What Book would you leave behind?

(As a parable on how not to do things,) either 1984 or Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Or Germinal. Problem is: you don't know how cautionary tales end up being received. Case in point: the episode, they used the book as a guide, when it was an history book.
So, someone left Germinal behind, Kirk and friends would probably find a society that emulates the most ruthless form of capitalism, utterly unfettered and unregulated, with the consequences we know of.

So, no, can't risk a cautionary tale. Instead, I'd leave "Choosing Death: Improbably History of Death Metal and Grindcore" behind. Kirk and friends would arrive to find a society where only 2 hairstyles exist: long hair (women and men) or completely shaved (men only), all T-shirts, office shirts and blouses are black (in fact, most things are black) and bad music is nonexistent.
I would leave behind the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia


I would definitely NOT leave behind The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

In an ironic twist of fate, I would leave a Star Trek Book - How Much for Just the Planet.
I really hate this book, and its a long running joke between a friend and I, but I would like to see if this book would turn them into a wacky, musical society.
How about a crime-solving novel? Any will do. A whole society constantly accusing each other of being the murderer.
And when there aren't enough murders anymore? I can see it going 2 ways:

1) They resort to the same tactics, but for lesser and lesser crimes. "I deduced that you are the public urinator!"

2) Some of them decide to kill people in intricate fashions just to create mysteries to be solved.

Outcome 1 would be quite hilarious.
I would leave behind the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia


I would definitely NOT leave behind The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich


It should be fine as long as John Gill stays behind and teaches them how to be ethical Nazi's!

It should be fine as long as John Gill stays behind and teaches them how to be ethical Nazi's!

Yeah, like we haven't seen how that works out. :lol:
I was more interested in them developing lightsabers and learning to use the Force. :techman:

You know of course that in the Star Wars Universe, Star Trek is an old pre-space adventure story from a time predating both Jedi and Sith before anything was known about the Force. And in the Star Trek Universe, Star Wars is a space fantasy series from the late 20th century. Almost no one remembers either. :angel:
You know of course that in the Star Wars Universe, Star Trek is an old pre-space adventure story from a time predating both Jedi and Sith before anything was known about the Force.

Wouldn't it be a show that won't be made for a long long time, far far away?
Of course you could bring them the gift of Dianetics. Xenu's homeworld is likely located near their star system so they need to be prepared!
