what happened to Icheb?


Did i miss an episode or did Icheb stop being mentioned?:confused:

If anyone can answer it would be great:techman:
hey fellow niners

hi no you didnt miss one, he was cut from the last episodes, dont know why.

hope that helps.
i have to admit, i didn't even notice him disappearing, thanks guys!
Did i miss an episode or did Icheb stop being mentioned?:confused:
If anyone can answer it would be great:techman:

Icheb was in the final episode, "Endgame"! Icheb proved to have quite a talent for the Vulcan game kal-toh. Shortly before Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, he defeated Tuvok, stating that it was "beginner's luck." However, Commander Tuvok suspected that the upset was due to lowered neuropeptide levels caused by the onset of Tuvok's own degenerative neurological disease. (VOY: "Endgame").

His appeararances were:

he was cut from the last episodes, dont know why.

Well, "cut" infers they filmed things and didn't use them. Icheb was never a regular, only a semi-regular, so there was no expectation he'd be in every story. In the build up to the final episode there simply just wasn't script time to dedicate to his character. The series had to position itself to have B'Elanna's pregnancy on track, find a way to end Neelix's character arc, before they ran out of episodes. But still, he's there in the episode where they return to the Alpha Quadrant and the relaunch novels have him attending Starfleet Academy.
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