Voyager Mirror Universe


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
As you may know, "Star Trek: Voyager" never got an on-screen Mirror Universe episode, excluding Tuvok's cameo in Mirror Sisko's crew. At least two different book series have dealt with Mirror Voyager, but a few years ago I decided I wanted to do my own version. I'm in the process of re-working that story now, and I'm in need of some ideas. (If I decide I like your suggestion, I will absolutely credit you, if and when I ever get around to writing the darn thing.)

Many characters, I already have ideas for (especially Seven, Kes, Naomi, and Rain Robinson). But I'm still open to suggestions. Without giving too much away, here are some

However, the characters I'm really struggling with wondering what do do with them in the Mirror Universe are:
  • Chakotay: He'll have a badass evil tattoo, and beyond that, I don't know what to do with him (just like the writers of the real show...)
  • Harry Kim: One book did something amusing by making him a homicidal psycho, but I wanna try and do something original with him. I just don't know what.
  • Seska
  • Reg Barclay (I'm thinking of making him a vicious hitman who secretly has holodeck fantasies about being a sensitive family man.)
  • Stadi
  • Tal Celes and William Telfer
  • The Equinox bunch (But no, I will not make Ransom a hero, sorry Janeway haters)
  • Icheb and the Borg Children

Suggestions are deeply appreciated. And as I said, if I use your idea I'll credit you.
Chakotay is a spy/operative for the Alliance.

Harry Kim is Janeway's sex toy, locked up in her cabin.

Seska is a Terran sympathiser and is doing all she can to save as many lives as she can without being discovered by the Alliance command.

Stadi is one of the Alliances best interrogators, using her telepathic abilities to delve into the minds of Terrans and pull out the information she needs, which often leaves the subject in a mentally traumastised state.

Tal Celes is head of an important engineering project for the Alliance, one that has given her considerable clout and influence. In order to buy her loyalty, one of the higher-ups in the Alliance has gifted her her very own Terran slave, William.
Chakotay is a spy/operative for the Alliance.

Harry Kim is Janeway's sex toy, locked up in her cabin.

Seska is a Terran sympathiser and is doing all she can to save as many lives as she can without being discovered by the Alliance command.

Stadi is one of the Alliances best interrogators, using her telepathic abilities to delve into the minds of Terrans and pull out the information she needs, which often leaves the subject in a mentally traumastised state.

Tal Celes is head of an important engineering project for the Alliance, one that has given her considerable clout and influence. In order to buy her loyalty, one of the higher-ups in the Alliance has gifted her her very own Terran slave, William.

I'll at least consider these ideas. Thanks!

Also, I'm pretty positive you've helped me out with one of my earlier versions of this Mirror Voyager fic a few years back... though I could be confusing you with a different Sinclair.

Either way, thanks!
Chakotay is a spy/operative for the Alliance.

Harry Kim is Janeway's sex toy, locked up in her cabin.

Seska is a Terran sympathiser and is doing all she can to save as many lives as she can without being discovered by the Alliance command.

Stadi is one of the Alliances best interrogators, using her telepathic abilities to delve into the minds of Terrans and pull out the information she needs, which often leaves the subject in a mentally traumastised state.

Tal Celes is head of an important engineering project for the Alliance, one that has given her considerable clout and influence. In order to buy her loyalty, one of the higher-ups in the Alliance has gifted her her very own Terran slave, William.

I hope this doesn't come off as overly-harsh, but to me this sounds a little bit like taking the established MU versions of the characters from the novels and hitting the Shuffle button.

Which isn't to say they're bad ideas. I mean, they were at least good enough for the novels. :)

I can probably come up with some ideas of my own, though not presently.
Chakotay as a time scientist. Take character traits from the "Year of Hell" episodes where Chakotay demonstrates an intuitive grasp for time equations and get him to be an erratic scientist committed to restoring the Terran Empire through various ill-fated tampering with the space time continuum. It might be through one of these experiments they get marooned in the DQ. Get Seska to be his consort but in reality she's a honeypot plant to sabotage Chakotay's work for the Terran resistance.

Make the ship the derelict ISS Enterprse that was ditched at the fall of the empire but has now been salvaged to take part in the counter offensive against the Card-Klingon alliance. Until Dr. Chakotay's shenanigans mucks things up.

Make Barclay and Kim a hired hit team duet with homoerotic overtones and get 'em to speak high handed silky smooth dialogue. Like the pair of hired assassins in Daimonds are Forever.

