what's your local weather?

We're expecting a really bad storm front for IRL, GB, S, DK NL, D and A.
I hope you're all safe and sound and have a good heating system, and solid dykes at the coast! Here in Bavaria we expect a heavy blizzard for tonight and massive snowfall. Getting to work tomorrow morning might turn out somewhat difficult.

Atm it's a regular pea-souper. Visibility is around 60 yards and falling rapidly. And we have 1/5 inch of snow with a layer of black ice under it. Alltogether far too warm for the season (about -7°C)
Cloudy but warm here, supposed to top out at 56F this afternoon. I took the day off so I'm going to snuggle on the couch with some yarn (once I get off the computer) and not go out til my massage appointment at 2:30.

This week in 1999, I recall it being shorts weather. Today is probably the closest we've gotten to a repeat since then.
supposed to snow tonight here in Albuquerque, good thing the chiles have all been harvested
LOL else the word chillies would take on a completely new meaning :D

The storm isn't here yet but it has suddenly turned unusually warm -always a bad sign. Major storms push the warm air forward before they strike. Ah well, I have a working central heating, plenty of hot tea, freshly baked cookies and some 10,000 books - that should suffice through any storm :D
I went to the beach again today. Lots of snowbird hotties(and locals) enjoying the bikini weather here in Florida. :D
supposed to snow tonight here in Albuquerque, good thing the chiles have all been harvested
LOL else the word chillies would take on a completely new meaning :D

The storm isn't here yet but it has suddenly turned unusually warm -always a bad sign. Major storms push the warm air forward before they strike. Ah well, I have a working central heating, plenty of hot tea, freshly baked cookies and some 10,000 books - that should suffice through any storm :D
Let us hope you fair better than this fellow and his books:
major storm, accompanied by blizzard and a foot of snow :D

While up in the north the storm was rather bad, it only skimmed my region. A few gusts of wind and heavy rain was pretty much all. The fire brigades had only 40 alerts in the whole district. A tree falling on a powerline, causing a 15 min blackout in a small country town was the worst storm damage.
Something quite funny happened in my town last night: around midnight several pedestrians were found clinging to a car. The driver had forgotten to pull the break or at least leave the gear in and the wind had rolled the car along a (fortunately straight) road. The problem was quickly solved with the help of two bricks from a nearby construction site.
Whether the driver found his displaced vehicle this morning is not yet known :D (it's only 7 am and still completely dark).

In Dingolfing (if you drive a BMW you know where that town is ;)) the local police busied themselves with recapturing a 5 foot high dragon found ambling in the middle of a busy street. It's the mascot of a Chinese restaurant and - according to the police report - "was captured unharmed after a lengthy struggle and returned to it's den".
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Wind chill is -35 here now, it's kinda chilly this evening.

North Dakota, great economy, no temperature.
Current wind chill is -45C. It got up to -34C yesterday, so I went out to do a couple of errands and nearly froze my nose. Thank goodness for the coffee shop in the library that serves hot soup...
-45? That's weather that'll put some hair on your chest. Wasn't even -10 here and I was working in an unheated warehouse in shorts and a t-shirt.
You're basically on the coast, right? I'm in Central Alberta. We get chinooks from Calgary's direction and frigid temperatures from Edmonton's direction. It's currently -32C and expected to get up to -26C tomorrow. That's not so bad. I just hope the "few flurries" we're supposed to get don't mean another blizzard. The City is still plowing from the one before last.
We had our killing frost. The leaves on the grapevines all died overnight. The orange growers are worried about the crops.

Damn cold here, under 30F at night. When I went out Thursday morning around 10am, it was 35 F. Sunny California.

And our football team is crewing up; may not get into a bowl game. Hard to play ball when your fingers are freezing.
It's a matter of practize - our German teams do that all the time.

It's unusually warm here. Yesterday we had 2 inches snow and it kept snowing all day but it has by now almost completely melted away. The forecast predicts quite warm weather for next week, with temperatures in the high 40s F / almost 10 C.
The birds are rather confused by it all and have started to sing spring songs. I hope they are smart enough to not start breeding yet!
As for myself: I'd like to hibernate till May. All these abrupt weather changes trigger my migraine. It feels as if someone with climbing irons would skip rope on my brain.
And our football team is crewing up; may not get into a bowl game. Hard to play ball when your fingers are freezing.

Watch a few games today. It's cold in most of of the country. Football is played in cold weather in certain cities.

I watched that game last night, they overcame the 'elements.'