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Welcome Fellow Trekkies! The GTD Get to Know You thread

How excited are you that I'm here?

  • W00t!! Let's get this party started!

    Votes: 407 71.4%
  • I'm ok with it, I'll live.

    Votes: 119 20.9%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 29 5.1%
  • BOO!! GO AWAY!!!

    Votes: 15 2.6%

  • Total voters

Alidar Jarok

Everything in moderation but moderation
Whether you are a fresh faced cadet or a grizzled old veteran, if you enjoy Star Trek, this thread is for you. So welcome Trekkies, Trekkers, and Star Trek fans alike.

I figure it would be good to have a thread for newbies to introduce themselves and those who have been here awhile can help them out. It's also cool if you've been here awhile and still want to say hi and introduce yourself. We don't discriminate - unless you're a Klingon :rommie:
What is this prejudice towards Klingons?:klingon: LOL
I just stopped by to show support to our new friends on TrekBBS. Pull up a chair and have a drink, whether you like Romulan Ale, Tea... Earl Grey... hot, or a plain ole cup o' Joe we are glad to have you here.:techman:

I'll copy and paste this because it is the best introduction:
Alidar Jarok wrote:

We do have a thread in the Miscellaneous forum for new members to introduce themselves - you can find it right here.

Also check out the Red Shirt Lounge. It's a great place to meet other members who joined recently.

Aside from that, feel free to start new threads or post in existing ones and be part of the discussion and our little community. If you have any questions, most posters will be happy to help (especially the moderators and admins in green, orange, and yellow - except for Bonz, she's cranky :p ).
lol, I'm a Romulan, have to have a Klingon prejudice. I got kinda tired of having to close newbie threads and point them to Miscellaneous or the Red Shirt Lounge. We're important too!

I guess I'll start and then anyone (new or old) who wants to post can introduce themselves afterwards.

Hi, when I'm here I go by Alidar Jarok. I've been here almost seven years and I've been a moderator for four. The reason I joined this board actually was Enterprise. At the time, I had the Star Trek Chronology book by Mike and Denise Okuda and I noticed there was a big blank spot. I wasn't even a huge Trek fan before that point (I usually only watched Voyager during sweeps weeks), but it caught my attention and I joined to comment on a few episodes and maybe join in a few other threads that might interest me. Finally, I discovered other fora (TV and Media and Misc) and posted regularly in pretty much every Trek show forum and made friends with people here.

For any lurkers, I'd definitely suggest registering and posting. There's definitely an advantage in interacting with others than you don't get from just reading their posts.
I can't believe I haven't found this place long before now. I've been a fan all of my life. I can't remember a time when there was not some version of Star Trek. I'm old enough to have seen some of the original series when it first aired.

I have many passions in my life. Superheroes (Green Lantern), Star Wars, Pirates... but Star Trek was my first love, my first introduction into the ideas of a vast and wonderful "out there".

So, glad I found this place
Hmmm, well, I think I joined about a ba-zillion years ago and just never logged back in. I've been into Trek since '93, when I was a mere 5th grader. I grew up watching re-runs of TNG, and first runs of DS9, VOY, and ENT. I tried to catch TOS everytime it was on, but it was fairly sparse.

I really lost interest in Trek once ENT was cancelled, only popping my head into the fandom when a certain TrekLit book caught my attention.

Luckily Star Trek 11 and the "Star Trek: Destiny" book series dragged back into the fandom -- with full force. I've been re-watching the entire Trek universe in chronological order, a link to which is found in my sig. I'm about half-way though TOS, though my reviews are backlogged, so I have up until the end of ENT season four posted.

I also drabble in Trek fanfiction, usually with smaller, shorter stories -- but occassionally issuing out a bigger one every now and then.

At the moment, I'm trying to convert my wife. She's become a McCoy fangirl and has taken an interest in DS9.
I've been a member of TrekBBS since 1999 and I was a moderator for six years (2002-2008). I've moderated this particular forum twice. I moderated TOS in between my two stints in GTD and afterward I moderated the Fan Film forum and helped with the transition when ST XI graduated from Future of Trek to a forum of its own. I also put up two FAQs, one in TOS and another in the Movie (I-X) Forum.

:wtf: Wow, typing that was cumbersome. I did a lot for the board. :eek:

I've been a Star Trek fan since 1991, coming up on 20 years, and I got pulled in through Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, which my parents bought on VHS. After that, I watched all the other movies and couldn't wait for ST VI.

I saw the preview for TNG and the beginning of the tape for ST IV, and rented "Encounter at Farpoint" but I didn't really like it. But when I found out Spock was going to be on an episode of TNG, that pulled me in.

I continued to watch Star Trek until 1999, after DS9 ended and after the Ron Moore episodes of VOY were done. I finally managed to watch the last two seasons of VOY (along with the rest of the series) on DVD in 2008. I like the series better now than I did during its original run.

I always preferred the TOS movies to the TNG movies, aside from FC, so I was looking forward to ST XI and, for the most part, it delivered. Here's to the next one!

