Wesley becomes more evolved and exploring time and space.It depends on which direction a Star Trek character takes.
I don't care about future books. If a character takes a step in to something bigger than themselves I'm all for it.
Wesley becomes more evolved and exploring time and space.It depends on which direction a Star Trek character takes.
I used to care about future books but the destruction of characters I like made by an author which I actually liked once has made me doubt about them too.Wesley becomes more evolved and exploring time and space.
I don't care about future books. If a character takes a step in to something bigger than themselves I'm all for it.
I think the writers made some mistakes creating moments for him to look smart by dumbing down the rest of the crew, but I never understood some of the more rabid Wesley hate.
One of the problems with Wesley is that he sometimes 'saves the day' not by being a genius, but by the other characters being written as much dumber than they should be. (Or out of character, or more dismissive of him than they should be so that Wesley gets some kind of false "rising above the hardship" boost.) eg: DataLore, The Game, The Naked Now, Where No One Has Gone Before.
TBF, I rather enjoy "The Game".
The Game is definitely on my list, though I can only assume it makes the officers slightly stupid too. Security seems somewhat confused by Wesley's efforts to evade them.TBF, I rather enjoy "The Game". Yes, the premise is a little hokey, but Wesley and Robin have great chemistry and the chase Wesley leads Our Heroes on is pretty well done coming from someone who's familiar with the ship. Plus, there's something hilarious (and perhaps a bit prescient in the era of ubiquitous smartphones) about all of the 'adults' getting hooked on an electronic device.