What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

Nimitz should have been carrying nuclear devices, but for the strike at the climax of the movie everything was conventional.

Besides they don't need nukes to end NAZI GERMANY.

Just release everything they have on the concentration camps, and the AXIS will fall to pieces.
This one is probably a little more idiosyncratic: In exactly the same way that in Discovery Season 2 I cared about the Discovery right up until the Enterprise showed up, over in Picard Season 3 I cared about the Titan/Enterprise-G right up until the Enterprise-D showed up. It may be nostalgia, but once the grand old hero ship returns I find it hard to care more about the newer one.
I mean, I miss Santiago Cabrera and Evan Evagora just as much! But Cabrera’s character had a resolution, at least, as Pill’s did. Evagora’s still needs and deserves a full-fledged arc; I hope somebody remembers that, should Legacy happen.
I’m actually ok with them not doing anything further with Jurati, Soji or Elnor. Kinda wish Rios had stuck around though. Maybe bring the Doctor and her kid the the 25th Century ala Gillian in Trek 4.

New controversial opinion…I don’t like the original version of the DS9 theme. Much-refer the more uptempo S4-7 version.
I mean, I miss Santiago Cabrera and Evan Evagora just as much! But Cabrera’s character had a resolution, at least, as Pill’s did. Evagora’s still needs and deserves a full-fledged arc; I hope somebody remembers that, should Legacy happen.
While Cristobal Rios might have "Found Love" and stayed behind.

He supposedly died young due to a bar brawl, that also indicates that we can potentially have "Future Time Travel" shenanigans to bring him back right about the moment he died and leave a replicated fake dummy body for the locals to leave in his place.

Then StarFleet can fix him up and return him to full health and re-integrate him back into society.

There would be ALOT of historians that would be fascinated by a late 24th century man, living for some time in the early 21st century, and coming back to explain it all in the early parts of the 25th century.

There would be SOO much for him to catch up on in the few years he was missing since the time he left and the MANY years he stayed in the past. Rios left in 2401 to stay back in 2024 for quite a while.

But PIC S3 final episodes scene took place one year post 2401 and the Borg Queen event.
That places it in 2402.

Imagine if Rios only missed a few years in the early 25th century and came back with all that knowledge and experience of the past.

The Historical tales he could tell.