The ISS Enterprise is drafted in to a be a troop ship. So there's thousands of heavily armed people stuffed aboard and so when everyone winds up in the DQ the ship fractures into several mafiaso fiefdoms ran by little gangland figures. So "Donna" Janeway has to negotiate with thieves and fend off plots to maintain that criminal equilibrium she needs to rule. You could have the Kray twins as a model for the savage Delaney sisters that rule Deck 16 with an iron fist. One Delaney sister is a non-too-bright psycho, the other is the clever, scheming one.

Gotta stick Lon Suder in there somewhere. Security chief or something. Big rival with his fellow Betazoid, Stadi. Both are involved in over-eleborate schemes to oust the other but neither are quite strong enough to get the job done.
However, the characters I'm really struggling with wondering what do do with them in the Mirror Universe are:
  • Chakotay: He'll have a badass evil tattoo, and beyond that, I don't know what to do with him (just like the writers of the real show...)
OK, Chakotay: You could twist his Native American heritage from the peaceful animal totem thing to a really bloodthirsty one. His tribe of course was big on torture, killing, mutilation, enslavement. Perfect for the mirror universe.
  • Harry Kim: One book did something amusing by making him a homicidal psycho, but I wanna try and do something original with him. I just don't know what.
Harry Kim: Power hungry guy, but not in a doing his own dirty work kind of way. Probably stirs up stuff between people he wants out of his way. Maybe goes as far as turning someone in for something he set up, but that would be an extreme case where all other methods have failed. Probably still a bit of a suck up an any universe, just with a nasty hidden side.
  • Seska
She'd have to be loyal and as nice as you can get away with in the mirror right? Perhaps part of the underground Spock Started.
  • Reg Barclay (I'm thinking of making him a vicious hitman who secretly has holodeck fantasies about being a sensitive family man.)
Completely confident outspoken, and nearly sociopathic in not caring one bit about what others think of him.
For Icheb and the other children, I guess it really depends on what the Borg are like in your Mirror Universe?
However, the characters I'm really struggling with wondering what do do with them in the Mirror Universe are:
  • Chakotay: He'll have a badass evil tattoo, and beyond that, I don't know what to do with him (just like the writers of the real show...)
OK, Chakotay: You could twist his Native American heritage from the peaceful animal totem thing to a really bloodthirsty one. His tribe of course was big on torture, killing, mutilation, enslavement. Perfect for the mirror universe.
  • Harry Kim: One book did something amusing by making him a homicidal psycho, but I wanna try and do something original with him. I just don't know what.
Harry Kim: Power hungry guy, but not in a doing his own dirty work kind of way. Probably stirs up stuff between people he wants out of his way. Maybe goes as far as turning someone in for something he set up, but that would be an extreme case where all other methods have failed. Probably still a bit of a suck up an any universe, just with a nasty hidden side.
  • Seska
She'd have to be loyal and as nice as you can get away with in the mirror right? Perhaps part of the underground Spock Started.
  • Reg Barclay (I'm thinking of making him a vicious hitman who secretly has holodeck fantasies about being a sensitive family man.)
Completely confident outspoken, and nearly sociopathic in not caring one bit about what others think of him.

Well the Chakotay idea frankly sounds racist even by "Star Trek's" outdated standards, so I won't be doing that. Though I may play up his Mayan heritage in some way, as that civilization actually was quite imperialistic.

I LOVE your idea about Harry though. I think I'll make him evil-Janeway's lacky, always pining for another promotion, whose hunger for power grows out of control until he's trying to usurp her chair from her. And I WILL credit you for that idea. Thanks!
I hope this doesn't come off as overly-harsh, but to me this sounds a little bit like taking the established MU versions of the characters from the novels and hitting the Shuffle button.

Which isn't to say they're bad ideas. I mean, they were at least good enough for the novels. :)

I can probably come up with some ideas of my own, though not presently.
Having not read any Mirror Universe novels I am unaware of what has been set up there for any of the characters.
Voyager finds a wormhole that they confirm leads back to the alpha quadrant, when they get there the crew quickly finds out that the wormhole transcends realities. The ship is captured by the alliance and hilarity ensues.

