What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?


You have a good point. It's not something that I try to take too seriously, though there are obvious holes in the series here and there that are a bit hard to overlook. You mention the Borg, I wasn't fond of them having a Queen myself. The idea of the Borg is a force who is not able to be negotiated with. They are a force of nature. I wasn't the most fond of First Contact, but it wasn't all that bad.
If "sounding very nonsensical" is the criteria by which we are going to determine "what is Star Trek" and "what is not Star Trek," you will have very, VERY little left of the franchise.

I mean, just looking at the movies:

TMP- Voyager 6 disappears into "black hole" and re-emerges somewhere else? The Enterprise is the only starship in the entire fleet capable of intercepting a threat that is ~3 days away from Earth?
TWOK- A magical space torpedo that terraforms planets, or in this case, somehow creates an entire planet out of nebula dust, even though that is not at all what it was designed to do (and it just happens to magically be in the goldilocks zone of a star). Somehow, the Reliant, a dedicated science ship, does not recognize that Ceti Alpha VI has recently "exploded" and, even worse, somehow mistakes planet V for planet VI?
TSFS- A corpse is not only brought back to life, but it is "reborn" and somehow survives/grows rapidly in a matter of hours without significant food or water, and ages rapidly like the planet around it (somehow linked???)...and then we are able to put the soul/personality back into that re-animated corpse because "Vulcan powers." I love Star Trek III, but c'mon man.
TVH- If you go really fast around the sun, you can travel back and forth through time at will, and a giant turd in space sending out amplified whalesong somehow drains power and creates environmental turmoil for entire planets?
TFF- The Enterprise, a starship now featuring 72 decks, travels from the Neutral Zone to the Galactic Core in about 7 hours at Warp 7.
TUC- Some nonsense about "subspace shockwaves" hitting the Excelsior, even though they are lightyears away from Klingon Territory. The Enterprise arrives 1,000 lightyears from Federation HQ in a matter of what looks like hours, without engaging warp drive.
GEN- A magical space ribbon that allows people infinite access to infinite timelines and possibilites exists. You can't fly a ship into it without getting wrecked (even though earlier in the film clearly shows that the El-Aurians were IN THE NEXUS before they were beamed off the Lakul, hence Soran's obsession), but apparently standing in front of it on a planet surface is perfectly safe and it just scoops you up harmlessly.
FC- The Borg suddenly have the ability to create a temporal vortex, that they use after sending only one ship to assimilate Earth. Later, the Enterprise just "recreates the vortex" and heads home like no big deal. Nope.
INS- There's a magical radiation that has healing and regenerative powers, but it can only be harnessed by collecting it in a way that makes the planet uninhabitable...and we're meticulously recreating the indigenous village on a holodeck so that we can relocate the population on a planet where they will clearly realize they've been relocated? Makes absolutely no sense.
NEM- The Enterprise picks up posotronic signals from lightyears away. There's a magical radiation that "destroys organic matter at the subatomic level," and a bad guy who can't figure out if he hates Romulans, hates Picard, hates Earth, hates the Federation, wants Picard for his blood, wants to kill Picard without getting his blood, etc etc etc.

And those are just the movies. If you looked carefully enough, you'd find absolutely ridiculous things throughout the franchise are pretty common. The idea is to enjoy or not enjoy the show and the characters...but if you over-scrutinize this stuff...you better be prepared to abandon the franchise all together, because it almost never holds up to close scrutiny.

To be fair, going really fast round a celestial body to travel in time is backed up by Superman so it must be true
Yep. Once you accept warp drive and bumpy headed aliens and universal translators as a matter of course, there's really no leg left to stand on in terms of demanding 'scientific realism'.

I still don’t get how gravity is supposed to work onboard a starship and the very notion of the Universal Translator falls apart under even the lightest scrutiny.
Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, and Damon Lindelof (the writers) also get some of the blame for 09 and ID for being so bad. But films are more a director's vision than the writers/producers (which tv is more their vision and control), so Abrams will invariably get the full blame.
Everything JJ touches looks shiny at first then it's correctly perceived it is shit.. When I first knew he was going to direct Star Trek, I thought I didn't like Mission: Impossible 3 very much, and I never watched Lost but I heard it disappointed its audience. So I was wary of ST09 and I was unfortunately right. ST:ID was worse. I tried to warn my Star Wars fans friends, but he did the same to Wars.

Neither Trek nor Wars are good since JJ.
My cousin David Huddleston's in that one so I cut it some slack. Plus the name "New Vertiform City" is fun to hear holodeck characters reference!
I can't reiterate enough how perfectly cast Huddleston was.

"We've been on the wrong track all along!"​


I loved everything about his performance. In no matter he's in, I usually do.