Outside of Star Trek, I have several other interests which include anime, old sitcoms, Oz, Battlestar Galactica, Mad Men, and now Caprica.
Like many on here I have been a Trek fan since childhood, that was when Kirk was young and black & white tv's were still normal!!! I found this site a while back and pleased that I did, it asctually makes feel normal at times:rommie:.
I can't believe I haven't found this place long before now. I've been a fan all of my life. I can't remember a time when there was not some version of Star Trek. I'm old enough to have seen some of the original series when it first aired.

I have many passions in my life. Superheroes (Green Lantern), Star Wars, Pirates... but Star Trek was my first love, my first introduction into the ideas of a vast and wonderful "out there".

So, glad I found this place

I've been a fan for about 30 years but only found this place a year ago! (I would make a terrible crime witness - I'm not terribly observant!)

Love finding so many other really great people who share my love for Trek - I spend more time here than I probably should but less time than I would like!
Not unlike a couple of others who've posted before me, I've been a fan of Trek for quite a while. I can also remember watching Star Trek as a kid in the 70s. I found this board as a result of the new movie and have been lurking for months. Not really sure why I haven't posted more. Hopefully that will change.

Deep dark confession: I have never ever EVER watched any of TOS's motion pictures which is completely weird because I love TOS and have watched those episodes a gazillion times each.... even The Alternative Factor.
Lethe, i see you are in NYC! I'm on Lawngeyeland myself. Welcome!

And seriously, you need to watch TOS movies. Like, right now!
Hello, Just noticed the forum today - how pathetic is that? long time fan of the TOS. looking forward to posting and reading others posts.


I've been a fan since the days of b/w TV as well. I've only been a member here for about a year and a half, though, and the reason is...

...now, I don't want to offend anybody...

...but the reason it took so long is that in my early days on the Internet, Star Trek sites seemed to be absolutely dominated by the kind of Trek fan who not only remembered who played Red Shirt #2 on Episode # 21, "The Wrath of Tribbles," or what Picard's first cousin's middle name was or whatever, but who also had no interest in talking to anybody who didn't know that sort of thing. In other words, it seemed as though fan sites were absolutely dominated by the kind of fan parodied on SNL. There's nothing wrong with being that kind of fan - all power to geekdom! - but that's just not the kind of fan I am. So I lost interest in fan sites, though never in Trek.

I have no idea why I suddenly decided, a year and a half ago, to take another look, but I did, I found a couple of sites and this one very quickly became my favorite. Which it still is. And it's great because if I want to know who played Red Shirt #2 on Episode # 21, "The Wrath of Tribbles," or what Picard's first cousin's middle name was or whatever, I know where to come. But if I want to talk about something a little less SNL-skittish, I can find that as well.
^I agree wholeheartedly, JustKate! I purposely stayed away from fandom (except for working conventions) for many years for the same reason. My ex-fiancee is one of those types, often to my public embarrassment in times past.

I found this site while looking for articles about the 'proposed' new movie by JJ Abrams. It was on trekmovie.com and you know where it refers people!!
Hi Everyone

I just joined the forum. I also watched the original series on black and white Tv, and grew up on the edge of the seat watching all the others.
Thanks for the welcome, everyone.... and I promise I will watch the original series movies as soon as possible! Actually, I was eyeing the recent box set collection the other day. I'm just waiting for amazon to put them on sale again!

Yeoman Randi, nice to meet you! I always enjoy reading your banter back and forth with Jeri on the Chris Fine...er... um.... Pine thread!

I've introduced myself elsewhere in the bbs, so how did I miss this one?

I've been a fan since it started in '66, and as a person who loves animation, I'm delighted to find a group where some of the folks are actually over 30. The movie brought me here. I haven't loitered - I signed up as soon as I saw that NuBones won "the sexiest" poll over NuKirk and NuSpock.

Hello to Lethe, Kev72, JustKate, and PurdyBear, who all, I think, signed up right behind me. Isn't this just great??
Thanks for the welcome, everyone.... and I promise I will watch the original series movies as soon as possible! Actually, I was eyeing the recent box set collection the other day. I'm just waiting for amazon to put them on sale again!

Yeoman Randi, nice to meet you! I always enjoy reading your banter back and forth with Jeri on the Chris Fine...er... um.... Pine thread!

Heh, good, so you know that the rule is HANDS OFF, right?
He's mine. MINE! ALL MINE!!!!!! Mwahahaha!

Nice to meet you Lethe! And thank you! I'm so glad i put a smile on your face!

Welcome also to Kev, Purdybear and Dragonfare!
Greetings and felicitations fellow Trek fans! I am 26 years of age, engaged, and anticipating Trek 12 in 2012! I have amassed a sizable collection of Trek items that I have recently relocated to my new house. I have seen all 726 episodes and 11 movies at least twice or more. I am not a frequent poster, as evidenced by my rank, but an avid lurker and enjoy reading the commentaries and in some cases dissertations of some of the regular posters on the BBS. I am an admin at Trekspace, a Star Trek social networking site with 5000+ members to date. All my pics can be viewed at the link to my page in my signature. Hope to see some of you there in the future.
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