MU Janeway is an intendant working with the Alliance. When she was young she became the mistress of a cardassian overlord to spare her fathers life. The Cardassian killed Janeway's father anyway and Janeway ended up killing the Overlord. Janeway was saved from execution by a rival of the dead overlord who appreciated her killing is archenemy trained her to be his personal assassin. Eventually Janeway gained enough prestige and seduced the right people to become an intendant. Janeway used her influence to free her family. MU Janeway is a survivor and will do whatever it takes to do so, however she is beginning to wonder if there is more to life than subservience to the alliance.

MU Chakotay is a slave of a cardassian Gul named Seska. He is a broken man, raped and tortured by Seska and her crew to the point that he is almost catatonic. He has recurring dreams of running in a field with wolves, towards a man in far in the distance, but the closer he gets the further away the man is. When Voyager enters the mirror universe, Chakotay has a dream were he finally reaches the man and sees that it is him. However he seems happy and healthy and proud and wears a strange uniform. Seska's ship captures voyager and Prime Chakotay is taken captive by seska. Prime Chakotay begins to help Mirror Chakotay to be the man he sees in his dreams.

MU Tuvok is still fighting for the rebels. He has been given command of a defiant class ship called ShirKahr.

MU Paris is Tuvok's first officer, they have fought together for many years. He has a casual sexual relationship with B'elanna Torres.

MU Torres
was born to Miral a Klingon Woman from the House of L'Naan. House L'Naan was influential and powerful and they generally kept there slaves in good condition. This was not done out of kindness but because L'Naan and her brothers hunted the saves for sport. Miral entered into a sexual relationship with her slave John Torres. Eventually that relationship deepened into love and Miral became pregnant. When this was discovered, Miral's parent attempted to kill her for bringing shame to the family. John died helping Miral escape and but before he died, John told Miral to go to Kessik IV a planet where a rebel base was located and find his brother. B'elanna grew up and became a rebel fighter. B'elanna commands the peregrine class raider Miral named in her mothers honour.

MU Harry Kim is working for the alliance as a spy on Kessik IV. He is ambitious and wants wealth and prestige and the luxurious life of an alliance collaborator. He is incredibly controlling, and is obsessed with fellow resistance fighter Annika Hansen.

MU Doctor there is no counterpart for the doctor in the MU. Lewis Zimmerman never created the EMH or similar program. Zimmerman however did aide the rebellion but was captured and executed.

MU Annika Hansen As a child, Annika was found by Romulans aboard a derelict ship called The Raven that had drifted into Romulan Space. Annika was alone on the ship her parents no where to be found. Annika later claimed that her parents had been fleeing from the Alliance and were trying to get to Romulus to seek asylum. On the way they were intercepted by a ship that Annika described as 'shaped like a big box'. Strange robot men beamed aboard and Annika hid. Annika does not remember what happened to her parents. Annika was adopted by a romulan couple and raised on a romulan colony. Annika eventually joined the rebellion after the colony was attacked by the alliance and her parents killed,

MU Neelix never encounters any of the voyager MU counterparts as he is still in the DQ.

MU Kes. The Caretaker of the MU was killed by his mate, suspiria. Suspiria used the Ocampa for experimentations, attempting to highten their telekinetic and pyschic powers to create a powerful super race that she could use as an army to take over the Nacene's home dimension. Kes from the prime universe accidentally jumped to Mirror Ocampa when she tried to go home after ascending and leaving voyager. Kes was captured and subjected to brutal experiments which drove her insane. When Kes escaped and returned to the prime universe she took out her rage on the crew of Voyager.

Yowser I didn't mean for this to be so long. Got bit carried away :D
Voyager finds a wormhole that they confirm leads back to the alpha quadrant, when they get there the crew quickly finds out that the wormhole transcends realities. The ship is captured by the alliance and hilarity ensues.

MU Janeway is an intendant working with the Alliance. When she was young she became the mistress of a cardassian overlord to spare her fathers life. The Cardassian killed Janeway's father anyway and Janeway ended up killing the Overlord. Janeway was saved from execution by a rival of the dead overlord who appreciated her killing is archenemy trained her to be his personal assassin. Eventually Janeway gained enough prestige and seduced the right people to become an intendant. Janeway used her influence to free her family. MU Janeway is a survivor and will do whatever it takes to do so, however she is beginning to wonder if there is more to life than subservience to the alliance.

