what's your local weather?

Looks like we share the London weather atm. It's foggy and rather dark. Yesterday I walked home from my office after dark and the fog was lit from behind by those ugly orange streetlamps we have in the town center. Looked quite creepy and SciFi-ish.
It is so cold and dry! I need a humidifier.

I bought one yesterday. I spend all summer emptying the dehumidifier, and now I have to re-humidify the house? :scream:

It's currently clear, 26F with a windchill down to 14. And 43% humidity. Tomorrow, more of the same (supposedly) and then Saturday... "Potential for some snow accumulation" according to the Weather Channel app. Sure, I didn't need to put up the outside lights this year.
still foggy :( The forecast says it'll be like this till Thursday - when it'll be rainy (which was to be expected - it's the evening of our office's Christmas party)

Because of the fog it's rather warm (1 or 2 ° above freezing point). But it's so dark you need a light all day. The perfect weather for staying in bed 24 hours (as I am going to do this weekend - I caught a mean cold, 2 days ago).
We are getting 6 more inches of snow today.
We are getting 6 more inches of snow today.

Great pic! What kind of dogs are they?

I got a very young Lab pup who will eventually be a great snow dog, but he's 12 weeks old and the weather in North Dakota has been brutal recently, so he only gets out to do his business.
Saturday we got a few inches of snow, and I did not leave the house, not even to get the mail out of the box. Yesterday, no additional snow, sunny most of the day, and I think it got close to 40F. I got out to do the shopping, and finally put up Christmas lights on the porch. Today, it's about 27F and sunny, with black ice EVERYWHERE. It was an interesting drive in. I might head home early (before the sun goes down) just to be safer.

Tomorrow's forecast is MOAR SNOW and my supervisor and I have already decided we're working from home. I love this job.
I am pleased to report that the temperature rose 30 degrees (C) from yesterday.

It's still negative, mind you... :borg:
Cold with lake effect snow.
Thanks for asking.
What is the lake effect?

It refers to storms in the Great Lakes region. As a weather system moves by the lake, it picks up both energy and moisture, and the city on other side of the of the lake gets pounded with snow. Much more than it would otherwise get. Hits places like Buffalo, Cleveland, Syracuse, etc.

Better explanation...

I live west of there, so it doesn't impact me. We just get the brutally cold air from Canada, and the nasty wind across the Plains. It broke freezing here today for the first time in a couple weeks, so I can't complain.
I see. We had something similar in June during the flood (you may recall the news about the floods in Germany - I live in the town that got hit worst)

We have our local specialty, too: the "Bohemian Wind", an unbelievably cold wind from the East. As a matter of fact it comes from Siberia, but Bohemia (Czech Republic) is the next country in that direction, hence the name. It's nasty in summer to have a 40°C (105°F) day and all of a sudden get touched by a 5°C (40°F) breeze.

Today the sky over Bavaria seems to be broken. It's not its usual fluffy grey but a funny pale blue. And there's a yellow hole in it through which warm radiation leaks! *gasp* :D
At least the temperature is rather normal: -5° / 25 °F And everything is covered in sparkling frost crystals =)
It's not snowing yet... which means I'm going to have to go in to the office. And then drive home in the snow. *sigh* So far we have heavy cloud cover, and it's about 22F.
With luck it'll be like our blizzard a few weeks ago: it'll idle a bit on the way and come when you are already at home, safe and sound.
I'll keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you!
It refers to storms in the Great Lakes region. As a weather system moves by the lake, it picks up both energy and moisture, and the city on other side of the of the lake gets pounded with snow. Much more than it would otherwise get. Hits places like Buffalo, Cleveland, Syracuse, etc.

Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton and cities and towns inland in Ontario are often slammed with lake effect snow.
Here in North Jersey we are getting more snow. Thankfully, totals have been lowered... But it's still snow. As I've gotten older I grew to hate snow. I'd love to move somewhere that never gets snow...