Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?


So its basically like this:
  • Strange New Worlds has the 23rd century covered
  • Prodigy and Lower Decks is continuing fill in the gaps in between Nemesis and Picard Season 1
  • Discovery's got the 32nd century and beyond covered
  • Picard Season 3 is giving us first look at the 25th century
my question is this: Where should star trek go next after Picard Season 3? I mean we still got Section 31 (which is still in Development hell) and there's rumor of a Star Trek: Republic series floating around (this was the starship that Kirk served on as a ensign) so what's your opinion/theories? Do we have enough star trek to last a while or should they refresh with new series every couple of years?
Deep Space Eleven. It's already been name-dropped in PIC and can use existing costumes, props, etc. Give it a small support starship for a little off-station variety, and a story could be told about an unknown corner of the Federation frontier perhaps.
The obvious one would be a PIC spinoff to keep a foot in the 25th century. Pick up with Captain Seven, Raffi, and Elnor and the surviving Titan crew either on a new ship or a renamed Titan. I'd also like Soji on board in some capacity, but I keep blanking on where she'd go, especially since she's not Starfleet.
Where should Star Trek go next?

Folding STD after season 6 at the latest is really a no-brainer based upon the elements discussed in the article. It frees up resources to launch something new designed to attract new subscribers, and if they go with the Academy idea they can probably leverage as many of the cast members and crew of the current show as they want to, not to mention using the current setting.
Like I said in a previous thread, there are rumors of Terry wanting a 'Next Next Generation' series set in the 25th century. Whether Paramount goes for it is TBD.

I would assume Jack Crusher is our spinoff character to lead it. Pic S3 is basically a launching pad for him.

They could set the series a decade or so after the events of Picard S3, where Speelers is playing a Jack Crusher in his mid-30s, to line up with the actor's age. Potentially a Starfleet officer by then.

The 25th Century just has so much untapped story potential to be mined. The groundwork set up by 90s Trek is really rich to launch new stories from.
As long as it's not Jack Crusher I'm open to it 25th century Trek. I'll even tolerate Seven as captain.
25th century Trek is what I’d love to see. A “Next Next Generation” kinda thing with a new ship, a new crew and a more episodic feel rather than a season long story arc. Following the same kind of formula that SNW is bringing back. Just tell some good stories.

A new Enterprise would be nice, but it’s nowhere near essential.