check their TOS to be sure.
I've put up adult stuff at Ad Astra. They should be fine with it. Newer writers will have their first chapters vetted just to be sure they aren't spam and pass basic grammar, punctuation, etc.