MU Chakotay is a slave of a cardassian Gul named Seska. He is a broken man, raped and tortured by Seska and her crew to the point that he is almost catatonic. He has recurring dreams of running in a field with wolves, towards a man in far in the distance, but the closer he gets the further away the man is. When Voyager enters the mirror universe, Chakotay has a dream were he finally reaches the man and sees that it is him. However he seems happy and healthy and proud and wears a strange uniform. Seska's ship captures voyager and Prime Chakotay is taken captive by seska. Prime Chakotay begins to help Mirror Chakotay to be the man he sees in his dreams.

MU Tuvok is still fighting for the rebels. He has been given command of a defiant class ship called ShirKahr.

MU Paris is Tuvok's first officer, they have fought together for many years. He has a casual sexual relationship with B'elanna Torres.

MU Torres
was born to Miral a Klingon Woman from the House of L'Naan. House L'Naan was influential and powerful and they generally kept there slaves in good condition. This was not done out of kindness but because L'Naan and her brothers hunted the saves for sport. Miral entered into a sexual relationship with her slave John Torres. Eventually that relationship deepened into love and Miral became pregnant. When this was discovered, Miral's parent attempted to kill her for bringing shame to the family. John died helping Miral escape and but before he died, John told Miral to go to Kessik IV a planet where a rebel base was located and find his brother. B'elanna grew up and became a rebel fighter. B'elanna commands the peregrine class raider Miral named in her mothers honour.

MU Harry Kim is working for the alliance as a spy on Kessik IV. He is ambitious and wants wealth and prestige and the luxurious life of an alliance collaborator. He is incredibly controlling, and is obsessed with fellow resistance fighter Annika Hansen.

MU Doctor there is no counterpart for the doctor in the MU. Lewis Zimmerman never created the EMH or similar program. Zimmerman however did aide the rebellion but was captured and executed.

MU Annika Hansen As a child, Annika was found by Romulans aboard a derelict ship called The Raven that had drifted into Romulan Space. Annika was alone on the ship her parents no where to be found. Annika later claimed that her parents had been fleeing from the Alliance and were trying to get to Romulus to seek asylum. On the way they were intercepted by a ship that Annika described as 'shaped like a big box'. Strange robot men beamed aboard and Annika hid. Annika does not remember what happened to her parents. Annika was adopted by a romulan couple and raised on a romulan colony. Annika eventually joined the rebellion after the colony was attacked by the alliance and her parents killed,

MU Neelix never encounters any of the voyager MU counterparts as he is still in the DQ.

MU Kes. The Caretaker of the MU was killed by his mate, suspiria. Suspiria used the Ocampa for experimentations, attempting to highten their telekinetic and pyschic powers to create a powerful super race that she could use as an army to take over the Nacene's home dimension. Kes from the prime universe accidentally jumped to Mirror Ocampa when she tried to go home after ascending and leaving voyager. Kes was captured and subjected to brutal experiments which drove her insane. When Kes escaped and returned to the prime universe she took out her rage on the crew of Voyager.

Yowser I didn't mean for this to be so long. Got bit carried away :D

Not what I have in mind at all (sans Chakotay being Seska's play thing, which is the case in the older version of my story), but if YOU write this story I will read the sh*t out of it!
Having not read any Mirror Universe novels I am unaware of what has been set up there for any of the characters.

Forget the books. I'm writing my own version of Mirror Voyager specifically because I'm dissatisfied with that the books gave us (though I did enjoy "Dark Passions.")
Well the Chakotay idea frankly sounds racist even by "Star Trek's" outdated standards, so I won't be doing that. Though I may play up his Mayan heritage in some way, as that civilization actually was quite imperialistic.

Sorry for sounding racist. That's not what I intended. This universe had an incredibly diverse number of Native American cultures and micro cultures in the pre-European contact era (i.e. Cortez and smallpox epidemic). Some of them were quite bloodthirsty and warlike to the degree that is shocking to modern sensibilities.

I was only suggesting that if one is to even buy off on the presupposition that a pan stellar empire could even be sustained with such a degree of backstabbing and paranoia, as to have "Agonizer Booths," to punish people supposedly on your side for minor infractions, having a play on Chakotay's cultural background would be completely appropriate.

It was in no way any kind of blanket statement about his race, even though that would fit in the Star Trek portrayal of most non-human species as mono-cultural, I don't do in it in my own Trek writing. It might be easier, but it's probably not accurate in most cases.

Just to clarify.

And I'm glad you liked my Harry Kim idea. I'm sorry to say I didn't recognize the other characters you mentioned.