What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT had a great name for these devices. They were called 'globals'.

And their use was pretty much exactly what cell phones are now. (With a few other abilities current phones don't have.)

My vote is for them to be renamed Globals.
I'm not sure that's a directly comparable example. If mobile phones were still only just phones then we'd have easily reduced them to a single tiny chip by now, though I suspect rather than physically implant them they'd just be embedded in something like a watch, an earbud, or our clothing. But advancing technology meant that it wasn't just phones that got smaller, it was computers too, and phone became just another application that a tiny computer could run. And if you're going to run multiple apps then you need a display, and bigger displays are generally better for productivity, media, and gaming; not to mention the need for a bigger battery to provide power for all these applications and bigger displays. I have my phone with me virtually every minute of every day but I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I actually used it as a phone. We really should call them something else now...
True and I don't think I articulated my full thought in my post - was focussing on the expectation of continual ship growth indicating progress has a parallel to expectations in the earlier days of smaller = better until some new tech came along and became a reason for them to get bigger.
I have my phone with me virtually every minute of every day but I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I actually used it as a phone
Hmm. I use mine as a phone at least once a day (usually several, or about as often as I used a landline in the before times). I don’t only use it as a phone, but that function is an integral part of why I have one.
I'm not sure that's a directly comparable example. If mobile phones were still only just phones then we'd have easily reduced them to a single tiny chip by now, though I suspect rather than physically implant them they'd just be embedded in something like a watch, an earbud, or our clothing. But advancing technology meant that it wasn't just phones that got smaller, it was computers too, and phone became just another application that a tiny computer could run. And if you're going to run multiple apps then you need a display, and bigger displays are generally better for productivity, media, and gaming; not to mention the need for a bigger battery to provide power for all these applications and bigger displays. I have my phone with me virtually every minute of every day but I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I actually used it as a phone. We really should call them something else now...
The trend was going smaller for a while when Steve Jobs was still alive.

But then he eventually gave in to the Phablet trend.

People like having Big Displays, and you can't avoid certain form factor sizes for a given display, so the race to make things "Thin, Light, & as Bezel-less as possible" by Apple & all the major SmartPhone makers continues if you can't avoid having a large display.
EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT had a great name for these devices. They were called 'globals'.

And their use was pretty much exactly what cell phones are now. (With a few other abilities current phones don't have.)

My vote is for them to be renamed Globals.

So you implanted a chip in your brain to make phone calls. Which worked fine so long as you give the phone company 120 dollars a month, unless you don't give them a hundred and twenty dollars a month, and then every time you shut your eyes, there's a piercing advertisement demanding that you pay up you last and next payment, or you are a dead beat ####.
So you implanted a chip in your brain to make phone calls. Which worked fine so long as you give the phone company 120 dollars a month, unless you don't give them a hundred and twenty dollars a month, and then every time you shut your eyes, there's a piercing advertisement demanding that you pay up you last and next payment, or you are a dead beat ####.

I DEFINITELY would never endorse being implanted with a damned machine!

Globals on that series were handheld units that were skinny, and you open it up sideways to reveal a screen.

I don't know how to send pictures in posts, but you can definitely find what they look like on a google: EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT globals, and click on the 'images' category.
Really the only ships that should be huge are the ones that are Boldly Going. Like the D was supposed to but rarely did. You need / want a city in space. You want people. You want supplies. Engines don't need to be bigger. You might have more weapons. But TOS weapons fit in a 950 ft hull (DAMMIT), including engines, and TOS weapons could take out a planet.

For your run of the mill, staying at home, defending the realm type ships - those can be smaller.

I would think.
I DEFINITELY would never endorse being implanted with a damned machine!

Globals on that series were handheld units that were skinny, and you open it up sideways to reveal a screen.

I don't know how to send pictures in posts, but you can definitely find what they look like on a google: EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT globals, and click on the 'images' category.

I have seen Earth Final conflict.

To post a picture here, find a picture online, save it to your hard drive, then you have to up load the picture to an image hosting site, then get a link from the host, and use square bracket image tags like this: ]img[ [/img] but the brackets in the first one are not inside out.

I use this site... https://postimages.org/


Youtubes are easier, you don't have to be afeared of hotlinking (which is bad), just plonk the bastard down, no tags required.

Really the only ships that should be huge are the ones that are Boldly Going. Like the D was supposed to but rarely did. You need / want a city in space. You want people. You want supplies. Engines don't need to be bigger. You might have more weapons. But TOS weapons fit in a 950 ft hull (DAMMIT), including engines, and TOS weapons could take out a planet.

For your run of the mill, staying at home, defending the realm type ships - those can be smaller.

I would think.

(Most) Planets don't have shields.

"Conceivably" TNG Shields are a thousand times stronger than TOS shields, so TOS phasers are a thousand times less powerful than TNG phasers. Therefore TOS Phasers would have little to zero effect on TNG shields. O'Brien was able to beam through Kirk's shields as if they were not there.

Berman is dumb and doesn't take into account that one F22 Lightning II could sink every ship in the Japanese Navy circa 1942, without refueling or rearming.

