what happens to our CBS subscriptions?

Mr. Laser Beam

Fleet Admiral
Some of us may have heard about CBS All Access changing to 'Paramount Plus'.Linky

From subscribers' perspective, this really is just a name change, right? Meaning, nothing will happen to our accounts, like raised prices, changed billing dates, etc.?

And I can only hope there will still be a commercial free option...
As long as I'm still able to watch Discovery and they don't use it as an excuse to massively jack up the price, I don't care what they want to call themselves.
As long as I'm still able to watch Discovery and they don't use it as an excuse to massively jack up the price, I don't care what they want to call themselves.

They may use it as an excuse to confuse the shit out of us.

I've had Hulu for years, the no-ad version. I wanted to get Disney for The Mandalorian and they had some sort of package for those who had Hulu with ads, but nothing for those of us with the ad free version. I eventually gave up.

I mean, how hard was it to take care of the people paying more?
I guess the website will be paramountplus.com. And yeah, I think it would be safe to say that you'll be able to get everything commercial free.

As far as pricing goes, The Wrap said that ViacomCBS executives told them that they weren't planning on changing the price. We'll see how long that lasts, but so far so good...

Overall I don't know why this is exciting to me but it is. I just like new things, I guess.
I just re-upped for another year of the service. I hope my subscription doesn’t change.

they really don’t have anything other than Trek I am interested in though.
When HBO recently changed to HBO Max everything just rolled over and my apps even updated from HBO Now to HBO Plus within a week of the changeover.
Just saw this CNBC video and I guess there will be a pricing change of some sort...

...a "compelling price point."

So in other words, they're going to make Star Trek a premium add-on to Paramount+ and charge us $14.99 a month for it.

And I'm kidding... I hope.
Just saw this CNBC video and I guess there will be a pricing change of some sort...

...a "compelling price point."

So in other words, they're going to make Star Trek a premium add-on to Paramount+ and charge us $14.99 a month for it.

And I'm kidding... I hope.
It may not happen this ST: D season, but I think you can be guaranteed of TWO THINGS in the near future since (as stated in the interview), Paramount+ is International:

All the Paramount+ Star Trek content that goes out internationally via Netflix or Amazon Prime will be pulled back into Paramount+ exclusively (Much the same way Disney+ did with their content). That's one of the main reasons they want to do this.

The Canadian deal where it airs and streams on the Canadian Sci Fi channel will probably not be renewed by CBS/Paramount after the current contract (whatever period of time it was for) runs out.
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$14.99 for just the Trek shows? That smacks of ripoff. What would the yearly subscription be, $129.99?

That would mean (coupled with the existing $99.99 annually) a total of over 200 bucks a year! Are you seriously calling that a reasonable price? :wtf:
My guess is it'll go up to $8.99 for basic and $12.99 for no commercials. I think existing subscriptions will be honored.

My main hope is I can still watch it on Amazon Prime.

To be honest, to get so much Trek content and mostly very good content I'd probably pay whatever they want just to have a dedicated source of it. That alone gives it a selling point, especially with 8 new shows.
Just saw this CNBC video and I guess there will be a pricing change of some sort...

...a "compelling price point."

So in other words, they're going to make Star Trek a premium add-on to Paramount+ and charge us $14.99 a month for it.

And I'm kidding... I hope.
AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Too much Businessese...

Breaking that video down into English. They'll most likely increase the price while saying we get "so much more content". Sports, the news, etc...

Sports: I record high school sports as part of my job at a public access station, and I used to record them freelance for several years, but I'm not a sports fan, so pass. For me.

News: I saw FOX advertised in their list and nothing else. Not only no, but Hell No!

Other Channels: Nickelodeon is part of their package. So I'll be able to watch Star Trek: Prodigy if I feel so inclined, even though I'm not the target audience. I have no other use for that channel. I don't have kids.

So all that leaves for me, as a consumer, are the Star Trek series and maybe The Twilight Zone.
They are still an underdog, so it's unlikely we get more than a tiny price bump, if at all. They don't have the cachet to charge more than average prices. From what I've been able to gather, Trek is doing OK, but no one is beating down the door to see it, so it's unlikely to ever be higher tiered content.
So in other words, they're going to make Star Trek a premium add-on to Paramount+ and charge us $14.99 a month for it.

And I'm kidding... I hope.

Nothing would sink their streaming service and Trek quicker than that. So that will probably be the plan.
Other Channels: Nickelodeon is part of their package. So I'll be able to watch Star Trek: Prodigy if I feel so inclined, even though I'm not the target audience. I have no other use for that channel. I don't have kids.

It was mentioned earlier that Nickelodeon shows will come to CBS AA/Paramount+ one year after they are shown on Nickelodeon.