What are these called where you live?

What do you call these?



Well call them Big Peppers, "Pimentões"...
What do you call these?



I call these "bell peppers" (with color specified if necessary).

"Peppers" covers a wider variety than just this type. In fact, if I just call something a "pepper," I am most likely describing a spicy chili pepper by default.

If you add an e to knork you have a german 70s word for "super" or "great": knorke. That's dufte, isn't it?
This thread reminded me of how my daughter has been trying to find metal sporks.

She loves sporks for some reason.

So I found these for Christmas.

So I found these for Christmas.


No company branding anywhere, the font isn't actually Comic Sans, but it has a similar vibe, and not just one, but TWO exclamation marks after the product name.

I can't figure out if this is brilliantly ironic, or if the designer just didn't want to do the job so asked their 8-year old to take care of it! :lol:

(Now I want to see other products labelled with exclamation marks on their packaging. Exclamation marks make everything better...


Grade "A" Eggs!!!


Sorry, one of those days... ;) )
This thread reminded me of how my daughter has been trying to find metal sporks.

She loves sporks for some reason.

So I found these for Christmas.

View attachment 3431
I don't know if your daughter shares your love of Star Trek, and I'm several years too late on this (they came out/sold out in 2009, apparently) but I was just looking for something else entirely and stumbled across this:
