What could a Star Trek anime series look like?

There's ways to hammer the circle into the square if the adaption wants to go into the battle shonen style show where the teens somehow are in these ridiculous positions of power. Maybe some accident happens aboard the ship that hurts the adults or renders them unconscious

Picard S3 did a variation on it in which the Borg killed most of the senior officers during the Frontier Day attack.
I’m an old guy, so I think I’d want a Star Trek anime to skew 1980s anime. Advanced Exploration Starship [STARSHIPNAME], the last in all caps and with that classic anime shing!-sound-and-glint when the title logo comes up. Set it somewhere post-The Undiscovered Country, during the “Monster Maroon”/industrial-looking-starships era. Our hero ship is primarily tasked with and designed for exploration of/diplomacy with non-Class-M worlds and non-humanoid aliens; instead of beaming down landing parties, our “away teams” pilot a group of specially-designed one-person exploration mecha (which may or may not fold out directly from the main ship). Maybe call them Christophers, after Shaun Jeffrey Christopher. And in the same way that several of the TOS human leads just happened to skew American, several of this show’s human leads just happen to skew Japanese.
I’m an old guy, so I think I’d want a Star Trek anime to skew 1980s anime. Advanced Exploration Starship [STARSHIPNAME], the last in all caps and with that classic anime shing!-sound-and-glint when the title logo comes up. Set it somewhere post-The Undiscovered Country, during the “Monster Maroon”/industrial-looking-starships era. Our hero ship is primarily tasked with and designed for exploration of/diplomacy with non-Class-M worlds and non-humanoid aliens; instead of beaming down landing parties, our “away teams” pilot a group of specially-designed one-person exploration mecha (which may or may not fold out directly from the main ship). Maybe call them Christophers, after Shaun Jeffrey Christopher. And in the same way that several of the TOS human leads just happened to skew American, several of this show’s human leads just happen to skew Japanese.

Where’s the petition for THIS show? :adore:
That Time I Jumped on Someone From the Future As They Were Beaming Back to Their Captured Klingon Starship and Now I Guess I'm a 23rd Century Marine Biologist.

I've seen a lot of anime, and I reckon a Trek anime series done right would just be Star Trek. Except with more close ups and yelling. And almost all the cast would be pretty young, or at least look it. But yeah, anime can do anything, from thoughtful TNG, to overdramatic Disco, to madcap Lower Decks. Throw any idea you've got at it, preferably ones involving long shots panning across beautiful scenery, it can handle it.