Although do you remember that constitution class Defiant railing into all those mirror universe NX-Class ships, like drunk frat boys tipping a whole dang herd of cows?

Janeway's hand phasers pack more of a wallop than Archer's Enterprise's phase cannons.
I can't save to a hard drive... I don't have a computer. I use my phone to go online.

(I have my work laptop, but I use it strictly for work and nothing else.)
Even a phone has on-board storage (the equivalent of a hard drive) but IMGUR now has an option where you can just upload the hyperlink of the desired image, bypassing even that step. You then end up with a copy of the image on your IMGUR library, which you can in turn post a link to here.
Berman is dumb and doesn't take into account that one F22 Lightning II could sink every ship in the Japanese Navy circa 1942, without refueling or rearming.
Are you talking about F-22 Raptor or F-35 Lightning II.
There is no F-22 Lightning II.

And The F-22 Raptor would make short work of any Aerial Armada, but doesn't have the Bomb-Bay capacity or fuel capacity to stay up in the air long enough. That's been the major criticism for the F-22 and why the government sort of failed by choosing the YF-22 over the YF-23 which would have far superior range/endurance and more than enough Dog-Fight capability.

The reason the government picked the YF-22 was because the Dog Fight capability was higher at the expense of range.
Also the Bomb Bay System was easier to deal with compared to the YF-23 that Northrop still hadn't completely worked out at that point in time while Lockheed Martin had demonstrated a working rack launch missile and bomb bay during the ATF trials.

While the F-35 does have the fuel & ammo capacity to take out every ship in the Japanese Navy.

We have modern SDB's that give you far more ammo capacity for bombing runs that give you enough destructive capacity to incapacitate a large # of smaller targets or you can go up on the Bomb Payload for targets that need more fire power to punch through battle ship armor or large ships.

Take your pick.
I don't know if this qualifies as "Controversial", but I do think controversy and polarization separate Phase 1 of New Trek from Phase 2. I think we entered Phase 2 in 2022.

Going by live-action, from Fall 2017 to Winter 2022, we had four seasons of DSC with the first season of PIC, a.k.a. Michael Chabon's Picard, slotted exactly mid-way through. At the time, Lower Decks felt like the odd series out.

Then, starting in Spring 2022 up to now, we've had PIC Seasons 2 and 3, a.k.a. Terry Matalas' Picard, SNW, and soon SFA. All less controversial or polarizing. Lower Decks no longer seems the odd series out, and fits in better with this group. Then, in 2024, we're getting DSC Season 5, two years removed from the rest of the series, and where all this other stuff came out in-between.

So, yeah. I would call "Phase 1" 2017-2022 and "Phase 2" 2022-Present.
Are you talking about F-22 Raptor or F-35 Lightning II.
There is no F-22 Lightning II.

And The F-22 Raptor would make short work of any Aerial Armada, but doesn't have the Bomb-Bay capacity or fuel capacity to stay up in the air long enough. That's been the major criticism for the F-22 and why the government sort of failed by choosing the YF-22 over the YF-23 which would have far superior range/endurance and more than enough Dog-Fight capability.

The reason the government picked the YF-22 was because the Dog Fight capability was higher at the expense of range.
Also the Bomb Bay System was easier to deal with compared to the YF-23 that Northrop still hadn't completely worked out at that point in time while Lockheed Martin had demonstrated a working rack launch missile and bomb bay during the ATF trials.

While the F-35 does have the fuel & ammo capacity to take out every ship in the Japanese Navy.

We have modern SDB's that give you far more ammo capacity for bombing runs that give you enough destructive capacity to incapacitate a large # of smaller targets or you can go up on the Bomb Payload for targets that need more fire power to punch through battle ship armor or large ships.

Take your pick.

In the Final Countdown... Did that aircraft carrier have nukes?

Berlin 1941.

Such a nice town, it'd be such a shame if something happened to it.

Although this has me confused...

A Stuka vs. a fire ball tossing demon on a winged horse?

What's more advanced? magic or German engineering?
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In the Final Countdown... Did that aircraft carrier have nukes?

Berlin 1941.
Not sure what you're specifically referencing?

Such a nice town, it'd be such a shame if something happened to it.

Although this has me confused...

I've never seen that cartoon.

A Stuka vs. a fire ball tossing demon on a winged horse?
I'll gladly take modern military fire power or even future military over fantasy creatures.

What's more advanced? magic or German engineering?
The superiority of modern Military Doctrine & Technology over ancient military fighting forces and their arcane magic non-sense.

There's a reason why modern technology made ancient weapons obsolete

Your ancient formations of fighting have nothing on modern organized military.
Nimitz should have been carrying nuclear devices, but for the strike at the climax of the movie everything was conventional.
So you implanted a chip in your brain to make phone calls. Which worked fine so long as you give the phone company 120 dollars a month, unless you don't give them a hundred and twenty dollars a month, and then every time you shut your eyes, there's a piercing advertisement demanding that you pay up you last and next payment, or you are a dead beat ####.

We all thought the Borg were socialists but really they just took capitalism to its natural conclusion