What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

Apparently Nimoy was furious about that. He didn't want any references to it so audiences would be appropriately shocked and surprised, but the studio thought it would boost box office.

It didn't boost it beyond TWOK's or TMP's. Surprisingly few directors are allowed trailer control, with the major exception of Stanley Kubrick. I prefer going in cold. I haven't truly done it since 1989.

The TNG potrayal of Lwaxanna being interested in Picard as some kind of cougar on the prowl joke is so sexist since they had no qualms hooking Picard with much younger than himself lady in the same episode. Jennifer Hetrick is 18 years younger than Stewart.

Stewart's MAKE IT SO autobio discusses their continued (albeit brief) relationship outside of the series.

Of course the movie also does a good job of making everyone in Starfleet who is not or does not work for James T. Kirk into blithering morons. Who would want to be in that crazy service?

You've saved the universe again, Kirky. Let's return the favor by breaking you all up and totally retire the A.
Watching BOBW part one, its obvious by the writing that we are not meant to like Shelby, but the unconscious sexist bias of the writing shines through watching it 30 years later. She is a great character, having her take the role of XO would have been interesting.
She gets better treatment in the novelverse.
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Watching BOBW part one, its obvious by the writing that we are not meant to like Shelby, but the unconscious sexist bias of the writing shines through watching it 30 years later. She is a great character, having her take the role of XO would have been interesting.
She gets better treatment in the novelverse.
Maybe if she had been played by Ronny Cox?
I more or less enjoy all the Trek movies.
But Insurrection is my favorite, hands down.
I love the beautiful ships, space (Briar Patch) and surface (Ba'ku) scenery. It's not about saving Earth. It gives me nostalgia because the Star Trek: Armada mission "Paradise Revisited" was one of my favorites in that game, too.
Plus, it fits into the wider 2370s tapestry - DS9 and VOY are going on and in their stride (Imho).
View attachment 38738

Hot damn, I loved that game.
Watching BOBW part one, its obvious by the writing that we are not meant to like Shelby, but the unconscious sexist bias of the writing shines through watching it 30 years later. She is a great character, having her take the role of XO would have been interesting.
She gets better treatment in the novelverse.
It’s also a situation where I wonder if Riker’s indecisiveness about taking promotion plays differently as people get older too?

I remember watching it as a kid and being sympathetic to Riker’s predicament. And being like “of course” I wouldn’t want to leave friends and the Enterprise for another ship. But now, similar to some of the criticisms of Riker from “Chain of Command,” I think Riker comes off as unprofessional and somewhat self-centered in a way you wouldn’t want a command level official to behave in that situation.

In all her actions, Shelby doesn’t really do anything untoward or wrong. Riker disagrees with her advice and she takes her concerns up the chain of command to Picard. Riker doesn’t like the end run, and his reaction would be common for any manager who has a subordinate go over their head, but I don’t think the episode makes her antagonistic in a way where we’re meant to see her as a bad officer. I really do think she’s meant to be a contrast to Riker’s arguable complacency, and the friction between the two and Riker’s doubts about his own ability to lead, make it all the more dramatic when he’s forced to do just that with Shelby as his XO.
I'm watching Captain's holiday. The TNG portrayal of Lwaxanna being interested in Picard as some kind of cougar on the prowl joke is so sexist since they had no qualms hooking Picard with much younger than himself lady in the same episode. Majel Barrett was only 8 years older than Stewart. Jennifer Hetrick is 18 years younger than Stewart.

I think you’re reading into something that isn’t there (ageism or sexism). Picard isn’t uninterested in Lwaxana because she’s older— it’s because she’s unbearably annoying and overbearing (and I say that as somebody who loves the character).

interestingly, I only recently learned that Patrick Stewart and Jennifer Hetrick were in a relationship for a while. I quite liked her character, wish they’d brought her back a couple more times.
interestingly, I only recently learned that Patrick Stewart and Jennifer Hetrick were in a relationship for a while. I quite liked her character, wish they’d brought her back a couple more times.

Not just in a relationship. According to the accounts I read, they basically started an affair after they got a chance to snog in Captain's Holiday.
I think you’re reading into something that isn’t there (ageism or sexism). Picard isn’t uninterested in Lwaxana because she’s older— it’s because she’s unbearably annoying and overbearing (and I say that as somebody who loves the character).

Precisely. We don't know Lwaxana's exact age of course but as she married Deanna's father in 2328, the year after Picard graduated Starfleet Academy, she's likely not that much older than him. Majel Barrett was eight years older than Patrick Stewart, which is hardly a significant age gap.
Watching TNG Klingons S4 E7 in Reunion, I did not realise until now they still used brownface makeup for the white actors playing Klingons during the TNG production, shame I say shame.